Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 56: the second time

"Good morning, Senior Sister Mingyue." When he arrived at school in the morning, Li Xuehao came across Mingyue Jiehua standing at the gate of the academy.

The inconspicuous standard school uniforms set off her slender waist and long legs, holding a wooden sword in her left hand, and wearing an armband of the Society of Discipline on her right arm, with a serious expression. Every student who enters and exits the school except salutes her respectfully , Also appeared very cautious.

"Good morning, Zhenzhong." Seeing him, Mingyue Jiehua's eyes seemed to drift a little, "Today is still the same as yesterday, you should go back to the classroom, and come to the office to find me after class in the afternoon."

"Okay, Senior Sister Mingyue." Li Xuehao nodded and agreed, with some ominous premonition in his heart. It is estimated that there will be some "important" tasks for him in the afternoon.

After changing his indoor shoes, Li Xuehao carried his schoolbag and prepared to go upstairs. His class is on the second floor, the third floor is the second grade school building, and the fourth floor and above are all third grades.

"Hey, Zhenzhong." Behind him, a familiar voice stopped him.

It was Fuyuan Naomi. Li Xuehao knew who it was without turning his head. Turning around, he saw Fuyuan Naomi who was holding a pile of things, "Good morning, Fuyuan-senpai."

"Well, good morning, help me get it." Fuyuan Naomi was holding a thick stack of books in her hands, didn't she bring her schoolbag?

"Okay." Fukuyuan Naomi must have preferred to break her hand before letting him help. It is estimated that she was "taken care of" yesterday, so she reluctantly regarded herself as an object of communication.

Throwing the schoolbag on her shoulders, and then taking the pile of books in her hand, Li Xuehao asked curiously, "Where is the schoolbag of Senior Sister Fuyuan?"

"In the classroom." Fuyuan Naomi said lightly, rubbing her sore wrist.

"Then these books?" Li Xuehao took his eyes and glanced at the thick stack of books in his hand, as if they were not textbooks.

"It's a kendo manual to be distributed to members of the Kendo Club." The sore wrist was relieved, and Fukuoka Naomi stroked the hair that floated to his forehead, and said coldly.

"Handbook of Kendo?" Li Xuehao was secretly surprised. One of the books was as thick as one centimeter and the size was about the size of a4 paper. Does a small handbook have so much content to record?

"Yeah." At the same time, Fuyuan Naomi turned her head to look at him, and walked forward without stopping, "Your handkerchief has already been washed. Come with me to the classroom and bring it to you."

"Okay, senior sister."

The two walked up the steps and haven't talked since. Fuyuan Zhimei slightly took a position ahead of Li Xuehao. Li Xuehao followed her with a stack of kendo manuals, and the atmosphere was a little quiet for a while.

At this time, because it was still early, not many people went up and down the stairs. Occasionally, people who pass by, both male and female, seem to be a little afraid of Fuyuan Naomi, so they hurriedly left after saying hello.

Fuyuan Naomi never said a word from beginning to end, even if someone greeted her with "Good morning", she would not have heard it.

Li Xuehao secretly sighed, compared to Mingyue Jiehua, whether or not she would greet a lower grade student, she would answer her greetings.

Fukuen Naomi is very rude to treat others as nonexistent. Fortunately, she is in the third grade. In this school, no one will say anything except the teacher, even if she doesn't respond to anyone.

But this kind of practice will obviously make the students in the same school gradually alienate her. Even if the lower grades see her out of politeness, they will greet her, but the same grade, I’m afraid they will treat her as a transparent person.

Probably only members of the Kendo Club would consider her a god-like existence.

Taking a look at her back, Li Xuehao felt a pity in his heart, she was obviously such a lovely beautiful girl, with a good figure, and beautiful. If she were not grumpy and cold, she would definitely be very popular.

The boys who passed by before did not even dare to look at her, let alone write a love letter to confess her.

The two continued to walk in silence, and another boy came down in front of them.

He is a tall boy, about 1.8 meters close to 1.9 meters, with short hair of an inch long, handsome face, and calm momentum. If he were not in school uniform, he would have thought he was a young teacher in the academy. .

Seeing this person appear, Fukuen Naomi finally had a reaction, stopped, and the boy who looked down asked: "Nakamura, when did you come back?" Although the voice was as cold as ever, it was at least not completely ignored. Up.

"Just arrived this morning." The boy glanced at her, then looked at Li Xuehao, did not say anything, and continued to walk down.

This is another rude fellow!

Li Xuehao secretly said in his heart, judging from the fact that he didn't say hello to Fuyuan Naomi, he must be a third-grade student. However, Li Xuehao himself seemed to have forgotten. He did not say hello to the seniors.

"Wow, is he Senior Nakamura, so handsome!"

"Really, I heard girls who haven't dated yet."

When passing by the third floor, two girls came out from the door of the classroom by the corridor, looking excitedly at the back of the tall and handsome boy who went downstairs.

The two of them may have just been going downstairs, but after seeing Fuyuan Naomi on the side, they were shocked and greeted "Good morning" quickly, and ran away from Li Xuehao with their heads down.

But maybe he was a little nervous. He accidentally bumped into the corner of the kendo manual he was holding. He was about to fall from the top when he saw the manual. Li Xuehao looked tight and quickly turned his hands in the direction where the manual was out of balance. .



That direction, unfortunately, was the position of Fuyuan Zhimei. Li Xuehao slammed her into the wall. He had to grasp the top handbook of kendo so that it would not fall and grabbed somewhere. It felt very soft. .

Even his hand squeezed again subconsciously. It was really soft, but it didn't feel like a kendo manual.

Fuyuan Naomi flushed and looked at him with shame. The feeling on her chest made her know what happened. This was the second time!

This bastard!

"Don't let me go!"

Li Xuehao finally realized what he caught, and took his hand back like an electric shock, and hurriedly explained: "Sorry, I didn't mean it, that, I don't know..."

"Shut up!" Fuyuan Naomi was embarrassed and angry, but did not do anything, gritted her teeth, and walked up the steps on the fourth floor first.

Li Xuehao was a little embarrassed. Although Fukuoka Naomi didn't shoot him out of anger, he was the first to "shoot" after all, and this was already the second time. If it was “passive” yesterday, then it was “active” today. It seems that it is not justified to indecent a girl like this, even if it was not intentional.

Carefully followed Fuyuan Naomi up to the 4th floor and stepped into the corridor.

Because Fuyuan Naomi was walking in the front, Li Xuehao couldn't see her expression, but she wouldn't look good after thinking about it.

After thinking about it, Li Xuehao still thinks that this kind of thing should be explained clearly, so as not to cause any misunderstandings: "Senior sister, I was really sorry just now, I..."

"Needless to say!" Fuyuan Naomi, who was walking in front, stopped and interrupted him coldly, "This matter has never happened before, do you understand it? Don't mention it in the future."

"...Yes, I know." Li Xuehao smiled bitterly, but the girls are not ready to care about it. What else can he say, do you really want to make people feel embarrassed and beat him up?

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