Chapter 792: Spiritual Phenomena

In New York, in the early morning, a faint mist appeared on the lake in the park. The young women who exercised in the morning wore earphones and squinted their eyes and ran along the stone path that she was not familiar with.

The hood of the sports sweater shook with the rhythmic pace, and Roar sucked in symmetry. Obviously, the woman who used the morning jogging exercise was used to this kind of exercise, and the distance through the park was nothing.

The cold air is inhaled into the lungs, and warm carbon dioxide and water vapor emerge from the mouth Roar, and water mist appears and merges with the morning mist.

The long, slender and fit legs step on the trail steadily and forcefully, step by step, and move forward…


The woman fell on her back, her forehead immediately became red and swollen.

Taking a breath, what did he hit? Who is so unethical to pile up messy things on the park path?

The sky is not clear, the moon is not sinking, and the fog is not clear.

I saw a hard object in the fog, like a stone wall, causing the running woman to hit and fall.

“What?” Holding her forehead, Sharon staggered and stood up. She moved to New York for three years and jogged in this park for three years. Although she encountered a lot of strange things, she really hadn’t hit it so hard. s things.

Sharon has encountered homeless people, children who run away from home, and even robbers on this small road, but he has never encountered a guy who lacks ethics to block the entire road: “Damn, what is it? ”

I stretched out my hand and touched it. It seemed to be a wall. Could it be that the park was re-planned and the road was blocked? But it doesn’t make sense. I also jogged here yesterday morning. Sharon chose to go out for a run around five in the morning. This time is not as chaotic as the night, there are few people, and the air is good.

There are still street lights in the fog. Press your hands on the cold wall, hard, then hard, unable to push. It’s really a wall, “Damn park, what the hell.” Pressing on the wall and groping, Sharon hopes that she can go around the wall and continue running.

But I moved a few steps to the side, at a distance of three or four meters, already out of the range of the path, stepped on the lawn, but did not find the edge of the wall.

What the hell is it? I have been jogging here for three years. Why is the park so long that I have built a wall? I must complain.

At the moment the sky cast a ray of sunshine, and a breeze blew from the sky.

Brighter than street lights, please disperse the fog.

Only when Sharon was able to see the stone wall in front of him clearly, the first impression was simplicity, and the second impression was ancient. The material cut into the stone wall is not like the common brick and cement, but it looks like a weathered stone. It will have such an effect after wind and sun, and it is full of the erosion of years.

Is it to transform the park into a theme park? How could there be such an ancient wall, and it is so tall and long. Sharon look at the old stone wall as high as ten meters, anyway, Sharon didn’t see his head, and it was dozens of meters long. At the moment Sharon was standing in the middle of the city wall, spreading out on both sides.

But Sharon soon noticed that the city wall did not seem to have a foundation but was pressed on the lawn, and the grass under the city wall was bent down. Weird, a city wall completely different from the park style, and it was not built, but placed here, “Let me see what it is.”

Detour, detour elsewhere.

With a familiar feeling, Sharon’s brain already vaguely felt that he should know the city wall in front of him. The city wall is not only long and high, but also very wide. It took Sharon a few minutes to run around for most of the circle, and then stared at the front of the city wall dumbfounded.

Yes, Sharon just stood on the side of the city wall, bypassing the back, and now to the front. In other words, this was not a glimpse of the city wall at all, but a thing with a front, a back and a base on it, and it was something Sharon knew.

Sharon hadn’t seen it in person before, but she had seen pictures of it countless times, and she collapsed and spit out a word: “Sphinx??!!!”

It was true that what appeared in front of her was not something else, but the Sphinx that should be accompanied by Pyramids in Egypt. Sharon blurted out the name of the face that lacked a nose on the front, but why? Why is it here? ?


Siren Roar screamed. The entire park was sealed off by the police and no one could enter.

Sharon was wearing a police blanket, and the ambulance staff on the side were examining Sharon for a bruise on his forehead. After the shock, Sharon called the police, and the operator thought she was crazy, but fortunately let the police officer come to see her.

The police officer came to the scene to see, hey my mother, it’s really a sphinx, and called the park administrator. But the park ranger didn’t know what it was.

In order to prevent other morning exercisers from getting injured like Sharon, they blocked the park. Yes, they don’t think that the sphinx in the park is real, but they are afraid that this thing will hurt people again, and definitely they are also afraid of people watching the show.

“Officer, what do you think this is?” Sharon had no problem, and after being surprised, she became curious. I’ve been to this park so many times, it’s a fun thing to encounter this time.

The middle-aged police officer said: “It’s probably another prank by a nearby child.”

Sharon didn’t think so: “Is it possible for a child to complete such a large building overnight? This is not paper, but real stone. I checked with my forehead.”

In fact, the middle-aged police officer also thinks this is impossible, but he doesn’t know how this kind of thing can happen. In order to appease the civilians, he must give a reliable answer: “Who knows how they do it? Amazing!”

Other police officers are asking the park ranger. In fact, this park belongs to the New York government. The so-called ranger is only responsible for management and cleaning, and they don’t know what development the park will have. It might be possible to really turn into a theme park, and no one has notified them.

Everyone was at a loss, and loud noises passed over everyone’s heads. The police knew at a glance which news station’s helicopter was. After the park was blocked, they could naturally be helicopters. It was really troublesome.

Soon more people came, because the police officer reported to the boss, and the person above decided to let people come to see if this was a spiritual incident. If it’s not, then it must be some guy who doesn’t like too much trouble doing pranks. Only they are so boring to spend a night to build such a huge amount of something that hinders the lives of citizens. If this is the case, they must contact the demolition team to remove the thing that affects the appearance of the city.

“Ms. Sharon, there is no business for you anymore. Thank you for calling the police as soon as possible to prevent more morning exercisers from being injured. Now you can go back.” The police officer said.

But Sharon is interested, because the building looks unusual: “Police officer, do you think this is really the sphinx in Egypt? Because I look at the traces on it, it seems that all the materials They are all old, not like the new buildings that were built last night.”

The police looked at Sharon like an idiot, and said to his heart that this girl is a showy? Return to Egypt? Who can bring real Egyptian goods here? Showy! ..

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