Chapter 748 Investigation Notes

The first investigation note, record: An Laisi.

Location: Moonlight Journey Spaceship Infirmary.

Inquiry: Kaito Kidd, United Nations consultant on international issues, Halsmith.

Subject: Claiming to be the “hook” of the Rebet star.

Inspect: Neo, the assistant of Kaito Kidd, Asuka, the crew member of the spaceship, Ling Boli, the first officer of the spacecraft, and the doctor Ling Boli.

Kidd: “Gou, are you ready to tell me what’s happening on your planet?”

Hook: “Yes, I am willing to tell you what I remember.”

Kidd: “Do you remember where you ended up?”

Hook: “Ribet Star.”

Kidd: “Can you be more specific? For example, where on the planet, can you tell us the names of places and facilities?”

Gou: “It’s the headquarter of the Anti-Aggression Front at the Ribet Star Moss Plateau.”

Kidd: “What are you doing?”

Gou: “According to the order, our entire army of 30,000 people will be deep-frozen, sleep, and wait until the immigrant fleet that has left the home planet returns to the home planet.”

Kidd: “Why dormant? Is it because of lack of resources, or because of intruders, or because the sun is going out?”

Hook: “Because the invaders and the sun go out.”

Kidd: “Is there a connection between them?”

Gou: “I don’t know. At the beginning, we just dealt with the invaders, but after more than ten years of fighting, we suddenly found that the brightness of the sun was decreasing. To protect us when we are coming, so we chose to emigrate, leave the pesky invaders, and leave the dying sun.”

Kidd: “So about how many people emigrate, how many people are frozen?”

Gou: “There are 30 million people who have immigrated, and probably more than 100 million people have been frozen.”

Kidd: “Who is the aggressor from?”

Gou: “I don’t know, they suddenly appeared from the inside of our planet, with huge bodies, hard shells, and highly toxic blood. They suddenly appeared from inside our planet and launched an attack on our city. We have more than Three hundred million people died at the hands of the invaders, and a large part of them were poisoned to death.”

Kidd: “You haven’t investigated where the intruder appeared?”

Gou: “It should have been investigated, but I am just an ordinary soldier. I don’t know the results of the investigation, but it seems to be related to space leap, because our planet quickly perfected the space leap engine during the time when the invaders appeared.”

Kidd: “In other words, the invader opened the portal on your planet, not from the universe?”

Tick: “It should be correct.”

Kidd: “Then what the intruder looks like, can you describe it?”

Hook: “Yes, it’s very big. I don’t know your unit of measurement, but it’s very big. I will compare it with my height. It’s harder to deal with. At the beginning, our weapons were able to defeat the invaders, but as the number of invaders increased and the strength became stronger, we began to fail. Before the sun weakened, we had already lost many cities. NS.”

Kidd: “How many enemies are there?”

Gou: “We don’t see much, probably more than a hundred, but every time we defeat some, there will be substitutes. It seems that we can never finish.”

Kidd: “Calm down, there are no enemies here. Gou, can you tell us if the sun is different immediately after you are invaded?”

Gou: “I don’t know. As far as I know, it doesn’t seem to be it. It’s just after our defeats that the sun began to weaken. Then we stopped fighting and prepared to escape. I didn’t know anymore. ”

Kidd: “Then what happened to the sun when you were frozen?”

Hook: “It’s dangerous. The temperature of our planet can no longer live.”

Kidd: “What happened to the invaders after the sun weakened?”

Gou: “There are still sporadic attacks, but not violent.”

Kidd: “Thank you, you can rest, we will talk later.”

The first survey took me 50 minutes.

Kidd didn’t say anything, the current intelligence is not enough to make a judgment, but his integration result believes that there must be a connection between the invasion and the sun extinguishing. Now go to see if something similar happened in the next location. If it is, then someone must be doing a ghost.

The Moonlight Journey started and flew towards the second target, where Jason expected the sun to be weakening. Just see if there is a similar situation anywhere.

definitely if that galaxy happens to have no life planet, then Kidd should look for it one by one along the direction indicated by the formula to see if it really invades first and then extinguishes the sun. If this is the case, this series of situations is no coincidence. If not, then it means that the invasion may be an independent event encountered by the planet Rebet, and it has nothing to do with the extinguishment of the sun, so it can be ignored. The extinguishment of the sun that threatens the Einsta galaxy is still a mystery. There may be someone behind the scenes, or it may be a natural phenomenon.

Now is the process of finding human traces. The key to the success of Kidd’s inference lies in finding common ground.

The moonlight journey once again skipped hundreds of thousands of light years to a new galaxy.

The sun in this galaxy is still on, so let’s see if there is life on several planets in this galaxy.

The universe is huge, but there are very few areas with life within a distance of hundreds of thousands of light-years. Liu Adou didn’t know what his luck was, anyway, the investigation was right.

The Moonlight Journey approaches the planet, and the Evolution enters the planet to observe. The simplest way to investigate is that a galaxy can be investigated in a few days.

“It seems that I was lucky. I didn’t expect to find a planet with life.” Liu Adou had to sigh with emotion that his character exploded.

Asuka drove the Evolution to observe some primitive communities on this planet, with traces of living beings living.

After investigation, it was found that the oxygen content of the air on this planet is three times that of the earth, which means that 60% of the air is oxygen, which is not suitable for human survival.

Evolution did not see humans either, but saw some strange little plush creatures living on this planet.

After seeing these creatures, Liu Adou went straight to Roar God, and immediately decided to give this planet the code name “Meow Planet”. Because the furry creatures living here are not cats that walk on their hind feet or something?

Sure enough, is this the home planet of all the cats on earth? Are the cats on earth the spies they sent to the earth? The cat is a stupid human being who came to the earth to rule. When the cat stands up, it sends a signal to the mother star. Liu Adou knows it. ..

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