Putting down the teacup, Belmod sighed softly.

“You’re always so smart, are you a roundworm in your sister’s belly?”

Saying that, he deliberately looked at Miyazaki Yu with a hot gaze, his eyes were fiery like electricity, with a heat that made people burn hot.

Miyazaki Ha deliberately ignored this gaze, just focused his attention on the teacup, and gently sniffed the tea fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

“You kid, okay, don’t sell with you, there is one thing, I really need your help, but I am a little hesitant.”

Miyazaki Yu said lightly: “It seems that the person you have to deal with is extremely strong, otherwise you will not feel embarrassed, which makes me very curious, you know, I actually like to deal with strong opponents.”

Belmod nodded, only she knew how terrifying the strength of this gentle-looking young man was.

His own action this time is very dangerous, after all, the opponent is that terrible guy, if there is no strong helper, once the slightest mistake, the consequences may be catastrophic!

“You are my trump card, if it were not a last resort, I would not have opened this mouth with you, but this action is indeed very dangerous, and I need a strong helper.”

Miyazaki Yu smiled slightly and put down the teacup in his hand.

“Our cooperation is originally to help each other, you have helped me a lot, you have a difficult place, I will naturally not stand idly by, this is my code of conduct!”

The sadness on Sister Bei’s face dissipated, and she also let out a long breath.

“I’m relieved that that guy’s strength is indeed very strong, but if it’s you little monster, it should be fine.”

I don’t waste time either, this person’s name is Akai Shuichi, once under the pseudonym Zhuxingda, secretly lurking in the organization, after his identity was exposed, the organization issued the highest level of killing instructions to this person, that is, the must-kill list! ”

Miyazaki Yu was also slightly surprised in his heart, has Akai Shuichi been exposed now? But looking at the timeline, it’s true.

According to the story line, Shuichi Akai’s exposure was two years before the main story line, the day before the FBI was preparing to carry out a secret operation and prepare to arrest Gin Jiu, because of Andre Kammel’s mistake, the operation failed.

As a result, Shuichi Akai’s undercover body was exposed, and he escaped the organization and returned to the United States, restarting his FBI identity.

Then she handed over a detailed information about Shuichi Akai.

“It’s really detailed, not only is there information about his various deeds, personal abilities, and even blood type, but your organization’s ability to collect information is really good.”

Belmod said angrily: “This is a very terrifying fellow, because of this person, the organization has suffered unprecedented huge losses, and several cadres of the organization have died in his hands, I don’t want to make myself the next!” ”

Saying that, she lit a cigarette, and she smoked the kind of slender lady’s cigarette, and the slender cigarette roll was sandwiched between her slender fingers, with a strange charm.

“A terrible guy indeed!”

Miyazaki carefully read the information on the information.

The above information naturally dropped Akai Shuichi after checking the bottom.

His height, appearance, style, and good at things are all clearly explained.

Shuichi Akai in the photo has big eyes, dark green pupils, shining with deadly cold light, and dark circles under his eyes, which makes people know at a glance that this is a very cold guy.

“Super fighting ability, excellent marksmanship, and excellent sniping skills, this is what you say about him?”

Belmod hummed lightly: “This is not my evaluation, but the evaluation of him in the organization, and there is also a point, this guy’s insight is also extremely good, but not inferior to those so-called detectives, once a little flaw is revealed, he will find it.”

It seems that Belmode at this time already has a deep understanding of this guy.

It’s just that even so, it can be seen in the original book that she still underestimated Shuichi Akai.

She kills the silver-haired murderer in New York, disguises herself as suicide, and then disguises herself as the guy, hoping to use the identity of the silver-haired murderer to attract Shuichi Akai to get close to her and then kill him.

But she still underestimated the other party, even in the face of an ordinary murderer, the other party did not slack off in the slightest, and was still very cautious.

This made her elaborate plan fail all of a sudden, and she was injured by the other party with a pistol.

If she hadn’t met Shinichi Kudo and Koran in New York, she would probably have died in New York.

It was also at that time that Sister Bei underwent some changes, and regarded Xiaolan as her angel and Shinichi as her own good son.

“Has the time and place of the operation been confirmed?”

“Of course, he is now in the FBI, and the place of action is naturally in New York, the two of us act openly and darkly, I will act in the open, and you are secretly protecting my safety.”

As for the time of action, it will be a month later, so this month’s time, I will train you well.”

Miyazaki also made his own demands.

“I’m naturally interested in firearms training, but it’s not enough, I need a few corpses for dissection.”


If other women heard this, they were afraid that they had already stood up, even Belmode, they were shocked.

“You’re such a strange boy who actually wants a corpse? Are you going to dissect a corpse to play? ”

“Of course, you also know, I also need to know more about the human body when I learn kendo, and if I want to understand the human body and dissect the human body, it is a method that cannot be bypassed, and it is also the most effective method!”

Of course, Belmode did not know that Miyazaki Ha had always believed that everything should be combined with science in order to continuously improve and surpass.

Just like kendo and science, it seems to be far apart, but if you can better understand the structure of the human body and clearly know the weaknesses of the human body, these alone can increase the combat power.

If it can be studied to a deeper level, such as accurately finding the vagus nerve, accurately causing visceral bleeding.

These can be applied in battle to determine the opponent’s state of movement.

In your own training, you can use your understanding of the human body’s movement state, adjust your exercise rhythm, and find the most suitable action and exercise frequency.

The top athletes have been doing this for a long time, coaches will use high-frequency cameras to film the athlete’s state of movement, and then analyze the athlete’s state frame by frame.

Then in the later training, adjust yourself little by little, and then you can occupy a little advantage in the game.

Miyazaki Ha’s ability to reach the current level in a short period of time is inseparable from his understanding of his body.

But if you want to understand the human body, just dissecting your own body, it is far from enough, you need more corpses, provide for his own dissection, he can collect the data of these corpses, and then in the world of consciousness, constantly dissect twice and dissect three times!

To know that the people who dissect the most corpses in the entire world are just dissecting thousands of corpses, and even hundreds is a very large number.

But he was confident that if he found a few corpses, he would be able to dissect them hundreds of times in the world of consciousness and get more trusted data.

With a deeper study of the human body, he can cultivate and achieve more with half the effort!

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