King of Eschatology

Chapter 869: Dowon Pure Land

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

Among the cosmic starry sky of the solar system, a black and bright interstellar warship is sailing, keeping at the speed of light, and crossing the endless starry sky.

The starship's flight speed can only be at most the speed of light. Once it exceeds the speed of light, it will jump into the space of different dimensions. If there is no fixed channel, it will cause a lot of trouble to enter the space of different dimensions at will.

Heterodimensional space is a very special existence. The short distance in it is equivalent to endless space, which can be described as thousands of miles away.

Judging by the current speed of Shuttle, it will take at least forty hours to reach the space node near Neptune.

Under Lu Fan's arrangement, the soldiers went back to their respective cabins to practice. Everyone had sufficient evolutionary agents, and the evolution speed would not be affected.

Lu Fan was not idle, he also took out the evolutionary agent and began to practice. This time he went to the Beckett star, maybe he could evolve to the fifth grade.

The Shuttle Starship is galloping all the way, with the secret control of the chain of God, it can sail on the designated route without any errors.

Until about two days later, the shuttle suddenly accelerated, surpassing the speed of light directly, and jumped from the space node at Neptune into the different dimension space.

Next, the real interstellar journey begins.

At the same time, in a remote area of ​​the earth, a special space gradually surfaced. Two middle-aged men in black brocades were standing on the top of the mountain and didn't know what they were doing.

One of them had golden eyes and was looking up at the sky. The bright golden light directly hit the bullfight, as if piercing through the void and looking at infinity.

The other person's ears were very special, and the earlobe was large. At this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was listening to his side ears, his frowning brows gradually eased.

At this moment, the middle-aged man with big ears suddenly opened his eyes and rejoiced: "Leave, this time he is really gone!"

Hearing the words, the guys with golden eyes also showed great joy, and said, "I have already said that this time, they will go to the galaxy outside the river and will not return in a short time."

The two looked at each other, and then ran towards the mountain. They were very fast and there was a sound of wind and thunder.

Both were bloodline strengtheners with special abilities. One was called Clairvoyance and the other was Shunfeng Ear. The two were sent to monitor the Tianyue Empire's every move.

Since Lu Fan unraveled the first seal of the earth, the folded space around the world has loosened, and the space barriers have become unstable and can be broken at any time.

This folding space is called Daoyuan Pure Land. It is similar to the Dawu Dynasty and has a population of about 30 million, all of which are evolutionaries.

There are countless evolutionary sects here. All the land and population are divided up by the evolutionary sect. Among them, the Heavenly Sword Sect is the strongest sect, and there are several middle ten-level peak strongmen.

As soon as the first seal of the earth was lifted, the space barriers of Tao Yuan's Pure Land became much looser. At that time, they were able to break the barriers and enter the main space of the earth.

However, the lord of Tiandao Jianzong was far-sighted. He felt that Tao Yuan's Pure Land had been sealed for more than two thousand years. The situation outside was unknown and he could not go out without permission.

Therefore, all the evolutionary schools of Daoyuan Pure Land are constrained, and no one may approach the space barriers until the external situation is detected.

Sure enough, about three days later, there was a folding space that claimed to be the Dawu Dynasty. The King of the Dawu Dynasty was also a middle-ranked tenth peak strongman, with a million male soldiers under his control, and was arrogant.

However, such an overbearing Emperor Wuwu was actually killed by a local evolutionist in the main space of the earth with a finger. This result directly scared the evolutionist of Daoyuan Pure Land, and no one dared to ask for it.

You know, the emperor of the Dawu dynasty and the lord of Tiandao Jianzong have the same strength. If they meet that young man, they will definitely not be able to stop the attack of the other party.

Therefore, the evolvers of Daoyuan Pure Land are all silent, and can only continue to wait for opportunities.

I've waited for more than two thousand years, and I don't care about waiting for a long time.

What's more, they have clairvoyance and downwind ears and can observe the situation in the main space of the earth at any time. As long as they seize the opportunity, they will come back strongly.

With the passage of time, the evolution of Taoyuan Pure Land's understanding of the earth's main space gradually increased, and found that only the Tianyue Emperor deserves to be feared, and others are not afraid.

Now, Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Ear learned that the Emperor Tianyue was going to fight against the galaxy outside the river, and immediately showed ecstasy, they can finally reproduce the world in a high profile.

"Master, the man is gone, our opportunity is here!"

Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Ear returned to Tiandao Jianzong for the first time and told what they heard and saw.

Today, the strong men in Tiandao Jianzong are gathered from Daoyuan Pure Land and other evolutionists. They are all waiting for the news of clairvoyance and ears.

"Okay! Each one rewards 10,000 spar!"

The lord of the Heavenly Sword Sect suddenly stood up, exuding a strong combat intention.

The Lord of Heaven looks very young, even in his thirties or forties. In fact, he is more than two hundred years old ~ ~ but he has taken the beauty medicine to keep his face value. At its best.

I have to say that the monarch of Tiandao still cares about his face value, maybe he has been pursuing a female evolver.

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear were each rewarded with 10,000 spar, all of which showed great joy. You must know that in the Taoyuan Pure Land, the power of evolution has become extremely thin, and the importance of spar is more than anything.

After Taoyuan Pure Land was isolated from the Earth's main space, the power of evolution was also completely isolated. In the state of no supplement, the power of evolution in the air became increasingly thinner.

Therefore, the evolvers in Taoyuan Pure Land practiced on spar. Without spar, their strength would stagnate and it would be difficult to evolve.

Therefore, spar is extremely precious here and has become a hard currency.

By the way, the spar here is actually the energy crystal of the Tianyue Empire. Although it is called differently, it is the same item.

After the Taoist Sovereign rewarded Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear, he continued: "You have been listening to the situation of the earth's main space these days, and report what you have heard and seen."

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear just got rewarded, and their hearts were very excited. They looked at each other and took out a copy of the information.

Qian Liyan said: "After the Emperor Dawu was killed by the Emperor Tianyue, all the evolvers of the Dawu dynasty were arrested to mine, and it was too far to see what was dug, it seems to be our spar.

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar in the room, and some people lamented the tragic evolution of the Dawu dynasty. More people were enthusiastic because they heard the spar mine!


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