King of Eschatology

Chapter 854: 1 finger bombing

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the last evolutionary king updated soon!

Hearing the order of the Emperor Tianyue's entire army, all the strong men reacted one after another. This is the time to start fighting.

The zombies that rushed across were only middle- and second-tier zombies. Although there were a large number, in the presence of powerful evolutionaries, everything was dregs.

All the evolutionaries who can reach Shanghai's Wang Xing have the strength above the fifth level, and it is no effort to torture a group of zombies below the third level.


The Heisha Tiger King was the first to make a move. It was as tall as a mountain. One slammed in the past, and more than a dozen zombies were photographed as a pile of mud, which could not be resisted at all.

In fact, Heisha Tiger King has long taken the transformational magic medicine. It can be transformed into human beings, but its body has powerful power. After transformation, its advantages will be wasted.

In addition, the King of the Golden-winged Eagle around him is always thinking of grabbing its title of Beast King, so the black evil tiger king generally does not dare to change shape, and keeps himself at the peak.

With the action of the Heisha Tiger King, the beast evolutionists all acted, especially the beasts in the sea. They have immense individual strength and crushed the zombies gathered here.

The plant evolvers were not idle, and they also launched a fierce attack on the zombies.

A willow tree stood up, and while crossing the void, countless willow branches rushed out, binding a large number of zombies like chains.

At the same time, the roots below rose wildly, like the toughest blade in the world, pierced into the body of the zombies, and then the branches shook, and hundreds of zombies were torn apart.

There is also an acacia tree, whose body is actually covered with sharp thorns, and the branches are constantly protruding, sweeping like whips in the zombies, countless zombies flew the flesh and their heads were blown.

There are many more plant evolvers who can't be called names, and some are even throwing their own fruits. All of them have horrified explosions.

Until this moment, the soldiers of the Lujiajun Army really realized the horrors of the plant evolvers. What is better than the evolvers of the same level?

The Lujiajun soldiers all took a sigh of relief. What a peculiar thing, now that human beings dominate the earth, can't they be weaker than plants and wild animals? No!

Therefore, everyone has full combat power, especially the three members who have obtained the Yang-class weapon. They are even more powerful, and the terror has attracted wild beasts and plants.

The mad beasts and plant evolvers subconsciously avoided the human evolvers a bit, and felt that these people were a group of lunatics. This kind of play was almost unbearable.

Lu Fan stood still, but did not do anything at this time, because he found that the number of zombies was decreasing sharply, and the zombie points in the Super God Link system were growing rapidly.

As the battle erupted here, huge movements instantly caught the attention of Neptune's zombies. At this moment, all the zombies began to sprint wildly towards the battlefield location to kill the invaders.

Most importantly, they smelled the smell of evolution, something that can make zombies careless.

"Fresh meat!"

There was a roar of undeclared zombies, and then his soles slammed on the ground, and with a loud bang, the ground shattered, and his body galloped towards the battlefield like a flash of lightning.

A rough estimate is that the strength of this zombie has reached the peak of the middle tenth order, and the terrible momentum fluctuations have caused a thousand waves of sand on the ground.

Without a doubt, it is Neptune's Zombie King.

As time went on, the fighting became more and more fierce. On the battlefield, countless ice cones fell from the sky, and there were stabbings, and flames burned everything.

This is the intensifiers of the Lujia Army in battle. Their enhancement capabilities are most suitable for large-scale team battles. As long as the zombies can't get over, they can output madly.

To this extent, the beasts and plants all have a better understanding of the fighting power of human beings. Originally, they only feared the terror of the human race emperor. Now it seems that the human species is a terror.

Leaving aside the terrifying potential of the human evolutionist, all kinds of intensifiers alone can make it difficult for all races, especially those intensifiers who can control the elements. Team battles are simply invincible.

Fan Meng of the Tianmang team is an intensifier of the ice system, which can control the ice cone to kill the enemy on a large scale.

Chu Xiong, the land fortifier, also comes from the Tianmang team. Not only can he be soiled, but he can also launch a stab to attack the enemy. After a move, he is a purgatory on earth.

Linna, a fire intensifier, and a member of the Demon Hunting Warrior, can control the fire to create a sea of ​​fire in minutes, burning all enemies into nothingness.

In addition, there are a large number of human intensifiers. They all have special abilities, and the more they can show their abilities in the later stages, especially when facing low-level opponents.

For example, Linna and Ling Ce are both middle-ranked eighth-order powerhouses. They are confronting each other. Linna is definitely not Ling Ce's opponent, but the speed of killing zombies ~ ~ Ling Ce cannot catch up with Linna at all.

Ling Ze's attacking force is very strong. Any zombies cannot be stopped with one shot, but at most one shot can only kill a small part of the zombies, which requires constant killing.

But Linna was different. A fire passed, blocking the entire area, and all the zombies inside were going to die.

This is the difference between an evolver and an enhancer.

To say who is better or worse at the two is really hard to make a conclusion. It can only be said that the two are the best combination, which is why the hunting team is getting stronger.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and the scene has become a one-sided massacre. Although there are many zombies, they have encountered high-level evolutionaries, similar to the delivery of food.

At this moment, an extremely horrifying momentum broke out in vain, and an extremely powerful zombie was galloping forward. The terror, coldness, darkness, and tyrannical sentiment raged in this space.

The zombie king appeared.

With the emergence of the Zombie King, all the formerly slumped zombies yelled madly, at this time as if they had beaten chicken blood, they began to launch crazy attacks.

All the evolvers were shocked at the same time, looking horribly into the distance, hard to breathe suppressed by the terror of the zombie king.

The medium tenth-ranked peak strongman is invincible in front of the Earth Evolutionist, and there is no evolutionary present who can block the opponent's Xeon blow.

Everyone's mood fell into a trough, and with the appearance of this super zombie king, the battle situation will change dramatically.

At this moment, Lu Fan, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stretched out his fingers, and then a purple beam of light rushed out, hitting the zombie king that just appeared, and blasting it into a mist of blood.

Everyone raised their heads in shock, and looked at the place where the Zombie King was blasted in disbelief. With such a horrible existence, it was so lightly killed?

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