
Chapter 619 I’m back!

Weah is like the wind, and it is difficult to catch his figure with the naked eye. Wherever he passed, the crisp sound of broken bones seemed like a series of dense notes, and the jam-free flow along the way was like being directly hit by a shuttle car, and bounced away like sandbags!

Rampage is the perfect word to describe it.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that Weah's path is a straight line!

From where he started to where Chen Mu was, it was the straightest and shortest route. He doesn't need to consider the number of enemies, the steepness of the terrain, detours, or attacks in the east and west, because he is Weah!

There is no such thing as the strongest card-free stream in the world.

Even top experts like Su and Yang Shanfei can only yearn for it.

Yang Shanfei, the fighting maniac, was completely excited. His eyes were red and his whole body was covered with electricity. He looked like the legendary god of thunder and lightning! The violent thunder and lightning are extremely obedient in his hands, and he can knead and change them into various shapes at will. The corpses of all the Wu Kaliu hit by him were all charred black.

Even in such a melee, Su remained elegant and calm. The ten fingers flashed with halos of ten different colors, and the slender fingers moved in the air like clouds and flowing water, as if there were transparent keys under the fingers. Different from Weah's clean and violent style of play and Yang Shanfei's Thunder God's Wrath, he is so elegant that there is no trace of fireworks. Even the enemies he killed seemed to be sleeping peacefully, with no wounds on their bodies.

Xiao Bumo's fighting style adheres to Zweia's, crisp and sharp, as sharp as a knife, focusing on efficiency, without any unnecessary strength. Babyface regained his composure, his strength was much inferior compared to Weah's inhuman strength. Therefore, in order to make up for this shortcoming, he speeds up the frequency of his attacks, which also makes his attacks look more illusory.

These four people are all top-notch masters. Although there are not many in number, the sudden burst of fighting power is extremely terrifying. For a time, no one could stop them at all.

Chen Mu, who survived countless bloody battles, immediately noticed the subtle changes in the battle.

He saw Weah, running towards him!

Time seems to pause here.

The sudden joy bursts out from the deepest part of the body, passing through the whole body like an electric current. Every pore seems to open at the same time, and all the fatigue and pressure disappear at this moment.

"I'm back!" Chen Mu, floating in the sky, opened his arms and shouted wantonly.

"I'm back!" "I'm back!" "I'm back!"...

In the empty gray layer, his shouts spread far and wide.

The Beast King was announcing his return, and the beasts responded with their own roars.

"Kill!" Xiao Bo roared, with his unique coldness and murderous aura, and the long silver hair behind him was like a waving silver knife! The slender figure and handsome face are like the tens of thousands of years of ice deep in the polar regions, exuding a bone-chilling aura.

"Kill!" Sang Hanshui's deep roar was like bursting out from the depths of hell. Calmness and restraint were completely abandoned at this moment. The unprecedented crazy fighting spirit was like a wild beast that had lost its restraints. The most primitive and instinctive killing intent was surging!

The man with the unibrow was like a ghost, shuttled across the battlefield. Compared with then, he now regains the style of [Cross Night]. There is no longer any trace of restraint or jerkiness. He is like a king walking in the darkness, harvesting the lives of his enemies calmly and calmly.

When Lu Xiaoru heard Chen Mu's words, the tears in her eyes could no longer be held back and fell down.

The snow-white plump arms were raised high.

"Kill!" The word she spat out was as firm as iron, like the sound of stone! She dived headfirst into the battlefield.

"Kill!" As soon as Xi Rui realized that his calm heart felt like it had been hit hard by something, it was agitated like a storm. He could no longer hold back and spat out this word!

"Kill, kill, kill!" The two ferocious creatures, Wu Yu and Zhu Heng, were like two Tyrannosaurus rexes, with ferocious faces, roaring and rushing into the enemy group.

These teams suddenly charged in, and the battlefield immediately became chaotic.

A large-scale card repair bombardment is an extremely terrifying thing. Just from the perspective of the scene, it is far better than the card-free stream.

The reason why the non-stuck streaming performance is different from that of stuck repair is because of the unique environment of the gray layer. And when Ka Xiu is not afraid of the storm, the sky becomes Ka Xiu's best fortress. Attacks from all over the sky rain down from the sky, and there is nowhere to hide from the non-card flow below.

If the card-free flow escapes at this time, it is really hard to say whether the outcome will be victory or defeat.

Cracks are not suitable for card repair battles, but they are the most suitable terrain for card-free flow.

Unfortunately, they did not retreat.

The sound of countless air skills piercing the air makes people stand up straight. The no-card streamers want to use this method to resist energy attacks.

The two collided, and the shock wave spread out like a storm.

Chen Mu floats quietly in the sky. He has never seen so many non-card streams perform air skills at the same time, the scene is extremely spectacular.

Just looking at the sky quietly, he suddenly felt mixed emotions and emotions. He didn't even know what he was feeling. There was joy, loss, relief, but also confusion.

But soon, he regained consciousness, and the tragic battlefield below reminded him of where he was.

Air skills and small-scale fighting capabilities have always been the strongest weapons for non-card players to compete with card repairers, but there is a prerequisite for this, the environment. However, at this time, even if the storm is approaching, all the card repairmen are floating in the air and attacking crazily!

The situation on the battlefield immediately became one-sided.

Almost all of the first few attacks were blocked by patches of air techniques. But soon, large-scale casualties began to occur in the cardless traffic in the Mohadi Domain.

For the card cultivators of Dongwei, large-scale attacks are compulsory lessons for them, and they are extremely familiar with them. But for the non-card players in the Mohadi Domain, they have never used air skills on a large scale. They rely more on their own strength and struggle to hold on.

Cooperation wins without cooperation, good cooperation wins with poor cooperation, this is the core idea of ​​team battle.

The card-free flow in Mohadi Domain began to collapse.

An individual's tyranny can be defeated by the advantage of numbers, but the advantage of scale will often make people lose the courage to fight.

Compared to conducting, Chen Mu is not as good as Bagnell, and even now he is not as good as Jiang Liang. But after so many years of fighting, the most basic principles are still quite clear.

When he found that the enemy was beginning to collapse, he did not hesitate to yell: "Kill!"

He was the first to pounce on the enemy!

When the others saw this, they immediately followed him to cover up the situation and pursue him.

"King, it's not good... it's not good..." His subordinate's voice was full of panic.

"Why are you panicking?" Wang said unhappy, "What's going on?"

"The front is defeated..."

"Defeat?" Wang Nuji laughed back: "Ha, these idiots can't even take down one person?"

"We were suddenly attacked by a large number of card repairmen. We can't stop them from the front. They are running back..." The men looked pale.

"Ka Xiu?" Wang's mind suddenly woke up. It must be those Ka Xiu, the Ka Xiu they have been looking for these days.

He immediately realized the criticality of the situation. No matter how powerful a strong man was, he was only a human being. But it would be bad if a group of card repairmen appeared. The collapse is like an avalanche. Once it reaches this...

He was excited, his eyes widened, and he said in a deep voice: "Every tribe is ready for defense. Warn the defeated soldiers to retreat along the two wings. Anyone who dares to attack the defense line will be killed without mercy!"

"This..." His subordinate's expression changed slightly.

"Why don't you go quickly?" Wang shouted angrily.

The tribes who received the order did not dare to neglect and immediately entered a state of combat alert.

They camped in a large crack with a fairly flat and open terrain. Seven tribes were scattered around the royal court, guarded layer by layer and heavily guarded. All the soldiers got into fighting position.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground trembled, like countless wild horses galloping, and the expressions of the experienced warriors suddenly changed slightly. This was the sound made by many people while running.

"Here we come! Get ready to fight!" The front-line team leader turned pale, but held back his composure and issued the order.

Who would have thought that the bases they had deployed layer by layer could not stop the enemy.

More and more soldiers were fleeing, and the enemy was like a pack of wolves, desperately driving the panicked sheep behind. They have received intelligence that most of the bases were not breached by the enemy, but by their own people who were defeated and completely lost their minds.

The rumbling sound became louder and more intensive.

The squad leader's face became paler and paler, and he stared unblinkingly at the corner of the crack ahead. When the first deserter appeared, his pupils shrank suddenly and he shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

At the same time, hundreds of soldiers in front shouted at the top of their lungs: "Wang Ling, anyone who attacks this formation will be killed without mercy!"

Another group of people shouted desperately: "Retreat from both wings! Retreat from both wings!"

The faces of the soldiers at the front were full of fear, and they would only shout: "Help! Help!"

The squad leader tried his best to control the fear and intolerance in his heart, closed his eyes, and suddenly waved down his raised hand: "Attack this formation, kill!"

The soldiers who were ready to go simultaneously threw their javelins!

In order to resist this wave of impact, the soldiers sent to the front are all elite!

The power of the five hundred javelins thrown by the five hundred elites was astonishing. The sharp whistling sound covered up all other sounds, and they plunged into the broken troops.

The sharp javelins brought up countless blood sprays, and many javelins even penetrated the bodies of several people in succession. The tide of broken soldiers was forcibly plowed out a blank area about fifty meters wide.

The momentum of the rout stalled, and they looked in disbelief at the countless corpses lying in a pool of blood in front of them.

"Wang Ling! Anyone who attacks this formation will be killed without mercy!"

Senhan's cry was without any emotion, and clarity finally returned to the eyes of these defeated soldiers.

"King's order! Retreat from both wings!"

The defeated soldiers who regained their senses hesitated for a moment, and soon like a flood that encountered a rock, it divided into two streams and flowed along both sides of the position.

At this time, no one noticed that Bagnell and his team quietly arrived at the flank of the Mohadi Domain position.

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