
Chapter 70 Secret Weapon

The two left the hotel the next day. The appearance of the two people has changed again, and Chen Mu has begun to adapt to his new role, Yao Ke. The devil girl is still his sister, Yao Rou.

The devil woman is so powerful and the money in her hands seems to be endless. For example, the monthly rent for the villa they live in is as high as 100,000 euros. The supporting equipment here is extremely complete, including a professional card repair training room.

In the Kaxiu training room, Chen Mu was shirtless, his upper body covered with beads of sweat, and he was panting heavily. His muscles are now a sexy bronze color. Of course, the fruit provided by the devil woman plays some role in this. His real muscles are not of this color.

After these days of intensive training, his temperament has undergone a strong change.

His eyes were sharper than before, his movements were vigorous, and his demeanor was full of power. There is still a little bit of the weak temperament from before.

"Continue." The devil woman's voice was cold. She can now speak Federalese fluently, and she can even read historical biographies that even Chen Mu finds complicated.

Chen Mu's expression did not change and he kept rolling on the ground. At first glance, I just thought he was embarrassed and indecent. But if you are knowledgeable, you will understand how reasonable the actions he is taking now are.

Rolling on the spot while dodging is one of the most commonly used and most effective techniques. But this seemingly ordinary roll contains a lot of skills. For example, how to reduce your striking surface, how to eliminate the damage caused by inertia to your body by rolling on the spot while running at high speed, how to use the strength of your waist and abdomen to make your movements more agile, etc.

"Stop." The devil goddess shouted calmly.

Chen Mu stood up panting, saying nothing, only focusing on regulating his breathing. His face and body were covered with dust and he looked miserable. From beginning to end, he had no complaints. No matter what, at least he was still alive. He knows that his current training can help him survive in danger, so he not only never slacks off, but also often practices more.

Since he has no choice, then finding a way to survive is what he needs to consider. This mission must be very dangerous, he has already realized this. He didn't understand why Hoshiyuan came here, and he didn't understand why the devil woman was so interested in the people from Hoshiyuan.

But he believed that the previous collision between the two would not be friendly. Unfortunately, he became the subordinate of the devil woman. If he was not careful, he would be the first to suffer.

So when the devil woman taught him various techniques, he worked very hard to absorb them. But so far, the devil woman has only taught him dodge skills and how to hide.

"You won't be able to learn my killing skills in too short a time." The devil woman said to Chen Mu directly. Chen Mu gasped for air and just listened.

"You know very few things. You only have the Tailless Shuttle Card. Although it is very slow, it is very powerful." The devil woman continued: "When you encounter danger, the first thing you need to do is hide yourself in the darkness. Then you can Use the tail shuttle hook."

Chen Mu didn't say anything. He memorized every word the devil woman said. When the time comes, it might save his life, but he doesn't want to die yet.

The devil girl took out a box, which contained a belt, a pair of shoes, a pair of weird-style gloves and knee pads, and a black dried fruit the size of a date pit.

"There are three smoke bombs in the belt sandwich. They are poisonous, and they are also poisonous to you. It will make your hands and feet weak, your blood will boil, you will be unable to concentrate, and then you will develop a hemorrhagic rash and finally die. If you don't drink within an hour, Drink 500 milliliters of olive oil and you will die. Remember, within an hour."

She said to Chen Mu calmly, as if she was describing a normal thing. Immediately afterwards, she took the shoes again and motioned for Chen Mu to put them on.

Chen Mu neatly put on these shoes.

"These shoes are equipped with elastic grass on the bottom." The devil woman motioned Chen Mu to run.

After carefully testing his feet, Chen Mu ran forward at a low speed. call! The sudden speed made him almost lose his balance. He quickly exerted force on his feet, but he didn't expect that the elastic force coming from his feet was even greater this time! Bang, Chen Mu bounced up, and just as his head was about to hit the ceiling, he quickly used his hands to support him, and he fell down again. He immediately rolled along to eliminate the force.

"You have to be good at elastic grass. You have to be gentle." The devil woman glanced at the embarrassed Chen Mu and added.

Immediately afterwards, she picked up the gloves and knee pads and said, "These four pieces are made of wall lilies." After saying that, she picked up the water next to her and poured it on the gloves and knee pads.

The gloves and knee pads were like dry plants in the desert that were moistened by the rain and stretched out all of a sudden. They are dark and each piece is slightly larger than an adult's palm. The devil girl put on her gloves and kneepads and walked towards the wall.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mu saw a scene that stunned him. The devil woman moved freely on the vertical smooth wall like a gecko. After a short demonstration, the devil girl jumped down from the wall.

Throwing the gloves and kneepads to Chen Mu, he said: "This is very simple, you can figure it out yourself."

Chen Mu's eyes fell on the last dried fruit and asked, "What is this?"

"Put it in your mouth." the devil woman said.

After taking a look at the dried fruit, Chen Mu followed his words and put it in his mouth.

"Crush it."

Chen Mu hesitated for a moment, but still bit it into pieces. The shell of the dried fruit was very thin and he could easily bite it into pieces. A salty taste filled his mouth.

Suddenly, something squirmed in his mouth. They came out of his mouth and covered Chen Mu's entire face in a very short time. For a moment, there was nothing in his mouth, and his face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of membrane-like substance. But the feeling of it squirming in his mouth just now made him want to vomit.

"This is the fruit of the Grimace Flower." The devil woman said coldly, and she brought Chen Mu to the mirror.

In the mirror, there was a face with a strange aura, and black folds were piled up in layers. They covered Chen Mu's entire face, even covering his neck. There are some dark red spots scattered on it, which also makes this face a bit more terrifying.

Every expression on Chen Mu's face will be distorted. For example, right now, he looks indescribably chilly.

"It can be used repeatedly. When not in use, take it off and put it in concentrated salt water, and it will return to its previous appearance." The devil woman introduced: "Every time it appears, its face is different. In addition to giving you camouflage, it can also protect you. It can resist energy damage that is not too strong, remember, it is just not too strong."

After saying this, the devil girl turned around and left without looking back: "You have become familiar with these things in the past few days."

In Chen Mu's eyes, these things are magical. Especially the grimacing flower. Apart from the creepy feeling of it squirming in the mouth after being bitten into pieces, the rest of it is really amazing! Chen Mu took the trouble to bite it into pieces again and again, and put it into concentrated salt water again and again, watching it shrink back to its original shape little by little.

Facts have proved that what the devil woman said about making faces different every time is true. Different ghost faces give people completely different feelings. Some are weird and spooky, some are terrifying, and some have a bit of evil...

The epiphyllum that he suffered the most was. Sometimes when he was halfway up, his hands and feet would suddenly be gone, and only one part of his body would still be stuck to the wall. Immediately afterwards, the whole person will be suspended in mid-air, and sometimes he will spin twice against the wall. As for falling from a height of five meters, that is a common occurrence.

Compared with this time, elastic straw sandals seemed easier. Chen Mu only fell fifty or sixty times to roughly master the trick. After he fell about seventy times, he was able to switch between speeds relatively freely. He was only thankful for one thing, and that was that he had learned to roll away before.

As for that belt, apart from taking out the three smoke bombs and carefully inspecting it once, Chen Mu never dared to touch it again.

Qingqing and Wang Ze walked around the campus casually. Although Dongwei University is not famous, its environment is excellent, and the entire campus is like a scenic spot. In addition, since the campus was closed some time ago and people outside the school are prohibited from entering, Dongwei Academy can be described as remote and peaceful. Qingqing's favorite thing to do every day is to take a walk on campus.

Many students from Dongwei Academy knew these two top students from Star Academy, and people kept saying hello to them on the road. Qingqing's quiet and soft aura not only attracted the likes of a large number of male students from Dongwei Academy, but also many female students. So along the way, the number of people who greeted Qingqing far exceeded the number of people who greeted Wang Ze.

Wang Ze didn't take this situation seriously, and the two talked softly.

Wang Zedao: "In a few days, a new round of enrollment for Dongwei Academy will begin."

"Enrolling students?" Qingqing seemed a little surprised: "Enrolling students at this time?"

Wang Ze explained with a smile: "Dongwei Academy enrolls students twice a year, in spring and autumn. Now it is autumn enrollment. Haha, it is said that they have raised the admissions threshold a lot this time."

"It seems that we have brought them a lot of help." Qingqing said leisurely.

"This time they charge sponsorship fees, but they have to be lenient." Wang Ze smiled softly: "But there are probably a lot of bugs mixed in. There are a lot more eyes staring at this place recently than before."

"Let them do whatever they want." Qingqing didn't know what she thought of, and sighed inaudibly.

Wang Ze was keenly aware of the strange mood in Qingqing, and immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong with Qingqing? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

In the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between them is inevitably a bit intimate. Because of this, Wang Ze suffered a lot even in Xingyuan. In fact, the relationship between the two is very simple. Wang Ze and Qing Qing entered the Star Academy in the same year. Qing Qing is much younger than Wang Ze, and Wang Ze has always taken care of her as a younger sister.

It was not until Qingqing entered the inner courtyard later that the contact between the two became less frequent. Now Qingqing has finally become the first student to graduate from the inner academy in the past ten years, and Wang Ze has also become a leader among the students in the outer academy, and this time he was entrusted with an important task by the principal. The relationship between the two has not become alienated because of this, it is still the same as before.

Qingqing smiled: "It's nothing, I just thought that Dongshang Wei City will start to be chaotic." Looking around, he continued: "This peaceful campus, I don't know how many things will happen."

"Don't worry." Wang Ze smiled slightly, full of confidence: "I have enough confidence in our strength, not to mention, Qingqing is here, you are our ace."

"Yeah, it seems Qingqing has to work hard too." Qingqing showed a bright smile, and Wang Ze burst out laughing. He didn't notice the bitterness in Qingqing's smile.

Chen Mu stood in front of the gate of Dongwei Academy, looking at the gate of Dongwei Academy that he had passed by countless times, but he couldn't help feeling filled with emotion. I remember when I was selling energy cards to Uncle Hua, how envious I was of those students who were able to study at Dongwei Academy. But now, his old dream seems to have come true in another way, but all he has in his heart is emotion, but not any joy.

What is waiting for you ahead? Countless dangers! In his eyes, the grand campus gate suddenly turned into a dangerous and dense jungle, with countless ferocious beasts and enemies hidden in the dark...

Chen Mu suddenly woke up from his emotion, and was secretly wary of what had happened to him. If you lose your courage now, you will definitely die without your body intact.

After calming down and straightening his thoughts, Chen Mu strode to the admissions office with his calmness again.

"Hello, this is my sponsorship letter." Chen Mu walked to a teacher in charge of leading students at the campus gate and took out the sponsorship letter that he had prepared. In the identity created for him by the devil woman, he is the son of a nouveau riche. Later, the upstart suddenly encountered a misfortune and died, leaving a fortune to his two children. The advantage of being a nouveau riche is that Chen Mu does not need to learn any etiquette again, and people will not be surprised if they despise him for any vulgar behavior he does.

This can bring him a lot of convenience.

The teacher picked up his sponsorship letter and pointed at a group of people not far away: "Here, go over there. Someone will take you there when the time comes." His words were quite disdainful. At Dongwei University, students who enroll by paying high sponsorship fees are often discriminated against by teachers and students with good grades.

Only people like Zuo Tingyi, who have a good family background and can be admitted to Dongwei Academy based on their own ability, will be respected by everyone.

Chen Mu followed his words and walked to the group of people. After taking a casual look, this group of people were all dressed up in extremely fancy and fashionable clothes. The girls inside were all gorgeous, and Chen Mu could smell a strong scent of perfume from all the way.

Chen Mu, who had sensitive senses, immediately rubbed his nose in discomfort and subconsciously took a few steps to the side.

Immediately, he attracted several looks of contempt.

"Where did that bumpkin come from?"

"Who knows, there are so many bumpkins these days. What does it matter what he does?"

"I just saw him rubbing his nose, hehe, maybe he is still a virgin? What, Feng, do you want to train him?"

"Just a dirtbag? Why don't you splash mud all over me?"

However, Chen Mu's hearing seemed to have improved again, and he could hear these words extremely clearly. At the moment, he only smiled bitterly, trying his best to resist the urge to rub his nose again.

This is a kind of pain that can exercise one's endurance, Chen Mu comforted himself in his heart.

After about half a day, a teacher came over and took them to the classroom. The teacher's surname was Feng, and his given name was Zi Ang. He sounded quite elegant, but he looked quite impatient with these sponsored students. So all activities are done in a hurry, and which of these sponsored students is not a piece of meat? I ignored him at the moment and just had my own fun.

Chen Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly again. He felt that he was out of tune with the people around him, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He had no experience in this regard.

When Teacher Feng announced these two days of free activities, the whole classroom suddenly burst into cheers. For a moment, only Chen Mu was left in the classroom, and Feng Ziang was shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Feng Ziang was a little surprised when he saw Chen Mu.

"Teacher, where is my dormitory?" Chen Mu asked. He was wondering why those people didn't care where they lived.

"Oh." Feng Ziang suddenly flipped through the information in his hand and asked, "What's your name?"

When Chen Mu took a look, he knew that Feng Ziang was most likely a teacher just now, so he said, "My name is Yao Ke."

"Yao Ke...Yao Ke, found it! You live in Unit 301, Building B3, Unit 2, and your key is in the information bag sent to you." Teacher Feng found it quickly.

"Thank you." After saying that, Chen Mu left the classroom, leaving Feng Ziang with a stunned look on his face.

By asking for directions, Chen Mu quickly found his residence. Unexpectedly, he actually had a room by himself, which was fully equipped with all the equipment. But he soon felt relieved. Although he didn't know how much the sponsorship fee was, the wool must have come from the sheep. With this bunch of dandies, if the conditions are bad, how can they live here?

But that's fine, it's more convenient for Chen Mu. He carefully locked the door, glanced around, and made some arrangements. After being severely deprived of sleep these days, he finally couldn't help but fall asleep in a dark corner.

At this moment, he still remembered the words of the devil woman, it is easier for you to survive in the dark.

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