King of Eschatology

Chapter 224: Thunderbolt Ivy

The Falcons team won the first kill and seized a deadly sniper cannon. The Falcons team morale was immediately boosted, and each team member was encouraged.

Correspondingly, the members of the World Extermination Team have been stimulated. How can they, as the trump team in the Lujia Army, be compared with this newly formed team?

So, under the leadership of Liu Feng, the World Extermination Team began to sweep the entire hillside. Many dark whistle far away from here, the World Extermination Team did not let go, and rushed directly to the nest.

Dong Yang and others are even more reluctant to show weakness. Although the Flying Eagles are mostly newcomers, they are very motivated, have a strong sense of collective honor, and have achieved excellent results.

At the side of Lu Fan, Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce couldn't help sighing when they saw the scene. Huang Yongsheng first said: "This scene is very familiar. It really looks like a secret competition between the God of Killing team and the Tianmang team."

Ling Ce nodded solemnly and said, "Yeah, seeing this scene, suddenly some blood was boiling."

Huang Yongsheng sighed and said, "Ah, it's a pity that the God of Death team is not there. If the God of Death team is present, it can compete with the Tianmang team."

Hearing Huang Yongsheng's words, Ling Ce immediately became furious, and said indignantly, "Who said that the God Killing Team is not there? You are here, I am there, and there is a brother, there is a God Killing Team!"

Huang Yongsheng was thrilled, and the whole man could not help but roar in his head, causing a huge wave in his heart.

Ling Ze is right, as long as there is a brother in the place, there is a God Killing Team.

At this moment, Huang Yongsheng suddenly paid homage to Ling Ce. This guy with a strong heart really has something special.

Huang Yongsheng was inspired by Ling Ze's words and immediately saluted Landing Fan with a military salute, and said aloud, "Report to the boss, the Killing Squad requested a mission."

Ling Ce's eyes were also fiery, holding the black spear with both hands, with a little hope in his eyes.

Lu Fan smiled at the two and said, "You two finally reacted, but I don't know, if you shot now, can you still catch up with the Heavenly Mans Team?"

The two of them stunned at the same time and immediately responded in unison: "Killer team never loses!"

"it is good!"

Lu Fan sighed and said, "There is a military stronghold three kilometers away. There are many new humans in it, and a large number of Galway weapons are sufficient to threaten the lives of fourth-order new humans. Is there any problem?"


Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce met Lu Fanjing with a standard military salute at the same time, and then ran towards the front. Due to the high speed, the entire area sounded a harsh blasting sound.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan could not help but curse: "Two idiots, don't you know to slow down? Such a fierce burst of air, worried that the enemy doesn't know you are here?"

Although Lu Fan scolded in his heart, he was not angry at all, because this is his familiar brother, a brother who has a **** but silly head.

Lu Fan glanced at the communicator in his hand, which was the message from Xu Tomb. The news about the military stronghold in front was sent back by Xu Tomb.

Compared to Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce, Xu Tomb seems much smarter. Although he is usually very insignificant, he has a lot of ghost ideas.

For example, now, he is lying alone in a hidden grass, and sent the two dogs out. At this moment, the two dogs are his eyes, helping him to detect the enemy situation in front of him.

At the same time, at the top of Mount Simon, the Tianmang team encountered a major trouble.

On the ground, two members of the Tianmang team lay on the ground, covered with scorching, foaming their mouths, and looked terrible.

Just now, the two accidentally encountered an ivy. Who ever thought that a powerful electric arc broke out on the ivy and knocked them over to the ground.

This is an ivy with the thickness of an arm. The vine is very long, winding all the way to the depths. I don't know where the root of this ivy is rooted.

The eyes of everyone looking at this ivy were full of horror, and no one dared to approach it easily.

Yu Lenghui said to Lan Yan: "This place is weird and shouldn't stay long. Let's evacuate as soon as possible."

At the Dalin base, everyone heard the local survivors mention that the walnut tree on Xiaodongshan had changed and killed hundreds of gods.

At the beginning, Yu Lenghui thought that the other party was nonsense and completely nonsense, but now it seems that it is likely to be true.

After the end of the last days, all life is evolving, and plants are no exception. Most plants grow wildly for one reason.

But today everyone encountered plants with special abilities, such as this ivy, which was able to emit a powerful electric arc, which could knock down a second-order new human.

Fortunately, the two were not in danger, but the injury was enough for them to drink a pot.

"You're waiting here, I'll check it out."

After Lan Jing's cold words were spoken, a qi of air suddenly waved around his body, and then disappeared into the void.

Lan Yan directly turned on stealth enhancement, people no longer know where to go.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lenghui couldn't help showing a stigma. Although the two were also fourth-order new humans, he couldn't detect where Lan Lan was.

If Lan Ling is going to take a fatal blow to himself, he will not even notice it at all.

"The Stealth Enhancer is too scary, it's a natural killer."

Yu Lenghui said secretly, waiting with the Tianmang team.

In the void, Lan Yan marched forward. After he entered the invisible state, Aoto could not find her, giving her a chance to get close to Aoto.

Along the vines, Lan Jing went all the way until he had advanced more than two thousand meters, and finally found the place where Ivy's roots were found.

This is a cliff, and the mountain's break is smooth like a mirror, as if it was penetrated by lightning, splitting the whole mountain in half.

The root of this ivy plant is stuck in a stone crack on the edge of the cliff. Presumably, the ivy is affected by the thunder and lightning, and the body has a thunderous thunder attribute.

Lan Yan didn't dare to come too close. Even if she remained in a stealth state, she still felt strong oppression, especially the root and beard of Ivy, which contained an incomparable force of terror and thunder and lightning.

Just then, a sprout spontaneously became windless and caught Lan's attention.

This is a palm-sized green rattan sprout ~ ~ At this time, its body was shaking, and even a flicker of arc appeared. With the shaking of the bud, it gradually crawled out of the soil.

That's right, it just crawled out. It moved its slender roots and climbed up step by step until it climbed up the huge ivy branch and began to absorb the violent thunder and lightning power here.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ying suddenly opened his eyes in horror. Because he was too excited, he even got rid of the invisibility directly and showed his body.

At the same time, the huge ivy felt human beings approaching, and immediately became violent and disturbed, and the horrifying thunderbolt began to gather frantically, trying to kill the invaders.

Lan Yan was shocked, and she hurried into stealth, her body burst into the distance like a streamer.

Before leaving, she grabbed the small tender bud in her hand, and let the electric arc crackle, she resisted not letting go.


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(End of this chapter)

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