King of Eschatology

Chapter 260: Who is this girl

After learning about Lu Fan's return to the base, all the senior staff of Tianyue Base gathered together and took the initiative to greet them.

Ling Ce's body was blue and purple, and Huang Yongsheng was not light.

Huang Yongsheng also had a blue nose and a swollen face, and fought fiercely with Ling Ce, and he did not get any cheap.

The crowd followed Lu Fan back to the lobby of the headquarters. There was not much speech along the way, and the atmosphere seemed strange.

Lu Fan has a ghost in her heart and doesn't know how to introduce Lian'er. In case Lin Xiaoxiao gets jealous, then something bad will happen.

Everyone was secretly guessing the relationship between Lian'er and Lu Fan, so they didn't say much, and the scene was so awkward.

In the hall, Lu Fan sat on the main seat, and Lian Er stood behind him, wrapped like a mule.

Lu Fan thought for a moment, but decided to introduce it to everyone, saying, "This is Lianer, I met on the way back."

Although Lin'er wore many layers of clothes, she still couldn't cover her upside-down beauty. Everyone looked at her when she looked at her, wondering what she was thinking.

Lu Fan skimmed over this issue and continued: "Did anything special happen to the Lu Jiajun during this period?"

Hearing Lu Fan's question, Xu Xiaopeng hurriedly took a step forward and responded: "It's not a big deal. There is a small base. While the entire army of the landing army is dispatched, come here to rob us."

When he heard this, Lu Fan suddenly lighted up. He was worried that there was no topic to get rid of the current embarrassment. He immediately yelled and said, "Which guy who knows nothing about the earth and heights, dare to come up with our idea and say, I'll go. Destroy him! "

Xu Xiaopeng smiled awkwardly and responded, "Well, no need, the enemy has been destroyed by our demon hunting team."


Lu Fan was speechless, and finally found a breakthrough. I thought that I could get rid of the embarrassment. I never thought that it had already ended.

However, Lu Fan was curious about the Demon Hunting Troupe. This organization that he set up at first had grown to this point?

Xu Xiaopeng went on to say: "Not long ago, Dong Yang and Liu Feng successively sent news that they were going well on their side. Let us rest assured."


Lu Fan nodded gently. He was very relieved about the capabilities of the Flying Eagles and the World Extinction Team.

Xu Xiaopeng took out a folder and quickly browsed it with his eyes, looking for valuable information.

After a moment, Xu Xiaopeng frowned, and said, "The Cangnan base sent a distress message, claiming that a horrible Banyan Tree King was a disaster, and has swallowed up a large number of human survivors. I hope we can send troops to help."

Lu Fan has heard about this matter, and he is not a savior. How can he manage other people's lives?

Besides, the Cangnan base is too far away from the Tianyue base. It is more than 8,000 kilometers long. Lu Fan will certainly not be too busy with the eggs, and will travel so far to deal with King Rouszi.

So Lu Fan immediately responded: "No matter what, we haven't finished our own business, how can we have time to help others."

"Furthermore, how strong the King Banyan Tree is, we don't know anything. In case we go, it is not miserable that the Lu Jiajun is all hanging there."

Lu Fan's response without hesitation had nothing to think about.

The point is, there is no good to kill the banyan king.

The rest of the Tianyue base nodded in approval, and even Lin Xiaoxiao's complexion eased a lot.

In fact, Lin Xiaoxiao was really a little worried. In case Lu Fan's head was hot and he went a long way to save people, Lao Min didn't hurt his money, it was too dangerous.

At this moment, Lian'er suddenly fell gently in Lu Fan's ear, and whispered, "The King of the Banyan Tree is a plant warrior. Although he is not transformed, but he has wisdom. If the owner conquers it, he will definitely have one more Unmatched combat power. "

When he heard this, Lu Fan could not help but shine.

In fact, Lu Fan's horrific fighting power has been heard for a long time.

The combat power of each opponent's roots is equivalent to that of a fifth-order evolutionist, and it has more than one million roots. The horror of the combat power can be imagined.

So Lu Fan turned around and said, "Of course, they belong to the human camp. We can't help but die. So, I will support this matter by myself. You all stay at home and defend the base."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't believe their ears.

Just now Lu Fan clearly stated his reluctance to send troops to rescue the Cangnan base, but unexpectedly Lian'er changed his mind in a few words.

"Who is this girl?"

"Why can she control Lu Fan's thoughts?"

"What is her relationship with Lu Fan?"

A series of doubts rushed into Lin Xiaoxiao's mind. Although she was a fourth-order intelligence enhancer, she couldn't understand why Lu Fan obeyed Lian'er's words.

In fact, Lu Fan paid attention to the benefits of this matter. If he luckily obtained the seal of King Banyan Tree, he would have a powerful thug in the future. Such a result would be exciting to think about.

Seeing that the crowd reacted fiercely, Lu Fan did not say that he would go immediately, claiming to wait for the busy work of Tianyue Base and take the time to go there.

In this way, everyone's excitement can be regarded as eased.

Next, Lu Fan worked out a series of development plans. The first was to climb Mount Tai. He felt it was time to venture into the misty area of ​​Mount Tai.

There are many fourth-order new humans in the Lu Jiajun today, and no fifth-order new humans. Of course, except for such abnormalities as Lu Fan.

The fifth-order bottleneck is more difficult to break through than the fourth-order bottleneck. Only one level up will the probability of breakthrough be higher.

Therefore, Lu Fan put the plan to climb the misty area of ​​Mount Tai first, and was prepared to take people up and take a break.

Next, it is the arsenal's plan for building new cold weapons.

Since General Wu Haochen was rescued by the Flying Eagles team to Tianyue Base, he has been living with his son Wu Guang, no matter what Lu Fan's original intention is, Wu Haochen is now very satisfied.

Therefore, he handed over the extremely precious core technology of cold weapons and sent it to the Ministry of Scientific Research ~ ~ and explained the difficulties in person.

This new type of cold weapon is much more powerful than the weapon at Tianjing Base. Other than that, the item of conducting energy alone is commendable.

Energy can only be done by new fifth-order humans, but with this new type of cold weapon, even first-order new humans can launch off-body energy attacks.

This is terrible. You must know that bullets have limited damage to zombies. If a new human is attacking with the energy of a human body, the power is overwhelming.

Finally, there is the plan to find energy crystals.

With the day and night mining at Tianyue Base, the energy crystal veins on Tianlong Mountain are almost exhausted. If you want to produce more evolution agents and awakening agents, you must find a new vein.

These things are imminent, and Tianyue Base needs to be quickly resolved. Of course, the trivial matters are countless and Lu Fan has no time to deal with them.


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