Chapter 752 Closed Beta

New game closed beta? Fans of 3D simulation games have been paying attention to the information of ‘Real Games’. One and a half years later, ‘Real Games’’ second game with the title of ‘Real’ finally came out.

The ‘Real Games’ company has released several games, but because they did not achieve the effect of “Mecha Infantry”, they did not have any authenticity. They only printed a company name and sold them, and the response was mediocre.

But this time the real series is different, but it took out the title of “Mecha Infantry” to promote it.

“I don’t know if it’s not director Liu Adou’s work. I have to say that director Liu Adou’s scripting skills are unexplainable. I thought there were only humans and zergs in the game, but I didn’t expect there to be a protoss, and each race is set like this. In detail, it’s really the same.”

“Then you will be disappointed. This time the “Monster Hunter” production list does not include the name of the major director. But looking at the introduction of the game, it is obvious that this game is different from “Mecha Infantry”, which should highlight the fun of the game. Just look at the name and you know that it is probably hunting monsters.”

“Then what’s fun, I still like the big scene of charging and fighting, killing monsters is boring.”

“You like to play or not, anyway, you are not eligible for the closed beta.”

“That’s it. There are only 20 closed beta accounts for millions of players in the world. It is simply harsh. I hope that those qualified for the closed beta can publish the information of “Monster Hunter” as soon as possible.”

Let’s try the water first. Harry’s service Ability has nothing to say. Soon 20 of the world’s well-known game players were selected for a closed beta.

Polly is a famous shooting game champion, and occasionally plays “Mecha Infantry”, but he is not very enthusiastic, but this time the closed beta, the “Real Games” company paid for food and accommodation, letting them live in It was closed and tested in the best hotel in New York, and it was the first time I played a game in such a luxurious place.

“Hans, you too.” Polly saw friends who are also leaders in the game industry. The videos of the two of them have been competing for ranking on the Internet, but Polly is a sharpshooter in shooting games, and Hans is a strategy game. Master.

“Polly, I didn’t expect that you, a pistol-only guy, was there?” Although the two are in a competitive relationship, they are both close friends and often joking.

“Hans, you guys who only get my headshot, don’t talk about it.”

Most of the people who come next are experts in the game industry, and they are very good at all kinds of games. Hans and Polly also saw a few Asians, and they said they were not big in scale, but they were very stylish. Hope that the new game of real games will not let them down.

On the first night after arriving at the hotel, all the game helmets were brought over. The CEO of Real Games said to 20 players: “You can log in to the game tonight. We will conduct a closed beta for three days. You can also post your thoughts about the game on the Internet, and you can also provide suggestions to our staff.” Seeing the 20 players eager to try, the CEO changed his style: “But there is one thing that needs to be warned, because of this. The second game is a brand new engine, so the realism of the game is extremely high. If there is any discomfort, please launch the game in time, and our company will purchase insurance for you to prevent problems.”

“So exaggerated?” Polly muttered.

The CEO laughed: “Just in case, our game is still very safe, but I am afraid that the game is too real to cause you psychological discomfort.”

It’s so amazing, everyone is looking forward to it.

After the rich dinner, everyone returned to the room and couldn’t wait to bring their helmets and prepare to start the game.

After the darkness, it is the company logo of the real game, which is the same as the current “Mecha Infantry”. They are big players in the game industry. Naturally, they have played “Mecha Infantry”, but they played more or less. The difference.

Then the logo of “Monster Hunter” appeared, and after this step, I jumped directly to the interface of building characters. It’s really straightforward, there’s nothing, but Polly thinks it’s not bad.

men and women? Only two roles? You know that the pinch system of “Mecha Infantry” has amazed countless people, but now there are only two faces that make people helpless. Polly thought that the system is not perfect because of the closed beta?

In fact, it’s because Liu Adou is lazy. You have to know that this is a real body. He used a forbidden human body to refine it, plus some sage stones to maintain it. There is no choice for the human face that appears. It is male and female. Which face to choose. It’s just what face, no choice.

A definitely does not have genitalia even if it is a male or female, and the same is true for females. This planet is not the same as Ruyi Space. Ruyi Space can regulate players as long as the rules cannot be done. But in the real world, in order to suppress players’ desires, they directly confiscated their crime tools and let them play the game without thinking about it. A mess.

Polly chose a man, and Xin said that this time it was really fast and he could enter the game directly.

The brain waves are emitted, and the detectors left in the universe after the moonlight journey send the signals to Meow Star. Polly felt it quickly, cold, and yes, cold.

Opening his eyes, Polly realized that he was lying on a straw mat. The cold ground made him feel uncomfortable, and it was truly scary. But when he found out that he didn’t have the tools to commit the crime, he knew that this was a game in the end.

Twenty players woke up one after another in a large thatched shed.

After completing the body according to the taboo formula, plus the bonus of the Avatar system, Polly only feels that he has a younger and stronger body.

They are all strangers, so it is inevitable to ask: “Who are you?”

After everyone reported Name to each other, they met again. Many people chose the Shemale. However, even knowing the body structure of the female character can’t let the brothers get a little refreshed, which means it’s not worth it. And unless they look in the mirror, their faces are for others to see.

“With paper and pen, it seems that we are required to write down the names and stick them on our chests. This is even more real than “Mecha Infantry”. We have to do everything ourselves.” A company’s work naturally needs to be compared.

“It’s not like a game at all.”

Write down the name, everyone got familiar with it, and then looked at each other: “Next, what are we going to do?”

“Go out.” So twenty people walked out of the village together.

This is a world ruled by cats, and human players are acting as refugees from the universe. They fell on this planet and were rescued by cats.

Although it is true, it is also a game. After seeing the cat, everyone was not too scared. Then they realized that they could understand the cat’s words and finally knew the background of the game.

It was on another planet full of monsters. After the human refugees fell, in order to repay the cats, the human players had to become shit shovelers. No, it was a monster hunter who went to the wild to hunt monsters. ..

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