While Miyazaki Yu was enjoying the pleasure of killing, the previous hotel building had been completely martial law, and countless strong men with guns and suits on their waists haunted the wreckage of the building.

The main body of the building is intact, and it seems to be an amazing shock explosion, but it did not cause too serious damage, but there were more than a dozen layers of glass shattered.

It is precisely because of this that it will create such a momentum, bringing about the same effect as a terrorist attack.

“The identities of the four deceased have been determined, all of them are members of our FBI, they only landed on a night flight last night, because they just carried out a secret mission, so the above arrangement is to let them hide here for a while.”

A man with a mysterious appearance pushed the black-framed glasses on his face and reported to a tall long-haired young man.

“Just back in New York, I was attacked, and it was so targeted, such blatant retaliation, it was really unexpected.”

The tall young man’s face was grim, and his expression was unusually solemn.

“This bombing has the characteristics of a strong terrorist attack, and the attack is extremely accurate, and I suspect that the cause of their death may not be caused by the explosion.”

The several case-handling personnel accompanying him were taken aback.

As the elite of the FBI, they have also seen the corpse, the whole corpse is blurred with blood and flesh, and the violent explosion swept through several floors, shattering the glass of the building.

Now you tell everyone that the cause of death was not due to the explosion, which is really a bit confusing.

The long-haired man explained: “The explosion did bring a very terrible impact, but it did not cause harm to the main body of the building, that is, the other party deliberately controlled the TNT equivalent, and accurately controlled the direction and power of the explosion.”

It seems that the building was badly damaged, but apart from here, only a large area of glass was destroyed.

This is a small, directional blast with great precision! ”

The secretary-like man frowned, “Precise small directional blasting? This is the ability of demolition masters in the army, and ordinary gangsters do not have this ability! ”

The long-haired man continued.

“The entire floor here has been wrapped up by our people, there is a dedicated elevator to enter this floor, and you have to swipe a card, the staircase door is blocked, and there is no trace of violent destruction.”

So it’s actually a big secret room, and inspections are often carried out from time to time to prevent someone from installing bugs, and there is signal shielding here all year round.”

After several people around looked at each other, they all reacted.

In other words, the possibility of laying the bomb in advance and then detonating it outside is almost zero, and even if it can be done, it will be very risky, and the few people killed are senior agents.

When they come to a new environment, they will definitely check the environment here, so that if they analyze it, they can come to a conclusion.”

The long-haired man bowed his head slightly.

“You are right, from the time when those four people moved in to the time they were killed, the interval was not long, only ten hours, from preparing for the operation to execution, and then to completing the task, these take time, so this analysis, the death of these people, there should be another reason, the bomb is only to cover up their real cause of death, and shock us!”

All the staff present felt a chill in the back of their necks.

After a detailed analysis of the entire incident, an amazing fact has been put in front of everyone.

After the four FBI members checked in, someone obtained this important information, and then completed a very complex murder case in just a dozen hours.

And after killing, directly use bombs to destroy the body, so as to achieve the purpose of deterrence or revenge!

The precise and terrifying attack was a shocking move, and until now, more than ten hours have passed since the crime, but they have not found any clues other than explosives!

Even after sending the deceased to die in the explosion, even the cause of death of the deceased could not be determined!

“Mr. Akai, this is the autopsy report you wanted!”

One of the team members ran over breathlessly and handed the man an autopsy report, which he had requested after examining the scene.

The medical examiner began working overnight and only now issued an autopsy report.

“No toxic substances were found in the blood, there were no needle holes and no traces of injection, and the cause of death was shock caused by excessive blood loss,

Looking at the autopsy report, the long-haired man sighed softly and handed the autopsy report to the secretary, and after the secretary read it, sweat instantly fell from his cheeks.

“These four dead 、、、 survived for a little time after the explosion, but from the power of the explosion, if they were still alive at that time, as long as they hid in a room casually, they could have survived, and they were not restrained, nor poisoned or the like, what is going on?”

The long-haired man raised his face, and a pair of dark green pupils flashed with a crystal halo.

“Don’t think so complicated, according to the Occam’s razor principle, if you don’t need to add entities, we can use an incredible, but most factual description!”

He continued: “The whole thing should be like this, the killer entered the building this morning, in order to prevent suspicion, so this person opened a room, and after entering the room, he immediately took action.

He evaded all surveillance and entered the floor via the elevator.”

The secretary was surprised: “Mr. Akai, didn’t you just say that the elevator here has been locked, and it is impossible to enter here through the elevator without a card?” ”

The long-haired man continued to calmly say: “The murderer just wants us to think like this, but imagine that since the other party has the ability to find the information they came here in a short period of time, it is naturally not difficult to crack the security facilities set up in a hotel.”

As it turned out, his guess was once again validated.

“Mr. Akai, I found that the surveillance video between 7:55 and 7:58 and 8:00 to 8:13 was tampered with!

Someone hacked into the network, deleted the two six-minute videos, and then reconnected the videos, so that unless the video is slowed down to the maximum, it is impossible to find the frame skipping! ”

“Is the interval between both times three minutes? This should be the time when the murderer took the elevator from his floor to this floor!

And the murderer’s check-in time is about ten minutes before 7:55! ”

Everyone present was instantly excited.

“Mr. Akai is worthy of our FBI’s trump card, such a complicated case, can find such an important clue in such a short time!”

The long-haired man, who should call him Akai Shuichi, heard the praise around him, but his expression did not move.

He quickly retrieved the hotel check-in record and the video in front of the hotel gate, he opened the two on the two computers, and soon a figure came into his eyes!

“The person we are looking for is him!”

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