Officer Henggou immediately noticed: “I understand, Lord Chichu is exercising my ability, and I will definitely give guidance until the end.” ”

“Don’t worry, I will seriously investigate the case, collect evidence, and when there is a result, I will definitely ask you to correct it.”

After Officer Henggou finished speaking, he left excitedly.

Only a confused Chichu wind remained.

This police officer is neurotic, when did I say I was going to point you out?

Maori Kogoro and Conan ran around excitedly.

Although they did not find out who the Night Baron was in advance, the murder of human life was a good opportunity to prove their strength.

All were questioned.

Even Chi Chufeng and Xiaolan were no exception.

Of course, Officer Henggou’s attitude was completely different.

After asking, the two were about to go back to the room, and Akiko Saiyama followed.

“Nasty, I’m watching TV alone in my room, who can prove it.”

“There are more people than I suspect, why do you think I am a murderer.”

Until the elevator, Akiko was still complaining.

Chi Chufeng was very puzzled.

Who is this addressed to?

I already knew about your plot.

It was not you who killed it, and who killed it?

He cast his spatial eye and looked it up and down.

I couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

It’s so weird.

The soul of the man in Ehara was not in Akiko.

Inside and outside, it’s all gone.

Chi Chufeng frowned and pondered.

According to his experience, the soul of the deceased will firmly grasp what matters most before death.

For example, murder weapons, or murderers.

Could it be that Akiko killed him with other murder weapons, and then put on the clothes of the Night Baron and threw it down?

No, it’s a little different from the original manga.

And if there were other murder weapons, it was impossible for the forensic officer not to find them.

But in the inquiry just now, Officer Henggou did not ask the slightest about this at all.

It’s so quirky.

It seems that something unexpected happened.

Chi Chufeng was thinking when the elevator door suddenly opened.

A man in the disguise of the Night Count appeared at the door.

Xiaolan and Akiko were all taken aback.

Xiaolan is very strange, sometimes her demon resistance is very low, and sometimes her demon resistance is very high.

Now is the time for her to resist the heights.

Towards the head of the Night Baron, slender white legs were kicked.

Mingzi, on the other hand, screamed and threw himself into Chi Chufeng’s arms.

Seeing this scene, the Night Baron was obviously stunned.


Xiaolan’s kick hit him right in the head.

The hats were almost kicked off.

The Night Baron quickly protected his hat and took a step back.

The eyes in the mask went but stared angrily at Chi Chufeng.

The corners of Chi Chufeng’s mouth turned up slightly.

Satoshi Maeda, Satoshi Maeda, you are really careless.

Unexpectedly wandered in front of the violent Xiaolan, not afraid of being beaten to death?

In that case, don’t blame me for helping my girlfriend.

He raised his big hand and placed it obviously behind Akiko.

Maeda Satoshi, who wore the mask, instantly widened his eyes.

“Damn, he dared to touch my fiancée!”

“Mingzi, why don’t you hide and still bury it in his arms!”

“Could it be that what you said just now that I am inferior to him is true?”


In the midst of his distraction, he hit Xiaolan in the face again.

A wisp of nosebleed flowed out.

This is still his subconscious unloading force both times, if ordinary people would have been kicked unconscious long ago.

“Huh?” Xiaolan felt that something was wrong.

This man in disguise is definitely a master.

Although I don’t know why my mind wanders, but looking at his conditioned movements, I know that Kung Fu is definitely not under him.

Watching Chichufeng’s hand constantly sliding on Akiko’s body, Maeda Satoshi was furious.

“Bastard, dare to move my girlfriend, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

He took a step back abruptly and summoned up the strength of his whole body.

He wants to knock down Maori Lan with one blow and teach this guy a hard lesson.

Mauriland was taken aback.

She could feel that the other party was accumulating.

When the charge is completed, it will make a furious blow.

With rich experience, she knows that such a blow is definitely not something she can block.


At the critical moment, a golden light passed by her face.

A few strands of hair were carried by the wind, but not a single one was injured.

A muffled snort suddenly came from the other side.

The charge was instantly cut off.

The Night Baron turned around and ran, disappearing around the corner in the blink of an eye.

“It’s too strong!”

“This man is too strong!”

During the wild run, Maeda’s heart beat violently.

In the instant just now, he almost thought that he was dead.

I don’t know what it was, it passed through his carotid artery, and now there was a faint blood mark on the touch.

Just one more inch deeper and he was dead.

“Sure enough, he is worthy of being a famous Onmyoji in Tokyo.”

“I didn’t even see his means.”

“Just see a flash of golden light, and you have already been hit.”

“He wants to take my life, it’s easy.”

“What is his relationship with Akiko?”

Maeda Satoshi’s mind was confused and his mind was numb.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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