Returning to his familiar home, Miyazaki Yu completely relaxed.

Although the New York Grand Hotel is luxurious, it lacks a sense of security after all, and after returning to take a good bath, it is a beautiful sleep.

It wasn’t until noon the next day that I came to my senses.

After waking up, he began to sort out the gains of this trip.

This time out, although it is not a lifetime of nine deaths, but it is also dangerous, although most of the time, he has not experienced too dangerous battles, but his nerves have always been in a state of high tension.

It’s like sleeping on an airplane, not pretending, but really feeling tired.

This exhaustion does not come from the body, but from the spirit.

Being in a completely unfamiliar environment, full of danger and violence, you can only ensure your safety by maintaining a high level of alert and complete combat at all times.

Now I finally relaxed and felt more relaxed than ever.

After all, people are not machines, adequate rest is also a necessary guarantee for growth, people who do not know how to rest, can not really go long-term.

So he began to take stock of the results of this trip to New York.

The first is that I experienced real combat myself!

This point seems to have no big effect, just like the few black boxers who were killed by him are not his opponents at all, and when facing him, there is no resistance at all.

But in reality, it is extremely significant.

Just like a little tiger, although it is a tiger, but before growing up or hunting prey, there is actually no difference between a little tiger and a kitten.

But once the real prey has been hunted and its throat is crushed, this tiger can be regarded as truly normal and become a terrifying beast.

Just like wolves and huskies, they look very similar, but one is a pet, which looks humble, while wolves are completely different, and you only need to look at them to tell the difference.

No matter how similar the two look, they are the same!

And after killing people with his own hands, Miyazaki Yu can find himself different.

The difference is not in speed and strength, but in determination and confidence.

People have been taught from childhood that they cannot hurt others, so it is not a simple thing for a person to make up his mind but kill another person.

So even if it is a murder law, if it is not the kind of natural murderer, when killing, the heart will be shaken.

But now Miyazaki Yu can completely control his heart and spirit.

His current spirit is like a gemstone with multiple facets, and in ordinary times, he is no different from ordinary people, with a gentle and gentle side.

Once he decided that when he needed to kill him, he could also completely adjust his mentality in an instant.

Abandon all hesitation and emotions in your heart, like an emotionless machine, with the calmest posture, kill the opponent!

This is actually a kind of mental schizophrenia, but it is different, because he can control this feeling very clearly.

This is also a kind of super power.

In fact, you can imagine that this ability is very powerful.

When people do certain things, the reason why they fail is not because of lack of ability, many times it is lack of confidence, and other emotional factors that cause failure.

For example, drawing a rectangular area half a meter wide on the ground allows you to walk over it without stepping on the unmarked area, which is almost no difficulty for a normal person.

But what if this rectangular area is more than a hundred meters in the air?

Things will change very strangely, still the same width, but most people, can not pass well.

Fear and worry will be the first to defeat a person, so that a person denies himself first, so that naturally it will fail.

So if you think about it the other way around, when a person has the ability to instantly abandon all distractions at a critical time and just focus on doing one thing, then his probability of success will be greatly improved.

But in reality, almost no one can do it!

Not to mention that you are facing any situation, even if you focus on a certain thing, it will be difficult to complete this due to external influences.

So many skills require a person to focus on learning for many years.

In fact, these many years, ninety percent of the time, are wasted, they are not improving their skills, but overcoming their own shortcomings.

Now Miyazaki is completely different, he can now easily dispense with all distractions, he can achieve extreme concentration when doing anything!

Moreover, he can change his spiritual characteristics at any time, and at ordinary times, he maintains the mentality and state of a normal person, and at critical moments, he can immediately and decisively kill without the slightest hesitation!

This alone will make him the elite of the elite!

Not to mention, he also has the abilities of the spirit world and the memory palace, and when these abilities are superimposed, he has a ticket to the realm of gods!

In addition to these, this trip also broadened a lot of horizons, saw the scenery of New York, the order in the chaos, the undercurrent under the glory, which made people feel a strong cyberpunk style.

The feeling of modern technology mixed with primitive violence is, in a way, also very appealing.

This made him think of many novels and movies, which have similar plots.

For example, a teenager born in an area or planet full of industrial waste has a natural keen eye and lives by picking up garbage.

Later, he used this garbage to piece together his own mecha, or spaceship and other things, and then successfully turned his life around.

Such a story is still very attractive.

Speaking of mecha, a single combat equipment, he thought of himself.

This time, he fully proved his strength, and now his firepower is fully open, and he already has terrifying combat power beyond ordinary people.

The characters who appear in Conan’s world have been graded by the original authors.

The first is the B level, Maori Lan, Maori Kogoro, Shira Zhenchun, are all figures of this level, and it can be seen from this ranking that people at this level already have a strong combat power beyond ordinary people.

Not to mention ordinary strong men, even if it is several special forces, if it is a fight with their bare hands, it cannot be their opponent.

In fact, there is another one in the B grade, that is, Hattori Heiji, who is rated as B+, his strength is obviously higher than the above people, but he is still in the category of B grade, so he is also a B-level character.

Then there is the A grade, Amuro Toru, Akai Shuichi and Gin Wine, all of whom are A-class leaders.

This level is the kind of absolute elite and leader, they have a strong single combat power, ordinary people even if they come a hundred, can not be their opponent, they are also good at using a variety of firearms and weapons, which increases their strength.

Similarly, in the A-class, there is also an A+ existence, and this person is Okita Commander-in-Chief, who is already a defeated general under Miyazaki Ha.

I have to say that although he lost to Miyazaki Yu, his strength is indeed not to be underestimated, if not for Miyazaki Yu is too strong, he is likely to become a champion.

The last level is the S-class, and there is only one person in this level, that is, Kyogoku Jin!

The strength of this guy is indeed very strong.

With an undefeated record of 400 consecutive wins, he can dodge rifle bullets and break stone pillars with his bare hands.

With obstructed vision, he caught BB shells fired by 11 people with his bare hands, and knocked out all 11 people with lightning speed.

He has a habit of instantly seeing through the physical characteristics of his opponents, and he quickly recognized Kidd, a strange thief who turned into Suzuki Sonoko.

From the perspective of these abilities, the evaluation is S-grade, which is well deserved.

And now Miyazaki Yu also has self-confidence, his current strength has definitely reached the level of S-level, and he is not inferior to this Kyogokuzhen!

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