“You stinky woman, you forced me to kill you!”

The gangster roared, then swung his dagger and ran towards Akemi Miyano, and the dagger was also stabbed out.

Akemi Miyano looked grim, and finally had the opportunity to meet her sister, but was destroyed by a guy who didn’t know the so-called, how could it be reasonable!

The consequences of annoying her were naturally severely lectured.

At the moment before the dagger was about to be stabbed, her body flashed, having already dodged the blow, her right hand suddenly held the gangster’s arm, and then grabbed his clothes with her left hand, and plucked up enough strength to jerk forward.

The huge inertia coupled with Miyano Akemi’s all-out throw, the gangster suddenly could not resist, and the whole person was slammed to the ground.


The dagger also fell to the ground, and Akemi Miyano kicked the dagger away, and the gangster couldn’t get up for a while.

Akemi Miyano hurriedly stepped forward and took the bag back.

“Shiho, check it quickly to see if anything is missing, the information in this should be important, right?”

The brown-haired girl nodded, then opened her bag and began to check.

Seeing this, the two girls upstairs were also relieved.

“It scares me to death, this girl is so powerful, a little bit of Xiaolan’s shadow, but she must not be as powerful as Xiaolan,” Yuanzi said with a grin.

Xiaolan also smiled gently: “Yuanzi, how can I be so powerful, but it is really dangerous just now, if she reacts a little slower, she will definitely be injured.”

“Huh? Be careful! ”

Xiao Lan originally relaxed, and suddenly glanced at the corner of her eyes, but she couldn’t help but get nervous again.

The gangster who had just fallen to the ground struggled to stand up, and took out a black object from his arms, and in an instant, both girls were exposed to the muzzle of the black hole!

“There is a gun!”

Yuanzi’s face turned white with fright, and his pupils couldn’t help shrinking, and he hurriedly moved away from the window, his face was white.

Although Xiaolan was strong and calm, she was still afraid.

After all, they are all young girls, not very bold, seeing the muzzle of the black hole, they will naturally feel fear, although it is not directed at them, but it is still scary.

Seeing this scene, Miyazaki Yu immediately made a decision, grabbed a fruit knife on the table next to him, and then jumped out of the window.

He couldn’t watch these two girls die in front of him.

In an instant, his whole body tensed, and like a flexible snow leopard, he suddenly jumped from the top of the cliff.

Xiaolan and Sonoko were taken aback and hurried over, but it was too late, and Miyazaki Yu had already jumped out of the window.

This was his residence, everything here was very familiar to him, and in the moment of jumping, his brain had simulated the trajectory of several movements.

If you strike in the air, then how to land, unload all the force of the landing.

His brain is like a sophisticated machine, and at this time, the trajectory of all these people has been calculated in it.

At this time, the two girls who were pointed at the muzzle were already terrified to the extreme.

This is a gun, as long as the other party’s finger is buttoned, they will immediately die, and bright red blood will splash in the air.

The pupils of the two women have turned gray!

But at this moment, a figure jumped out of the window on one side like a divine soldier descending from the sky, and jumped downstairs.

At this time, the gangster was also stunned, this kind of operation he had never seen at all, and the tension caused by being forced to pull out a gun was instantly tensed to the extreme.

There is only one thought in my head, that is, to shoot and destroy all the guys who get in the way!

Just at the moment he turned the spearhead, a figure not far away also ran towards them, and kicked out a black and white object with all his strength, which was a football!

It was Kudo Shinichi who made the move, and today he originally wanted to ask Xiaolan, who knew that Xiaoran had already gone to Miyazaki Ha’s house, which made the detective very depressed.

You must know that Xiaolan is the girl he has fancy since he was a child, this guy and Xiaolan are so eager, they must want to dig into the wall!

But he couldn’t think of any way, and he didn’t have much time, because there were always some strange cases around him, so he couldn’t spend more time with Xiaolan like Miyazaki Yu.

As a result, Kudo Shinichi couldn’t help but get very depressed, so he took the basketball and wanted to find a place to play.

Who knew that just after passing this street, they came across this scene.

So he didn’t hesitate to kick the ball with all his might.

Even a strong man, after receiving this blow, can only obediently kneel on the ground and sing about conquest.

This is the absolute confidence of this great detective, this blow will not be missed!

It’s just that things often don’t go the way they were envisioned, and there are always some surprises.

Miyazaki Yu, who shot at this time, was the biggest unexpected factor.

He threw out the fruit knife in his hand with all his strength in the air, and the fruit knife made a trill, obviously bearing extremely terrifying force.

With enough strength and speed, even a needle can penetrate the earth.

And Miyazaki Ha’s throwing knife, although it does not have that kind of power, but at this distance, it is more than enough to deal with a person!

Muzzle moves, throwing knives are fired, football is flying!

These three factors that are enough to trigger variables are all shot at this time.

There is a saying that when the color has been thrown, even the person who throws the color is already out of control.


The throwing knife penetrated the gangster’s arm, and the huge force directly overturned the gangster’s body, and the arms showed a strange angle, perhaps his arm had been bent.

And the gunfire also sounded at this time, and the gangster still pulled the trigger, it was just a stress reaction.

Fortunately, it had lost its accuracy and only landed on the side of the road, causing no casualties.

And the worst thing is the last ‘bang’ sound, the throwing knife removed the gangster, and the huge inertia of football did not stop!

The huge football at an unknown speed of how many kilometers per hour, all at once pasted, and it was two girls.

The Miyano sisters, who had just escaped from death, did not have time to rejoice, and it became a human tragedy in an instant.

The two of them were as if they had been hit by a car’s airbag, and they were immediately pasted in the face by a casserole-sized football, both of them fell to the ground instantly, and the blood in their noses flowed out as if they didn’t want money.

The buzzing tinnitus completely drowned out the two.

The two only saw a very handsome young man running over, and then pointing to the other side and saying something, they had just seen that he was the one who jumped from the stairs.

So which king played football?

This matter needs to be discussed, but at this time, he directly passed out.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi, who arrived at this time, were stunned, especially after seeing the tragic situation of the two girls, they were a little unbearable to look at them directly.

“Kudo, you actually did this to two girls!”

When Yuanzi saw this scene, he covered his face and shook his head.

At this time, Kudo Shinichijue’s face turned red, this damn large-scale social death scene, all his mistakes were seen by Sonoko and Xiaolan!

And Miyazaki Yu, this guy, was actually able to jump directly from such a high place and solve the gangster with a throwing knife, how did this guy do it?

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