King of Eschatology

Chapter 930: I take you to revenge

In his heart, Lu Fan silently calculated the value of Xingchenye and the potion of life, looking for the best way to deal with it.

Of course, although both can cure diseases and save people, after drinking the Xingchen liquid, it can improve and strengthen the physique. It is obviously not a function to drink life potion.

What's more, life is important. In order to let the whale king and the black turtle king get rid of the death threat as soon as possible, let them exchange life potions.

"This is really not my deduction. This is all due to the situation, force majeure."

Lu Fan secretly muttered, comforting himself.

At the same time, Lu Fan ’s enhancement of spiritual consciousness has always locked the half of the barnyard, and followed the whereabouts of the other person to find the location of the seabed folding space.

"It was a good place to hide there!"

Lu Fan first wrote down the entrance of the folded space on the bottom of the sea, and then said to the King of the Whales and the King of Turtles: "I was just at the bottom of the trench, and I just found the magic drug to recover from the injury. Today you are cheap."

Hearing the words of Lu Fan, the whale king and the mysterious turtle king were shocked at the same time, and immediately showed great joy.

"So, are we really saved?"

The whale king and the black turtle king looked at each other, each showing the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster.

They were convinced unconditionally to Emperor Tianyue. Since Emperor Tianyue said that they were saved, it was really saved, and they would not doubt it.

Lu Fan glanced at the surrounding environment and immediately became embarrassed. What a peculiar thing was that the sea was full of seawater. If he took out the potion of life, I am afraid that the sea whale king and the black turtle king would melt in the seawater before they had time to drink.

"Or else, take the Whale King and the Black Turtle King to the sea first?"

Lu Fan secretly said in his heart that he immediately denied the idea. The other side's injury was too serious, especially the Xuangui Wang. Now moving it a little hassle. If you go to the sea, it is estimated that you will hang up before reaching the place.

"It seems that the surrounding sea must be drained!"

Lu Fan murmured secretly in his heart, and then said to the whale king and the tortoise king: "Let's get closer, I'll get the water out here, otherwise you can't drink medicine."


The whale king and the black turtle king were aggressive, didn't they say that they had found a potion to restore their injuries? Why did they drink it?

Of course, although they are a little puzzled, there is no reaction in their hearts. They have long regarded the Emperor Tianyue as a god, and what the other party said must be justified.

Even if you do n’t understand it, you are stupid.

As a result, the King of the Whale and the King of the Turtle slowly moved their bodies, their heads almost squeezed together, like two babies waiting to be fed.

Lu Fan looked at the huge bodies of the two, and couldn't help sighing. The size of the whale king was okay, but the turtle king was too big.

A turtle shell alone is like a giant island. If Lu Fan created such a large space at the bottom of the deep sea, how much power would be wasted?

Lu Fan thought for a moment, and said secretly in his heart: "Since it is drinking medicine, there is no need to have water on the head. As for the body, it doesn't matter if it is soaked in water."

Thinking of this, Lu Fan's Buddha light shone around, and a golden ripple of energy rippled around Lu Fan as a bubble, which was expanding rapidly.

Seeing this scene, King Xuangui and Sea Whale stared at the same time, wondering what Tian Yue the Great was going to do.

Soon, this huge bubble spread over, and soon covered the half body of Sea Whale King and the entire head of Xuan Turtle King.

Just when the whale king and the black turtle king were extremely surprised, this golden bubble suddenly stopped and stopped expanding.

For Lu Fan, this bubble is already large enough, as long as it does not affect the king turtle and sea whale king to drink medicine.

So, in the shocked eyes of the whale king and the mysterious turtle king, Lu Fan took out a huge bottle of life potion from the storage space like a trick.

Xuanguiwang needs a relatively large amount of 100 million. This fashion is in a huge jar, like a super huge oil tank.

The whale king needs a relatively small amount, but there are also 30 million servings, which are also packed in a huge jar, which is only slightly smaller than the one of the black turtle king.

Next, Lu Fan started pouring medicine to the kings of the two seas.

The golden energy fingerprints are one by one, and the life potion is slowly poured into the mouths of both.

For a time, the golden bubbles were fragrant, and there was a strong breath of life everywhere. If it were not for Lu Fan's deployment of a golden mask defense in advance, I am afraid that the power of life would be absorbed by the magnificent sea in the first time .

The whale king has drank the life potion. However, the life potion of the Tianyue Empire is based on the amount of human body. A bottle is about 100 ml. With a huge body like the whale king, this amount is completely Not enough jamming.

The whale king is not enough to drink, let alone the mysterious turtle king, so a little potion of life drops into his mouth, really can not taste even a little taste.

Now, Lu Fan directly filled the potion of life with a super-large jar, and the whale king and the tortoise king immediately drank.

The potion of life has superb life-recovering power. It is said that human flesh and bones can be born and killed. Before the whale king and the tortoise king drank it, it had little effect, because the amount was too small.

At this time, the amount of life potion was large enough, and the two immediately realized the mystery.

The biggest change was the king of tortoises. First, his broken limbs began to grow again. The powder was tender and tender, and there were no signs of oldness before.

Then, the huge sword mark on the back of the black turtle king began to dissipate, and the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, the split tortoise shells grew together again.

At this moment, Xuangui Wang was overjoyed. He could feel the vitality in his body, and even the internal organs became more vibrant ~ ~ It seemed like he was hundreds of years younger all of a sudden.

Xuangui Wang thought he would die. He was pulled back from the death line by Emperor Tianyue, and he felt grateful.

King Xuangui vowed his blood, and in this life he must be loyal to the Emperor Tian Yue. His life was given by the Emperor Tian Yue. Even if the Emperor let himself die, he would never blink.

On the other hand, the recovery rate of Sea Whale King is much faster than that of Gentle Turtle King. He was originally injured relatively lightly, and the treatment was timely, so when the life potion was finished, his body was almost recovered. .

There were tears in the huge eyes of The Whale King. He glanced at the Xuangui King, and he seemed to be saying, Look, we have not followed the wrong person, and it is the most correct choice to follow the Emperor Tianyue.

King Xuangui understood it, he had already given his loyalty to the Emperor Tianyue.

When everything was over, Lu Fan nodded with a smile, and said, "Since both of you have recovered, it is time to do some work and go, I will take you to revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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