Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 18

Sifang Chuanchangpu thought with expectation, but the facts were not as good as she thought.

"He is dead, at the station of Xianjin Station."

Bai Lu didn't raise her head, her tone remained unchanged, as if she was talking about a very ordinary and trivial thing.

During the Ninja World War, almost every family in Konoha Village was clothed in black, and the Thousand Hands were no exception. Those who laughed yesterday may have only one piece of clothing left or a bloodied escort tomorrow.

Bailu feared death, but was also numb to death.


Sifang Chuanchangpu did not expect to get the worst answer, so he whispered.

Bailu paused, then suggested:

"He is a craftsman. If you want to get something, just ask those craftsmen. What should his friends know."

"Thank you."

Sifang Chuanchangpu leaned slightly to thank him, and instead of leaving immediately, he found a wooden box and sat down.

"Can you tell me about Ikoma?"

Bai Lu raised his head and glanced at the girl who was sitting quietly in front of him, finally put down the scroll, and said blankly:

"I am not familiar with him, but he has what I want, so in exchange, I promised him a condition.

'All escape from Xianjin Station and live on'

I have already completed the former, and the latter is Guantong. After you mass-produce the Guantong, I will leave."

The time period of this world was during the industrial revolution. It was not the previous world that Bailu wanted to go back to, and it had become a wasteland. There was nothing worthy of Bailu's peep and nostalgia.

When Da Luo Li Wuming heard Bai Lu's words, she opened her beautiful eyes somewhat surprised and unexpectedly:

"Hey? I was in the car because of me?"

When we first met, it was also in the carriage. Siwen asked Bailu's purpose. He didn't believe Bailu's first answer. Bailu had no choice but to say: interested in Wuming.

Bai Lu said lightly:

"Before last night or--"

He is not interested in Wuming itself. Although he is a beautiful girl, he prefers mature ones, such as Miss Changpu.

He is interested in the desire to devour the nameless.

Wuming hummed unhappily:

"Man, change your heart really fast."

Changpu covered his lips and chuckled.

"The two have a good relationship."

With a few greetings, Sifang Chuanchangpu left. As the acting captain of the Jiatiecheng, she managed the Jiatiecheng and more than a hundred passengers in the car. She carried a heavy burden and did not have much free time.

There was no talk all the way, but the Iron Fortress did not stop for a moment. Try to choose an open plain area with fewer cabanas and less prone to attack. During the day, slow down and slow down. There are craftsmen with safety ropes tied to their bodies to risk repairing the Iron Fortress. .

At night, the horsepower is added to drive at full speed, toward the next inn.


"Well, the treatment suddenly got worse."

Anonymous opened the lunch box and looked at a few rice balls wrapped in wide reed leaves, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. In the past, they were all warm fresh rice balls.

Although Wuming doesn't eat these, so she doesn't care what the contents are, but the change of attitude represented by the changes in food makes her very concerned.

Wuming cast his gaze on his face indifferently, slowly chewing the white dew of the cold rice ball, and said curiously:

"Don't you care at all?"

"——Maybe the food is tight."

Bai Lu swallowed the rice in his mouth and replied. He had no problem with the changes in the food. Although the energy provided was not much, the taste was much stronger than the spicy bingliang pill.

Moreover, at the time Jiatiecheng was fleeing, everything was in a hurry. Living materials, weapons, food, etc. were not adequately prepared. It was very difficult to carry food in a hurry to sustain the survival of more than 100 people.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Miss Changpu's failure in the power struggle is inevitable.

Bai Lu's gaze passed through the narrow observation hole, watching the rapidly rising terrain on both sides, thinking secretly.

The eighteenth chapter stealing technique Kabane!

Through several contacts, Bai Lu understands that Changpu is not only quiet on the outside, but also cautious and stable on the inside. If it is not necessary, he will not choose this route that is easy to be ambushed by Kabane. If necessary, he will come and inform him and Wuming. The strongest people on board warned of the Kabane attack.

I changed the route but didn't notify me. The food suddenly became bad. I was not in a good mood when I came to chat today. Sure enough, the right to manage the Iron City was taken away.


A violent impact sounded from the front and quickly approached the rear, and the carriage shook greatly, interrupting Bai Lu's thoughts.

Kabane's roar and passengers' panic and screams came from the front carriage.

"Cabane is here!"

The nameless pretty face was solemn, stretched out his hand to untie the blue ribbon bow tied around his neck as a fetter, put on a red suit three or two times, put a steam cylinder on his back, and was fully armed and ready, turned around and looked at his face. Indifferent, as steady as the white dew of Mount Tai, suddenly choked silently.

"Why are you still in the mood to eat!"

"Where can the strength to fight without eating?"

Bai Lu asked faintly, biting off the last bite of the rice ball, chewing slowly, looking at the top of the car, waiting for the most violent impact to pass, then stood up, opened the valve, and walked out.


Wuming fired two guns together, killing two Kabane, watching the tragic condition of the corpses and bloodstains everywhere in the carriage, turned to look at Bailu who understated the beheading of Kabane, suppressed his anger, and said mockingly:

"Didn't you say you want to protect them?"

Has the mind changed...

Bai Lu put the nameless expression into his eyes, thinking that way, but there was no expression on his face, calmly letting Wuming feel cold, and said indifferently:

"Yeah, I protected them from the Xianjin Post and gave them a way to resist, so now I have to rely on them.

Unfortunately, they don’t have that ability, or they haven’t had time..."

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