Chapter 756 Investigation Portal

“Two detectors have been destroyed by the portal. I think the portal must have protective measures.” Neo said.

Asuka was wearing a driving suit and a helmet standing next to the portal. Now she Yanran is an actual combatant, and she has to carry out everything. To be honest, she still likes the role of execution, because she is not very good at using her brain to analyze it: “I know, but you have to tell me what defense system is and how can I destroy it.”

“Obviously it cannot be destroyed, because the space gate’s defense system and the space gate are integrated. Unless the portal is destroyed, the defense system cannot be destroyed.” Neo gave an undesirable answer.

“That means we can’t investigate the other side of the portal?” Asuka Xin said, isn’t she wasting time?

“That’s not the case. I asked Ms. Ling Boli to dissect a few monsters and found a gene chain similar to a barcode. I think this is the key to crossing the portal. I think I will be able to send the detector to it soon. Go to the opposite side.”

“You mean that only monsters can pass through the portal. Is it because they have a specific gene?” Asuka said: “Like supermarket merchandise, can only pass through by scanning the code?”


“That’s not easy? We can catch a monster, then put the detector in the monster’s corpse and throw it away, isn’t it? The number machine grabbed a monster, broke its neck, and stuffed it into the detector.

Neo said that this is not my style of doing things, as a hacker should be more meticulous.

But if it succeeded, the detector was still lost.

“Success, start to accept the signal.” Neo said.

Asuka is very proud: “Sure enough, we still have to take action to solve the problem.”

Neo didn’t want to say anything, he just likes to stay on the spacecraft to investigate the universe, can’t it? The division of labor is different, Neo thinks he is the brain, and Asuka is hands at best.

“Let me know if you have a situation.”

“No problem.” Neo quickly tapped the keyboard. This is the research room at the bottom of the hangar, a room with a permeable floor. Under Neo’s feet is the cat. This room is also where Neo works. He copied the pattern of the Antarctic base and prepared a familiar working environment on the spacecraft: “There is a signal, let me see.”

The video is confirmed, the audio is confirmed, there is sea water.

Neo remotely controlled the detector to observe the environment on the opposite side of the portal. After the monster’s blue blood settled, the screen became clear. Neo didn’t miss any details: “The opposite of the portal seems to be the ocean, let me see the area of ​​the portal.”

The huge amounts of space gates in the gaps between the mainland in the trench are several times that of Meow Star.

Wow, Neo was also taken aback. This portal is a bit surprising: “Keep pushing and let me see my surroundings.”

Even the sea water, there are not too many places to observe, but the composition of the sea water seems to be similar to that of the earth’s oceans.

“Asuka, I think you need to prepare the detector again.”

“What’s the matter?” Asuka asked strangely.

“Because the opposite is the deep ocean, the previous detector was destroyed by water pressure.” The detector did not support for too long, and it went on strike because of the huge amounts of pressure, and it became a piece of scrap iron that sank on the bottom of the sea.

“The opposite is the sea?” Asuka didn’t expect it either.

“Yes, I am preparing a deep-sea probe now, you are going to come back and get it.” At the same time, Neo also wanted to tell the thief Kidd the news.

“I’m ready, let’s start teleporting.”

After the encounter with Kaito Kidd, hacker Neo got in touch with new technologies that he had never seen before, so he has been learning. His growth is obvious. His knowledge and computer skills are no worse than any scientist in the world.

Kidd’s team is not only only fighting and stealing things, but also in terms of analysis and processing.

Hal and Anlesi knew that Kidd’s team had already begun investigating the portal, and they were very nervous, afraid of attracting powerful enemies. They don’t know what will happen, and in short they are very upset, it seems that what is about to happen will not be a good thing.

The female agent Anlaisi is not in the mood to collect information either. She has to wait for the results of the investigation and confirm that the earth is safe before she can continue her work.

“Is that so?” Kidd said he knew, but the situation on the other side didn’t seem to be the enemy’s base camp, because it was too quiet. No one is guarding the side of the portal, which is abnormal.

It seems that I still have to go there by myself. Liu Adou has arranged everything. The initial players will be scattered in various villages in Maotu. Liu Adou separates the cyborgs and tactics Roar with most of the communities. Willing to accept helpers. After definitely diluted like this, there are still many villages that are overwhelmed, so Kidd rebuilt a few novice villages and hired Ailumao as NPC to release tasks specifically for players.

In this way, there are basically more players working in each area in the western part of Maotu.

Liu Adou came to the portal. The portal was indeed not big, not as big as the wormhole of the solar system, but there were definitely a lot of monsters coming out of it.

Is the genetic barcode of the monster? This is not difficult for Liu Adou: “Neo, is there any latest information about the deep-sea probe?”

“No, it’s all sea water, and there is still no situation.” God knows how the portal is in the sea, and how can the detector detect the sea in a short time.

“It seems that I still need to take a trip.” Liu Adou said: “The spaceship is handed over to you, Neo.”

“How do I feel that I am back at the Antarctic base, when you crossed the parallel universe. “The base will be handed over to you, Neo.” I’ve heard this sentence several times,” Neo said.

Kidd also found that he seemed to be saying this all the time. It can be said that Neo can be trusted as a good partner: “Don’t mind, because you are the most powerful assistant to Kaito Kidd.”

“It’s not an honor.” Neo also smiled.

Kidd said to Asuka again: “Asuka, you are here to guard. If there is a situation, contact Neo in time.”

“I know, I’m not a kid.”

Recently, Liu Adou has been doing space travel, first coming back from parallel space, then wormhole jumping again, and light teleportation. Now he has to go through the portal again. Liu Adouxin said that the universe is really full of natural and man-made loopholes.

No matter what, now the Kaito Kidd is standing by the crossing door, taking a deep breath and jumping in. The graceful diving posture is comparable to the Olympic diving champion.

Turning over in the air, lightning added, Kidd used the fake gene barcode to trick the scan that Roar was approaching him, and went all the way to the depths of the portal. This portal is really as real as a cave. It can be said that it is different from all the teleportation Liu Adou has experienced before. It is a brand new technology. ..

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