Kudo Shinichi’s pupils shrank slightly, and this question was like a sharp sword, suddenly forcing him into a dead end.

If you say that even if the gangsters rush over, they will not shoot, not only is it hypocritical, but it is also not in line with reality, but if he shoots, then the questions he asks are simply a joke.

Looking at the troubled Kudo Shinichi, Gentagawa smiled faintly, this drum washing machine, now really too tender, too much attention to morality, and even faint existence of moral cleanliness, which is a manifestation of immaturity.

In fact, the problem is very simple, the preconditions change, and the result will also change.

“Kudo-san, in fact, there is never a standard answer to this kind of thing, and there are too many things in this world that can affect the outcome.

If the gangsters really rush over, I think I will shoot, I will not use my own life and that of my classmates to bet on whether the gangsters will shoot, sometimes, excessive kindness, in fact, is also a cruelty”

Xiaolan on the side couldn’t help nodding and agreed: “Genda-san is right, in the face of vicious gangsters, the first thing to do is to protect your own safety, protect the safety of your companions, if you are blindly afraid and worried, but you bury the lives of good people, it is not worth it” 30 Kudo Shinichi also nodded silently, and his heart was also ashamed.

“Genda is right, many things have no ifs, and people’s choices in different situations cannot be exactly the same, if you put yourself in danger because of scruples about shooting criminals, why not be stupid?”

After figuring this out, his heart was also relieved.

After ending this topic, the atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and Genda River also intended to make friends, these are the main figures in this Ke Xue world, and each of them is a walking space-time energy maker.

Making friends with them is not a loss at all, after all, you will need to take wool from them in the future.

“Let’s stay for a meal and let’s go, I just bought a lot of good ingredients yesterday, so let’s taste it together”

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were hurriedly dissuaded:

“You just got out of the hospital yesterday, how can you cook now, let me come”

Yuanzi also spoke: “Don’t be reckless, you have suffered such a serious injury, now the wound has just grown, if the wound is open, you will be really miserable”

The last two girls went down to the kitchen with Gentagawa and began to prepare lunch, leaving only Kudo Shinichi alone, staying in the living room, watching the three of them busy in the kitchen together, as if they were a family.

As the Asian vinegar king, his heart can’t help but tumble, but he doesn’t know anything about cooking, and he can’t help when he goes in, and he will be driven out by Xiaolan, and he can’t help but feel depressed.

At this time, in the kitchen, in Genda River’s field of vision, such a scene appeared.

Tomoko projected the results of the analysis onto his retina and saw the data of various vegetable seasonings in the kitchen.

【Salmon with excellent quality】

【Ten tomatoes with the best quality in the entire market】

【Three white radishes with the best quality in the whole market】

【High-quality mackerel】

【The best quality chicken in the whole market】


This is also one of the uses of Tomoko to select the best quality existence from a large number of items.

Just like the first salmon, a large pile of salmon piled together, how to choose?

After having Tomoko, you don’t have to think about it, just pick out the salmon that Tomoko ticked, it is definitely the best quality existence among a bunch of salmon.

Then vegetables are the same, after Tomoko scans, he can easily select the best quality from a large number of vegetables.

This is also one of the reasons why his cooking skills are very average, but the dishes he makes taste very good.

The raw materials of the dishes are also very important.

As a frequent cook, Xiaolan also quickly discovered this.

“Genda-san, you’re also too good at picking raw materials, aren’t you? The vegetables you bought are of good quality.”

After Xiaolan looked at the vegetables, she couldn’t help but be surprised.

The garden on the side was a little curious, but also looked at it, and sure enough, as Xiaolan said, these raw materials, whether meat or vegetables, are of good quality.

For example, tomatoes, each of which is bright red and full and uniform in size, is pleasing to the eye.

The same is true for other vegetables, both in size and color, which tend to be consistent.

It was familiar to the garden, because the special vegetables she ate at home, it was like this, but it was a special vegetable.

Although she is a young lady, it does not mean that she does not understand, but she knows that the cost of choosing such neat and beautiful vegetables is very good, so the price of those vegetables is also very expensive.

The money for one meal in their family is definitely enough for ordinary people to eat for a long time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just that the current situation makes her a little puzzled, is this guy still retaining the habit of eating special vegetables?

Immediately frowned: “Genda River, in fact, special vegetables, except for looking good, and ordinary vegetables, there is no difference at all, you have to change it now, the previous lavish problem”

The corner of Genda Chuan’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t expect some vegetables, which made this young lady have such an association.

He has never had the habit of swollen face and fat people, and he can consume to whatever extent he has as much ability, and as for the habit of eating special vegetables, he does not have it at all.

“Yuanzi-san, you misunderstood, these vegetables are not special offerings, but I selected them one by one, and the same is true of these meats”

Looking at his serious look, Yuanzi knew that he was not deceiving and there was no need, that is, these were really selected by him?

Now it was the turn of the garden to be dumbfounded.

“No, Gentagawa, you don’t have OCD, do you?”

Such neat and high-quality tomatoes, several shops in a vegetable market, I am afraid that 190 can make up these ten products so good, and the same is true of white radish.

I hate OCD the most!

Genda Chuan unceremoniously stretched out his hand and knocked it directly on the forehead of the garden.

“Yuanzi-san, my Miss Yuanzi, what do you think? I’m just a good picker.”

Then he ignored the garden and began to quickly process the ingredients, making the garden that was about to go crazy in place a little confused, and finally he could only snort and start to help.

Xiaolan who watched was secretly amused, and he was more sure of his judgment, these two people definitely have a deep relationship, but I don’t know why, the two are making trouble.

However, Genda-san’s ability to pick things is too strong, and he is really mysterious, always able to surprise others, the next time you buy vegetables, you must go with him………

At this time, he was still in the living room, and the bored drum washing machine did not know that he had become curious about other cats since he was a little covered by a small cabbage.

In view of the poor performance of the dishes made by Genda River before, the work of cutting vegetables was all handed over to Xiaolan, and soon, several dishes with full color and aroma were freshly cooked.

After eating, several people were about to leave, but Kudo Shinichi suddenly said:

“Genda-san, you are also a very good detective now, and you have a very difficult case now, I wonder if you are interested?”

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