"Congratulations on your admission. I'm Leons Muldeen. I'm letting you chair the board of directors of this school. You are a monumental freshman. You'll be cutting ahead of the school for the next decade, a hundred years. Please be proud. And please be a good role model for the juniors that follow. Best regards,"

As the applause rang, I stepped down.

"Hmm. Over."

Speeches are unfamiliar things.

"Good luck. It was a good greeting."

When I sat down, the woman in the next seat smiled and worked hard for me.

The school director here...... it's Mr. Camilla.

"Thank you. Still, you've taken it very well."

Well, I don't think that's what I'm asking you to do.

The director of the orphanage is so much easier than this troublesome job.

No, is it hard to keep the bad kids together, too? Well, I'm sure it's hard.

450 in three subjects: Knights, Magic, and Literature.

This is only one grade, and by the time the kids enrolled today are in third grade, this has tripled.

Managing over a thousand students is tough compared to an orphanage, after all, isn't it?

"What are you talking about? There's no reason to say no to me."

"Really? Aren't you worried about the orphanage?

"It's okay. Anne will take good care of the children."

Anne or... that guy would be fine.

"More than that, is it okay for me, the slave, to be the dean of the school?

"Huh? I said I wanted to let you go, didn't I? But you don't like it, do you?

I thought you should take it to the boulder to be the school director, but you turned me down...

"Yes, because you can't keep my spirit without this."

When they say that, you know I can't say anything, right?

Watching Mr. Camilla smile, I thought this was a lie......

"Well, I get it. I won't inconvenience you as long as you're in this realm. So don't worry, be the school director."

Because there are no more suitors than Mr. Camilla, and he's a slave in this situation of understaffing, so whoever says this will consider himself an enemy trying to take time away from me and decide to banish him.

"Got it. I will raise a fine student who is not ashamed to work under Leo in the future."

"I'm looking forward to that. Best regards,"

I'm really excited to see what kind of kids graduate in three years.

And as soon as the entrance ceremony was over, I headed to my next job.

There's so much we need to do today, we need to hurry!

"Long time no see. How are you doing?"

"Yeah. Balls looks as good as ever. Tell me the results of the investigation."

My next job is to give me the information Balls has been purchasing in the Kingdom.

Balls had me investigate for about six months.

I came home yesterday and gave it a rest because I would be tired yesterday.

Well, let me know how the kingdom is.

"Roger ~ ~. First of all, about Gert Fermer ~ ~. He was firmly in the kingdom ~ ~. Demon swords, demon guns ~ ~ and even bigger demon guns ~ ~ I called them demon cannons ~ ~ they were incredibly powerful ~ ~. It would be a place of advanced magic ~"

As always, the way Balth talks is loud.

Well, if I pay attention for one thing, I'll have to put up with it because I won't be able to finish my job today.

Even so, it is only natural that the Devil's Gun can be built on the Devil's Sword because it is the Master's son, the Devil's Gun...

Whatever you think, it's the magic version of the cannon, right? It would be very troublesome if even such things were used in war......

Elementary magic if it's a demon gun, and our knight's level won't do much damage.

However, when it comes to advanced magic, the story changes...

"I see. After all, it's going to be a battle between weapons and force... I have to spare no effort to prepare."

"I think so ~ ~. And ho ho ho! About the Brave ~ ~"

"How'd it go? Were you strong?"

"Not yet ~ ~, huh? At this stage, I think our Hellman is definitely stronger."


Weaker than Hellman? Then... it's the brave ones who don't.

"Just ~ ~"


Hmm? Something wrong?

"He has only been summoned for a year ~ ~. And ~ ~ the strength of the brave is an incredible rate of growth ~ ~. In four years, even our captain will be at a tight level ~ ~"

That was half a year (...) ago (...) with the (...) Commander, right? Our knights are growing at a hell of a speed.

Well, still, isn't it a good idea to insult the growth rate of brave men?

"Capabilities are attributeless magic after all?

My grandfather was unattributed.

"That's ~. This time ~ ~ he's a very rare brave man ~ ~"


You got a rare or something for a brave man?

"Yes ~ ~. It can only be used by brave people ~ ~ ~. Electromagnetic ~ ~ Usage ~ ~ Su"

"Electric magic?

That's the first magic I've ever heard.

"Electromagnetic features ~ ~ at speed ~ ~. You can think of it as non-attribute magic specific to speed ~ ~. And then there's electricity in the sword."

"No attribute magic specific to speed...... You look strong. We need to take care of the speed. And by running electricity through the sword, you mean you can't touch the sword of the brave."

"So ~ ~ ~. When you touch it, it's over."

Oh, your troublesome opponent is even more troublesome.

If he came to me, you'd think he was a loser.

If it's used with brave correction, I don't feel like I can win at all.

"I see, do you have any more information?

"The next king of the kingdom is ~ ~ almost confirmed in the First Princess Elemenane ~ ~"

"The First Princess is famous for that gem madness?

Sure, he was the one who was buying my demon stone at the dark auction for a hell of a lot of money, wasn't he?

Is the kingdom okay with that being king?

"That's right ~ ~. It was just a year ago too ~ ~. Now ~ ~ is it a place called Good Wife Supporting the Brave ~ ~? It's more Atsuatsu than our Herman and Alma ~ ~. If she becomes king, the kingdom's bad governance will improve ~ ~"

Better than Hellman and Alma...! When did those two get along like that?!? Until now, you were a rival, weren't you?

No, more than that.

"Has the princess changed her mind so much? Well, then, don't let it be war somehow, shouldn't we change the king?

Assassinate the King now! That will free me from these busy days!

I'll do everything I can to support the princess!

"That is not how ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Unless you turn them off in the war, the kingdom won't get better. The princess and Aaron know that. Absolutely ~ ~ There will be a war ~"

Aaron near me...

Maybe that person will be the key to peace negotiations.

"I see... Roger that. I got some good info today. Nice to see you again. What's next, a month later?

"Ha-ha-ha. If I take a month off, I'll infiltrate again."

"I asked for it. And get some rest."

Intelligence warfare will shape the future of the war.

I need Balls to do his best.

"I'll see you later"

"Hmm. I'm tired. I'm excellent."

Oh, the way you talk is like a balus.

And today's work is not over yet.

After Balth's report, I immediately transferred to the Imperial City.

"Master. I'm here!

"Ah, Leo. My brother would be caged in a work room."

When I moved to the master's shop, Mr. Colt told me so, pointing to the work room and telling me.

"Ah, Mr. Colt. Long time no see. After all, Master, does it feel like you're still dragging on about your son?

You've been here many times since the day I told you I was dying from your master's son's bomb, but you're in the process of developing magic implements as if they were attached to a demon...

Today, because of a paragraph in its development, they asked me to come.

"Sounds like it... Well, it looks like he's thinking of putting on some kejime for his brother. Ask him directly."


"Master! I'm here!"

Upon entering the work room, the master, as always, was making magic fixtures.

You make magic equipment whenever you come.

"Ah, Leo. Long time no see. How have you been?

"Yes. Did the master... lose a little weight?

Something doesn't seem like a healthy way to lose weight...?

"Sort of."

Not quite...

"We have to eat properly, right?

"That's okay. He's the Empire. And for what he did to Leo, I want to make amends by contributing in the next war. What he's done is irrevocable anymore. Of course, even after the war is over, I will contribute to the Empire. That would be the first and last thing I could do to him as a father."

The Master's eyes to say so were ready and powerful eyes.

I can't help it. Whatever you say doesn't seem to stop, so let's just come and see how it goes.

"Really... your son. Looks like he's made it to the kingdom."

"I knew... you're developing weapons?

The master does not call the magic equipment made by his own son a magic tool.

He called it a soldier (...) vessel (...) to kill people.

Magic fixtures are for people to be rich, and they must not be made to kill people.

That's what he said.

"Yes. In the last six months, I think I've been helping the kingdom a lot. Demon gun on demon sword. And they've developed a new weapon, a magic cannon."

"Magic cannon? What's that?

"It looks like he turned up the demon gun. They can give you advanced magic level power."

"Oh, my God. Did you just make it bigger? Then I'm not that scared."

"Huh? What do you mean?

When I heard my explanation and saw my disinterested master, I was surprised by it.

Advanced magic, huh?

"Easy. It's not fuel efficient. It takes a hell of a lot of magic. That's the demon stone level Leo has."

I see, is that what you mean? Is it not fuel efficient?

"So you think the kingdom can't even be used?

"Oh, I think it's whether I can shoot one shot"

"I see... I heard good things"

I heard good things about this. Well, I won't fail to be alert to the demon cannon.

"More than that, look at my inventions! What do you say?"

Yeah, I was. I came here today to see my master's invention.

I thought so, and looking in the direction pointed at my master... there was a fine line of shields and armor.

"Is this shield and armor?

"Oh. After all, when it comes to war, the knights are the main ones, right? Made high performance shields and armor"

"What abilities are there for each?

My master made it. Absolutely, you must be capable of something.

"Right. First, a shield. This guy can be hardened by attributeless magic. That would be fine no matter how many times you hit it if it was about intermediate magic. Maybe, but it's okay to hit one shot of advanced magic."

Master Boulder! What have you made me!

"That's amazing... did you make up for your weakness in resistance to melee magic attacks... this can be used in war"

If I fail to align the wizards, I can fill the difference between the wizards.

This is huge.

"Right? Next thing you know about armor... this is awesome. Even warriors who have not mastered unattributed magic can only fight with unattributed magic for a minute or so. It's only for emergencies because it's a minute, but my physical abilities are more than doubled. I tried it too, but it ran faster than when I wasn't wearing armor."

"That's awesome. There's going to be other ways to use it, and I'd appreciate it if you could just mass produce it."

This will help a lot of knights who can't use attributeless magic.

"Oh, you can make this in the factory, too, and you'll be able to mass produce it. It will take time to educate, but the guys who work at the factory will be able to remember about the itinerary in charge in six months. Well, we've made improvements to make it as easy as possible."

"Is this easy?

'Cause it's the armor that lifts your powers, right?

"Oh. It looks big and hard, but it's not that far. Shields, anyone can make them if the cured demon squares are drawn. As far as armor was concerned, it could be simplified considerably compared to the first machine. The guys at the head office said it was easy, so it's gonna be okay."

Well, if the master says so much, is it okay?

Well, if it's going to be mass-produced in the factory, I can get a lot of it, and I'd appreciate it over here.

"Okay...... please don't push me too hard, okay?

"I'm so sturdy that I'm all right with this. You're the one who's unscrupulous, right? I'm still young."

Isn't it the other way around? You shouldn't be unscrupulous if you're not young.

"Well, let's just say to each other. Please rest properly, Master.

Because if my master falls, I'll be in trouble.

"Oh, I get it. Oh, and I need a little help..."

"What do you want...?

"Oh, would you split up some of Leo's demon stones? I haven't decided what to make yet, but I want to make a first-class product."

Sure, don't worry about what happens if the master uses my demon stones to make magic implements.

"... I see. I get it. Fine."

I can make as many Demon Stones as I want in my free time.

"Is that true!?

"Yes. You'll bring the Demon Stone tomorrow, too. So rest now."

"Ugh, you're lying, right? You'd be right there..."

Yeah. I can bring it right away with the metastasis.

"It's for you to rest. If I don't rest, I won't prepare it."

I'd like to give it a week's rest, but if I do, I'm going to get withdrawal this time.

Let's just put up with it in a day.

"Do something there!

This guy is totally unwilling to rest.

Normally, if they tell you not to prepare it, why don't you just put up with it and rest?

"Mr. Colt! Please let me know tomorrow if my master was resting!


I decided to have Mr. Colt monitor me because I was never going to rest if it was just my master.

Well, now the master will have to rest too.

"See you tomorrow, master!

"Hey! Wait!

I transferred before my master caught me.

And the next day, the master was waiting for me to come with a pen to draw the demon squares.

When I made sure I was resting with Mr. Colt and then handed him the Demon Stone, he walked right into the work room and left.

Yeah. I knew you couldn't give me a week off.

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