King of Eschatology

Chapter 217: Crazy Chen Dapeng

In the night, the killing continued, and Lan Yao resolved the wolf king with a stab, and yelled to the army of the landing family: "Everyone kills a few wilderness wolves and returns the belt, and winter clothing is available. [No pop-up window novels network】"

Everyone in Lu Jiajun heard the spirit of Lan Yan's words awakened. At this time, the killing was on the rise. A large number of wasteland wolves were beheaded, leaving a body on the ground.

Due to the long line of the army, the battle had nothing to do with the people behind them. At this time, they were responsible for cleaning the battlefield and skinning the dead wasteland wolves. The wolf R served as the ration for the soldiers. The wolf skin was carefully guarded. Collected.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, and the bodies of more than two hundred wasteland wolves were in hand. The other wasteland wolves were too fast and ran away.

The rise of the soldiers of the Lu Jiajun killing, if not to hurry, they will certainly hunt for dozens of miles.

"Well, it's getting late, we're going to speed up."

Lan Yan said in a cold voice, then identified the direction and led the Lu Jiajun to speed up.

In the city of Youzhou, in the grain storehouse, Chen Dapeng was busy and excited. He put a lot of grain in a bag of anti-trucks and was full of energy.

Not only Chen Dapeng, but also the others in the Lu Jiajun. Under the glare of the lights, the busy figures of the Lu Jiajun were everywhere, and even the members of the extinction team responsible for guarding joined the ranks of loading.

At this moment, except Ye Ye, everyone became porters, tired and happy.

"Oh, there is too much food. One hundred trucks can't be loaded at all. Hey, I knew I would get more cars."

Chen Dapeng was sweating all over his head, muttering and working, and threw two bags of food on his shoulder into the car.

Ren Hongjun was more domineering, carrying three bags of grain directly behind Chen Dapeng's P shares, at this time he shouted: "Get out of the way, don't block the way, I can't hold on!"

Chen Dapeng immediately helped the other party unload the grain, and then loaded it into the truck, piled up high, and was seriously overloaded.

Ren Hongjun wiped the sweat from his neck and worked as a porter overnight. At this time, he was almost exhausted.

"Who was complaining there before, questioning the boss's arrangement for the truck?"

Chen Dapeng looked at Ren Hongjun with a smile, and his eyes were full of playful expression.

Ren Hongjun smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss has a clever idea. Is it something that I and other mortals can see through, it's normal to have something wrong."

Having said that, Ren Hongjun immediately looked at Chen Dapeng with bad intentions and said, "Don't laugh at me first, think about how to transport the food here!"

Hearing this, Chen Dapeng was suddenly two heads old and didn't know what to do.

In this operation, he only transferred one hundred trucks. Each truck can hold more than 20 tons of grain. In the case of severe overload, it can load 30 tons. A hundred vehicles can hold up to 3,000 tons of grain.

In this grain reserve, 400,000 tons of grain are stored, and 3,000 tons is only nine cattle and a hair.

"How to do?"

Chen Dapeng was turned around in a hurry, there was no way, he had to find Ye still, hoping that the other party can give some suggestions.

Ye still heard this expression, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned. For a while, he couldn't think of a good way. Even if more than 500 Lu Jiajun all carried some food back, it would not be able to carry much.

Ling Ce has been following Ye still, and at this moment he saw Ye still frown, and his heart was also uncomfortable.

At this moment, Ling Ce suddenly felt that Chen Dapeng was very annoying. Originally, he was still chatting and happy with Ye, but as soon as Chen Dapeng stirred up, Ye was still sure that he had no interest.

Therefore, Ling Ce scolded politely: "Why are you a big man, why do you want to discuss with a weak woman about this kind of thing? Do you know what is pity?"

"Lianxiang Xiyu, your uncle, Lao Tzu is about to die of sorrow. If you have the ability, you have an idea."

Chen Dapeng replied head-to-head, without showing weakness.

Although Chen Dapeng's strength is only a second-order evolutionary, but is he the director of the logistics department, OK? The official position is a lot higher than Ling Ce, how can he be weak.

Ling Ce was a bad-tempered person at one point, and immediately responded with anxiety: "This is what P is. The five bases brought thousands of armored vehicles. They were robbed directly and the armored vehicles and food were transported back to heaven Do you dare, Yue base? "


When they heard this, everyone was shocked and stunned.

Yeah, how to forget this, the armored vehicle is powerful and powerful. If you add a tray in the back, you can't worry about the food being transported.

Most importantly, during the civilized period, in order to facilitate the transportation of food, there were many compartments dedicated to storing grain in the warehouse, which were previously towed by locomotives.

"Right, train!"

Chen Dapeng's eyes brightened, and suddenly he remembered a very important thing.

There is a railway connection between Youzhou City and Thai City. If the grain is first transported to the railway station, the railroad will be used to transport the grain.

After the end of the last days, all rail transportation was deserted, except that the trains and tracks were still intact, but no one used them.

"That's it, drive the train back to Thailand."

Chen Dapeng had a crazy idea. He immediately contacted the headquarters of Tianyue Base by taking out the device and informed Lin Xiaoxiao of his own idea.

Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy when she heard Chen Dapeng's suggestion. She didn't expect it. Chen Dapeng, who has been known as the elm slap his head, could think of such a good idea.

Lin Xiaoxiao even worse, she directly gave an order to the Ministry of Infrastructure, requiring them to rush to repair the railway overnight, connected to the railroad tracks of the Thai City Railway Station, and repaired directly to the Tianyue base.

When Liu Xiao received this order, he first froze for a moment, and then he showed an excited expression.

After building so many buildings, he has never built a railway, and now he has a chance.

Although this may seem like a big project, it is actually very simple. Members of the Ministry of Infrastructure only need to demolish the entire railway section of other sections ~ ~ Transfer to Tianyue base, demolish the east wall and fill the west wall I believe it can be done in a few hours.

So, on this night, the Lu Jiajun started to work vigorously.

Liu Feng led the destroyer team to attack the coalition armoured vehicle position. Since the coalition forces were all inspected in front, the coalition soldiers guarding the position were simply captives.

Next, the Lu Jiajun picked out a large number of armored vehicles and drove away more than 1,000 well-preserved armored vehicles, leaving only a pile of broken copper and rotten iron in place.

After being busy for a few hours, Lan Ling led here with 30,000 troops. When Chen Dapeng saw the 30,000 troops, the whole person burst into tears.

"Brothers, it's time for you to come. Come and help load the truck!"

? Well, on Monday, I started working overtime again. I don't know how many more chapters I will do today, I will try my best to break out and ask for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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