Chapter 723: Looking for the Sage

Zhang Mei succeeded in the first battle, and Liu Adou gave a special celebration banquet. One of the seven deadly sins has been caught, and there are a few others that will be wiped out sooner or later.

Enwei’s disappearance made the villain in the bottle vigilant, and he also knew that there was a force within the military department investigating him. He is not afraid of human beings, but now there are still two bloodmarks that have not been completed in the refining of the land, so he must keep a low profile. There is Liu Adou in the east now, the blood pattern is delayed, but the blood pattern in the north cannot be delayed, and Kimberley and lust, gluttony, go to the north to complete the blood pattern immediately.

At the same time, the president first acted first, and before Mastan knew that the country was formed into a battle, before he did not investigate, he first transferred all the members including Lieutenant Colonel Mastan to other places, and transferred Lisa Lisa to the central government to serve as the secretary of the president. official.

It is equivalent to taking Lisa Lisa as a hostage and forcing the forces of Lieutenant Colonel Marstan to abandon the investigation. Although Mars knew about the country’s refinement, he also told Mustang, but now their small group is forced to abandon the investigation of the whole matter. At this time, it was Armstrong who suggested that Lieutenant Colonel Marstan go to the north and find his sister, Major General Olivia Mira Armstrong, a legendary female general with the title of ‘Northern Wall’.

Lieutenant Colonel Marstan couldn’t leave, so he asked someone to bring a message to Brother Edward and let them go north. So the Edward brothers took the letter written by Major Armstrong and bid farewell to Master and went north.

The president’s series of targeted actions made his identity clear, and winter was approaching for a while.

The train all the way to the north will bring the two brothers to the far north of Amestolis to defend the Great Wall of the North which was invaded by the northern powers. There is Major General Armstrong’s collection of the nation’s most technologically researched weapons, and it is also the most heavily defended fortress in this country. There are rules that are as cold as the northern snowy mountains, and the soldiers believe in the survival of the strong. The Defender of the Great Wall of the North, centered on female generals, is a strong army, an iron army, a military force that can compete with the Central Army.

In the snowy north, the two brothers trembled all over. Because they came directly from the south to the north, they didn’t have any clothes to protect against the cold. When they got off the train, the two of them shook unceasingly.

They can only spend a lot of money on a winter outfit at the clothing store outside the station, and they have not yet reached the northernmost section, and they have to make a carriage to reach the northern military fortress, and finally walk to the northern Great Wall.

Travel all the way to enjoy the scenery of the north.

I have to say that this north is different from other places. The two brothers found that everything in the north seemed to be frozen, and the sky was exceptionally low, as if something would fall from the sky at any time, which made people scared.

Has your teacher really lived in the northern snowy mountains for a month? Edward could not imagine. He hasn’t entered the northern snow-capped mountains, just getting close makes him uncomfortable.

“Two guests, here, if you go further north from here, you can only walk because there is no road.” It’s not that there is no road, but the road is covered by the snow all year round.

Today’s blizzard is even bigger, and the two children are curled up in their coats, and their noses seem to be falling off.

“Brother, let’s go.” Now Al missed the armor. He didn’t fear the cold and heat when he made the armor. After he recovered his body, he was going to freeze Deadman.

Leave the two brothers alone on their northern adventure.

Liu Adou looked at the map, and said to his heart that if the villain in the bottle knew that he could not complete the cultivation of the land, what would the villain in the bottle do next? Was it a forced war against Xingguo? Still hide directly.

At the same time, Liu Adou was thinking about the current situation. It seems that the coup of Amestolis is inevitable, so just as he said how to guarantee the value of Amestolis currency.

Facing the map, Liu Adou suddenly laughed. The Refining of Land cannot be done by the villain in the bottle, nor can he escape. When the Edward brothers find the support of the northern army, Liu Adou will gather personnel to attack the Central Military Headquarters and go underground to defeat the villain in the bottle.

However, the position of the villain in the bottle cannot be empty, because only the existence of a strong man like the villain in the bottle can deter some of the careerists in the Amestolis military headquarters. If only the President is replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Marstan, there will definitely be many people in the army who are dissatisfied. Only if there are people behind the President, like the President, can Amestolis be stabilized the fastest.

“Von Hornheim!” Liu Adou thought, instead of the villain in the bottle, he would be the national treasure of Amestolis.

There are many ambitions in the military department of Amestolis, and there are also unstable gunpowder all over the border that may explode at any time. If such a country has no prestige and no support, it will only rely on a coup. If the higher-ranking person presides, if all localities are not convinced, the country may fall into more wars, and may even split.

A country that is divided or caught in war is not a good trade rival for Xingguo. Xingguo is not exporting arms to Amestolis, and Xingguo is not a country that mainly exports arms. Xingguo needs a stable market. , So Liu Adou will not mess with Ames Doris.

And letting Hornheim take the place of the villain in the bottle is undoubtedly the perfect way, just like the Frozen Throne of the Lich King is indispensable, and only the Lich King can restrain the Undead Legion.

The only difficulty is how to convince Hohenheim and find Hohenheim.

Thinking of this, Liu Adou wanted to find Hohenheim who was free from all directions. It is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, because Hornheim has never stopped traveling to deal with the villain in the bottle, even if he stays, he will not stay for too long.

The lone traveler, bearing the fate of defeating the villain in the bottle, has not had any peace since hundreds of years ago. The wailing of ancient civilizations in Hohenheim never stopped. Hohenheim had a mindset of atonement and communicated with the sage stone deep in his body for hundreds of years. It was not until nearly a hundred years before he was forgiven, and he calculated the purpose of the villain in the bottle, and at the same time secretly carried out countermeasures.

Hornheim knew that the villain in the bottle wanted to kill the gods and devour the power of gods. But to open the door of truth where God is and suppress God requires a huge amount of energy. Hohenheim knows that the villain in the bottle will continue to refine the country and kill thousands of innocents, so he has been calculating the time that the villain in the bottle may be able to do it.

The sun is yang, and the moon is yin. When the sun and the moon overlap, it is the perfect moment for the combination of yin and yang. It is also the most prominent moment of the existence of God. Therefore, Hornheim calculated that the villain in the bottle would be refined during the solar eclipse, so he should also Fight back during the eclipse.

Years of calculations made Hornheim think of how to completely eliminate the villain in the bottle, that is, to use the power of God to eliminate the arrogant villain in the bottle. ..

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