King of Eschatology

Chapter 200: Wisdom King Falls

Amidst the endless sea of ​​zombies, a figure galloping across the sea, quickly chasing a high-level zombies ahead.

High-level zombies jumped up and down, and ran away while directing other zombies to intercept this person, but the speed was not reduced at all.

人 This person is Lu Fan. He is holding the Red Flame War Halberd, and the speed enhancement is turned on to the extreme. While clearing the zombies on the road, the speed is still much faster than the wisdom corpse king, and the distance between the two is constantly approaching.


Suddenly, a violent roar came from the sky in the distance, and the violent killing breath soared into the sky. The corpse bat flapped a pair of huge wings and was flying towards this place at high speed.

The bat corpse king has the fastest speed. When he heard the wisdom corpse king's call for help, the first one arrived here.

The King of Wisdom Corps was overjoyed when he saw the comer. At this time, he no longer ran away, and directly went up to a high ground, and his sharp nails burst into cold light.

Wizard King and Bat Zombie are both fifth-order zombies, and the new human in front of them is also fifth-order. From the perspective of Wisdom King, in the case of two dozens, this new human is definitely not his opponent.


The mad roar of the wise corpse king, the arrogant momentum burst out suddenly. At this moment, he finally exposed the arrogant arrogance that the corpse king should have. The entire area was undercurrent, and the air seemed to become more tight.

Howling winds roared, countless high-level zombies roared together, and the violent sounds drowned Lu Fan's figure.

At this moment, Lu Fan was like a duckweed in the sea, following the waves in the storm, as if sinking at any time.

Seeing the attack of the Bat Corpse King, Lu Fan's eyes flashed with determination. He rushed through the layers of zombies and rushed directly to the high ground. The flames of the Red Flame Halberd were shining brightly, mixed with the incomparable sharp light. Severely cut to the corpse king of wisdom.

The corpse king of wisdom does not escape, at this moment, he no longer needs to evade, as soon as the corpse king of bat arrives, the new humanity in front of him will die on the spot.

Whenever I think about the fresh flesh and blood of the new human being, the corpse king of wisdom is drooling. The delicious taste always makes him forget.

所以 The reason why the corpse king of wisdom can evolve so quickly to the fifth level is directly related to swallowing a large amount of new human flesh and blood. He has a hunch that if the flesh and blood of the person in front of him is completely swallowed, his evolutionary speed can continue to accelerate.

Disgusting mucus flowed down the fangs of the wise corpse Wang Fengrui, and it fell to the ground, eroding a piece of withered yellow grass.

He stretched out his sharp claws, and the horrible black light wrapped his entire arm, stabbing away at the red flame war halber chopped from the sky.

Suddenly, a black beam of light from the arm exploded, and in the void trembled, the harsh sound of blasting sounded. The sky seemed to be torn by this black light, and the space became extremely unstable.

The corpse king is powerful and powerful. As a fifth-order powerhouse, he has been able to get his energy out of the body and hit it with a full blow. A horrific attacking force suddenly erupted.

Seeing that the corpse king took the initiative to attack, Lu Fan's mouth showed a sneer. At this moment, Lu Fan's eyes flashed brightly, and the strengthening of power opened instantly.


The red flame war halberds that had been slashed by the puppet accelerated again, and the flames were soaring, the power of terror shook through the sky, and a mighty sword of terror appeared out of nowhere, slashing down against the corpse king of wisdom.

At this moment, the corpse king was frightened, and a sense of crisis of extreme horror came to mind.

The corpse king of wisdom has always had an intuition that he can feel that the new human in front of him is dangerous and will pose a lethal threat to him.

However, after so long chasing, the sense of crisis in his mind gradually faded. When the corpse king appeared, the corpse king of self-confidence burst into confidence and thought that he could defeat defeat.

As long as the other three corpse kings arrive here, the new humans in front of them are definitely a mortal end.

He just made Desperate Wisdom King feel that he couldn't even resist the opponent's blow.

Between the electric light and flint, the sharp sword energy of the Red Flame Halberd hits the black pillar of light of the Corpse of the Wise fiercely. Two distinct energies meet, and a fierce explosion suddenly occurs.


Among the dazzling rays of light, the sharp sword energy chopped the black beam of light into two sections, and then the sword energy continued unabated, and it continued to cut away in anger towards the corpse king of wisdom.

The wise corpse king was frightened and hurriedly waved his left arm to resist.

I only heard the sound of "噗嗤", the arm of the wise corpse broke off at the sound, and the black zombie blood poured out immediately.


The wise corpse king roared in pain, his body receded, and the light flashed above the pale eyes, showing his violent mental fluctuations.

Lu Fan did not stop with a single blow. His speed was much faster than that of the corpse king. At this moment, he stepped out and chased up like a lightning. Red Flame War Halberd exploded again.

The corpse king of wisdom was severely wounded, and the speed was much slower. After a while, Lu Fan chased him up in an instant.


The Red Flame War Halberd was chopped out with the force of splitting Huashan. The dazzling sword light was diagonally cut over the neck of the corpse king. With the sound of a long halberd, the upper body of the corpse king was cut obliquely and cut off. .


The body of the wise corpse king slides down to the ground ~ ~ The black zombie blood rushes to the ground instantly, like a blood stream, trickling down.

The next generation of heroic corpse kings fell.


After solving the corpse king of wisdom, Lu Fan finally revealed a touch of ease. Although the other three corpse kings are equally powerful, they are much easier to handle than the cunning corpse king.

"Suddenly added 10,000 zombie points, it seems that the fifth-order zombie is very valuable!"

Lu Fan was glad that this road rushed to death, including Huang Yongsheng and others, who had killed a lot of high-level zombies, and the zombie points in the Super God Link system had also increased significantly.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of zombie points have been added. If this momentum continues to develop, maybe it will break through the million mark today.

Once he reaches one million zombie points, Lu Fan can upgrade to level six with the help of the Super God Link system. By then, his strength will skyrocket, and it will be easy to sweep the entire zombie group.

At this moment, the bat corpse king has been killed, a huge body over five meters long covering the sky, like a dark cloud pressing down on the landing fan.

The bat corpse Wang Feng sharp claws flashed above the sharp claws, grabbed his head at Landing Fan.

Lu Fan's eyes were slightly stunned, the fifth-order peak combat power broke out again, and the flames of the Red Flame Halberds burned, giving off endless terror.

At this moment, Lu Fan suddenly moved his expression. In the state of enhanced spiritual awareness, he found that a huge figure was approaching him at a high speed. The horrible breath was obviously a fifth-order corpse king.

"not good!"

Lu Fan was frightened in his heart, and hurriedly retreated. He stood up with cold hair, and a horrible sense of crisis came.

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