King of Eschatology

Chapter 222: 1 way rolling

After the upgrade of Lu Fan's storage space, he has a huge space of one hundred cubic meters. After returning to Tianyue Base last time, he added a lot of supplies, including a large number of evolution agents and awakening agents. [No Popup Novel Network]

At this moment, Lu Fan directly took out a box of awakening agent and gave it to Dong Yang, and immediately burst into tears when the other party moved.

In Dong Yang's eyes, this is not just a bottle of awakening, but a teammate fighting side by side.

The next thing is much simpler. All the soldiers who passed the verification of Dong Yang were arranged to a separate room for the final screening.

After taking the awakening agent, successfully awakened to become a new human warrior, you can join the Eagles team, without awakening, can only be excluded ruthlessly.

After more than an hour of screening, more than 80 lucky people successfully joined the Flying Eagles team, each of them was fierce and full of infinite fighting spirit.

Although the current Eagle team is still the weakest of the three teams, anyway, the number has been filled up, this is the first step forward.

The next action is a training experience for the Flying Eagles. I believe that after the baptism of this war, the Flying Eagles will undergo perfect transformation.

"set off!"

With an order from Lu Fan, the three teams immediately rushed towards the northwest like arrows leaving the string.

Looking at the back of the crowd, Wang Banxian stood there with a lonely face, beckoning to Landing.

However, from the beginning to the end, Lu Fan did not look back, so he went away.

With a dull face, Wang Banxian murmured, "How is that possible? My divination technique has even failed, and Lu Fan is really not a mortal, and he can disturb the heavens."

Lin Fanxing and Zheng Xin looked at Wang Banxian with a smile on their faces. Zheng Xin stepped forward and said solemnly: "Well, isn't this the old **** of Wang, aren't you going to show big plans, why are you here?"

Lin Fanxing also smiled and said, "Yeah, isn't Wang Lao Shen the second spring, why did it wither before it bloomed?"

Wang Banxian was secretly embarrassing himself, and was told by both of them that she was ashamed and flushed.

Zheng Xin managed to seize an opportunity to ridicule Wang Banxian, how could he easily give up, so he walked across from Wang Banxian and said with a smile: "Wang Laoxian, it seems that you are not a military division, Boss Lu Fan didn't like it."

Looking at the hippie smiling Zheng Xin, Wang Lao's immortality didn't hit him in one place, and said in a low tone: "You, you have a **** disaster."


Zheng Xin froze and immediately laughed: "What international joke is it, Dalin base is so safe, how can I have a **** disaster?"

Before Zheng Xin finished speaking, Wang Banxian waved a fist, and immediately hit Zheng Xin's nose. He heard Zheng Xin's scream and his nosebleed immediately.


Zheng Xin's painful tears were about to fall. He really didn't expect that Wang Banxian, who always claimed to be a cultural person, actually started.

"Look, I already said you had a **** disaster. You still don't believe it, believe it now."

The old **** Wang Banxian said here, then turned abruptly and walked away.

Zheng Xin covered her injured nose, and she wanted to cry without tears. This is really a **** disaster.

Lin Fanxing laughed and was hurt by the belly of the laughter, jokingly: "Let your mouth be cheap and be punished."

Zheng Xin: "..."

The Xichuan base is more than 800 miles away from the Dalin base. For members of the three major teams, half a day is enough to get there.

However, under Lu Fan's account, the crowd actively slowed down, on the one hand, to familiarize the new members of the Flying Eagles with the fighting environment, and on the other hand, to keep everyone physically fit and ready to fight at any time.

On this way, Lu Fan and others have avoided many sentry cards of the Xichuan Army. These sentry posts in the dark are purely furnishings for a new fifth-order human like Lu Fan.

Soon, the crowd came to the foot of a large mountain, bypassed the mountain, and behind it was the Chuanshu Plain.

The Xichuan Army has sentry posts so far away from the Chuanshu Plain. Presumably, this must-have road to the Chuanshu Plain is heavy in checkpoints, and there may be heavy soldiers lying in ambush.

If Lan Lan was stunned, he came to Lu Fan and said, "Next, the Tianmang team applies for a separate operation, please approve it."


Lu Fan looked curiously at Lan Jing, and asked, "What's your good idea, Mei Fei Lan?"

Lan Yan's face was cold and cold. Since she became the captain of the Tianmang team, her murderous power has become heavier and colder.

Lan Jing said: "This is the only way to the Xichuan base. There must be heavy ambush on the road. I want to take the Tianmang team directly over the mountain and pass it from above. It hit them by surprise."

When he heard this, Lu Fan's eyes brightened and he secretly said, "Good idea."

This mountain is like a natural sound to ordinary people, but it is not a problem for new humans above the second order. If you go directly from here, you will be pleasantly surprised at the Xichuan base.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan agreed decisively and asked Yu Lenghui to follow the Tianmang team. In this way, the Tianmang team has two fourth-tier strong men and can be foolproof.

As a result, the three major teams began to diverge from here, and everyone met to meet inside the Xichuan base. If there is no accident, everyone can gather before dark.

Under Lan Yu's leadership, all 100 new humans in the Tianmang Team were soaring and rushed towards the mountains. Most of them were hidden in the forest, and disappeared after a few breaths.

Dong Yang looked at the departing Tianmang team, and his heart was full of envy. Among the 100 members of the other party, the captain Lan Yan was a fourth-order new human, and there were more than forty new-order humans. New human.

The strength of the Tianmang team is stronger than that of the World Extinction team. Whether it is combat experience or the rank of soldiers, it is much higher, especially the fighting strength of Lan Yan is even more terrible.

As the Tianmang team left, Lu Fan led the members of the World Extermination Team and the Flying Eagles team, but the next journey was not so easy.

Ma San Pao was too careful, a dark whistle would be set up every few kilometers, and the entire channel would be closely monitored.

Lu Fan didn't expect that Ma San Pao even frightened himself to this extent. It is estimated that half of the troops at Xichuan Base were sent to investigate?

Suddenly, Lu Fan saw a scout manipulating his weapon ~ ~. When he saw the exaggerated weapon, he suddenly became furious.

"Desperate Sniper!"

Lu Fan was furious, so it seemed that these scouts wanted their own lives.

In the beginning, Lu Fan always led his team to avoid these eyeliners, because his main goal was the Xichuan Army and he did not want to create too many kills.

Now it seems that these scouts are also part of the Nishikawa Army. Since the other party wants his own life, why should he be merciful?

"Crushing all the way directly, and then there are Nishikawa eyeliners blocking the road, all eliminated!"

With an order from Lu Fan, the crowd rushed forward, and the horrific killing of the sky was rising.


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(End of this chapter)

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