Chapter 650 Water Overlord (new book asks for support)

The red paint is as gorgeous as fireworks, eye-catching, it is worthy of the formal design for actual combat, and it is also the EVA that can use the most weapons.

“It’s amazing,” Ikura Shinji praised. In fact, he didn’t know the difference between Unit 2 and Unit 1 except for the painting.

Asuka is even more proud.

“Sea water, sea water.” Misato said that this kind of thing should be done by scientists, and he is really not used to dealing with bottles and cans.

Suddenly Misato saw a black shadow flashing by in the red water, what? Is it an illusion or something? It stands to reason that there should be no living things in the ocean.

Just when Miri was still weird, the entire Pacific Fleet made an alarm.

“The sonar found something approaching at high speed.”

“Is it a submarine?” the fleet commander asked.

“No, the object is moving up and down at high speed, it seems, it seems to be a whale.”

“How is it possible that whales are only found in the Arctic Marine Biosphere Reserve, how can they be in the red water?” the commander shouted.

What the hell is that? No one knows anymore.

“Apostle, it’s an apostle.” Uncle Jiaji came.

“Blessing, I did not allow you to come to the bridge.”

Kaji smiled indifferently: “The important thing now is how to escape from his unarmed men. I think you don’t want to be buried with the fleet, right?”

“You don’t need to control these.” The commander said in a deep voice: “All departments are in a state of combat, and the torpedoes are ready.”

When Miri came to the bridge, the commander had already ordered an attack. Staring quietly at the radar, the torpedo approached the target at high speed.

“Can it be done?” the commander asked himself.

Misato knew that if he was really an apostle, it would definitely not work, but why did the apostle appear? Is it because of the second machine?

Definitely not, because of blessing this time, blessing has a secret mission to Japan to transport the apostle-Adam. The apostles really wanted to integrate.

Why did the apostles go to the third new city of Tokyo? It was because they felt Adam’s fluctuations, but what they never expected was that the neuron underground was not Adam, but the second apostle Lilith like Adam’s fluctuations.

Lilith and Adam are the two apostles who integrate in the Antarctic and are later put in the gun of Longinus and terminated. Adam is also the first apostle in the mythology, and Lilith is the second apostle.

Neurons use the instinct of the apostle to integrate with Adam, and use the same fluctuating Lilith to lure the apostle into the trap. But this time in the process of transferring Adam, the apostle still found traces.

boom! The distant sea water forms a column of water.

But the dots on the radar did not disappear. “No, the apostle has an AT force field, and conventional weapons will not work.” Misato said.

“Shut up, I have the final say here.” The commander did not give up, but the situation is not optimistic.

Boom, boom, the ship protecting the aircraft carrier was ruthlessly torn to pieces by the apostle, and the apostle had already arrived.

“Commander, the second unit has started.”


Asuka will not let go of the first fight, and her fighting spirit makes her prove to Ikura Shinji that she is the strongest driver.

The two entered the cockpit wearing red women’s combat uniforms.

“Is it really necessary to wear this combat uniform?” Ikura Shinji said he was ashamed to wear women’s clothing.

“Definitely need, I don’t want you to pollute my second machine.”

“Then you can attack by yourself.”

“What are you talking about, you must be my audience and witness me defeat the apostle.” Asuka said, “You are a man, just be it.”

“The second unit is started internally, and the language mode is German.” Obviously it won’t work: “How come there are thinking noises. Hot-blooded fool, you have to think in German.”

“But, but…”

“I really can’t help you, switch Japanese to think.” Asuka was annoyed: “The mode is OK, start fighting.”

The holographic screen in the cockpit opened, “You stand in the back, I’m going to jump up!”

boom! The second plane borrowed force from the bottom of the ship, broke through the rain cloth and flew. The transport ship underneath sank and wobbly.

The second plane landed exactly on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

“Good job, Asuka.” Misato seized the command. “Now prepare the cable, connect the external power source, and the battle will begin.”

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can naturally prepare the power of the EVA, connect it to the power source, and stand on the deck with the concussion dagger in hand, waiting for the apostle to jump out of the water.

It is true that EVA is not good at water warfare, rushing, the front of the aircraft carrier, the huge white shadow that has been leaping out of the water, spreading out the deck covering half of the aircraft carrier, naturally also pressed the second aircraft under it.

Then the apostle dragged the second plane back into the water. The whole process was as if Mount Tai was crushing the top, and Asuka had no time to make tactical moves.

“Asuka, are you okay.”

“Ms. Misato, it’s okay.” It was Ikura Shinji who took the time to reply. Asuka is gritting her teeth now, how can she have time to answer. The second unit is already in the mouth of the apostle.

“Shinji-kun, are you there?” That’s good. If Awakening is another personality of Ikura Shinji, he must be able to protect the two children: “Listen well, now the apostle is leading you to dive at high speed. You have to break free as soon as possible. That’s fine.”

Asuka said I’m doing it, do you think I’m playing around? But the apostle’s bite force was so amazing, the second machine now had both feet against the lower jaw and both hands supporting the upper jaw, so it was barely chewed by the teeth.

The spool of the cable whirled and the cable stretched rapidly, indicating that the second unit was getting deeper and deeper.

I have already seen the sea floor, that is the building. The sea area is now part of the mainland. Long ago this was also a city, but after the second impact, the sea was flooded and the mainland was flooded.

Boom, the cable is in the end, the apostle is also in the end, and the second unit is still struggling.

“Asuka, are you okay?” Ikura Shinji saw that Asuka flushed and used all her milk-feeding energy, but it was useless and worried.

“There is no time to talk nonsense with you now.” The voice came out of the gap between the teeth. The second unit is competing with the apostle.

Yu Angel, with huge amounts of mouth and sharp teeth, can swim at high speed underwater, and is an aquatic hegemon who is active in the waters. Now the second unit is in his big mouth, and he can’t get rid of it.

On the aircraft carrier, Miri was ordered by others and inspired: “Yes, it’s fishing. If you turn the cable, you can lift the fish Angel up, and then as long as we sink two warships along the direction of the cable, use the main gun to zero. You can defeat the apostle by firing a cannon at the mouth of the apostle.”

“Okay?” The commander said the plan was exaggerated.

“It will definitely work, as long as the second unit can open the apostle’s mouth at a critical time.” Miri believes that the second unit can do it.

The battle plan began to be communicated, the crew of the sinking ship was evacuated, and the cables were recovered. The tight cable began to be recovered under the force of the spool rotating vigorously, and the spool burst and sparks, indicating the force with which the apostle was pulling the cable.

Everyone looked at the spool anxiously, fearing that it would lose its chain. If the spool flew, the fishing operation would be ruined. ..

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