The 645th chapter runaway youth (new book asks for support)

The sudden accident caused Shinji Ikura to run away. He showed super-high driving skills. At the same time, he showed super shame and uncivilized lines, swear words, and a taste of an overbearing president.

In the sky, the No.1 machine turned the overlapping AT force field into a glove to block Lei Angel’s shelling.

When everyone saw this amazing scene, they were amazed.

“It’s like being controlled by the second personality.” Ritsuko’s performance to Ikura Shinji can only be explained by a dual personality.

Misato thinks so too, otherwise it can’t explain why a minor sufferer suddenly becomes so aggressive.

At the moment’s No. 1 machine had a big hole in its chest, exposing the wound, but it was still brave.

Land and run. Using Ray Angel’s shelling to fill the charging interval, the No. 1 aircraft smashed into the building and sprinted desperately: “Lei Angel, your attack is impressive. I will remember you. You are a powerful enemy. ”

At the moment, the distance between the No. 1 machine and Lei Angel was already less than 50 meters, and everyone looked at both sides nervously. Is it Lei Angel fast or the first phone fast? Speed ​​is the key to this battle, whoever attacks first will win.

Misato clenched his fists nervously, but the voice of the boy from the communicator seemed to have a chance to win.

“Let you remember my name too, I’m Ikura Shinji, Ikureu’s son. Accept my last respect, the first machine Tianyuan breakthrough, spin it, the first machine and my soul!”

“God!” Ritsuko was surprised Roar came out, because she saw the No. 1 machine bind the AT force field to the right arm and rotate the force field at high speed, just like a drill.


The outcome is known.

Lei Angel’s S2 mechanism was dug out, and blood spewed out from the wound, like a rain of blood pouring and staining the No. 1 unit.

With the sound of the rain, the first unit looked at the bright red organ in the right hand. Everyone didn’t know what he was going to do. They just heard Shinji Ikari say: “Why fight? What is the emptiness after the fight? This is what I want. Is it true?” “No!” Seeing the first machine waved vigorously, he threw the S2 mechanism to the south, and the mechanism disappeared after a while.

Then the No. 1 unit slowly turned around, gave the camera a depressed back, and walked towards the recovery unit step by step. Everyone only feels that a blockbuster film has a sense of sight and a sense of picture too powerful, how did it do it?

Looking at each other, I felt that the battle had gone from suffering to an invincible warrior, eager for opponents, seeking defeat alone, crushed by the cold from above. Especially the last monologue illustrates the emptiness and loneliness of the driver’s heart, the pride and loneliness of longing for a defeat. Finally, the S2 mechanism was thrown out, which also showed the driver’s respect for Lei Angel.

Isn’t this a blockbuster movie?

In the end what happened? No one knows, because Ikura Shinji was carried down, and his whole body was severely burned. This kind of injury can still fight, this young man is too awesome.


Only Ikogentang was silent, he didn’t know what happened to his son, anyway, from the beginning, his plan was not worth the gain. Now even his son doesn’t play cards according to the routine, which makes it very difficult for the commander to do it. It is too difficult for the commander to do it if you don’t follow his plan and don’t die.

Ikura Shinji didn’t know what happened, which made everyone more sure that Ikura Shinji was actually a dual personality, with an indecisive boy on one side and a strong and brave warrior on the other.

One is an ordinary person who has nothing to do on the battlefield, and the other is a genius who can maximize the power of EVA. Everyone has a longing in their hearts, hoping that the personality of genius fighters can be more active, and their chances of survival will be greater. Poor Ikoji Shinji was disliked again.

Liu Adou retrieved the S2 organ. Now the nutrients in the Pacific are enough to maintain the survival of the S2 organ. He doesn’t need to save the living apostles anymore, only the S2 organ and some cells are enough.

This is a blood-red sphere. The apostle cells on it are still trying to recover, but now its image is more like an egg. The apostle needs to absorb enough energy to hatch from the egg again, but it may take hundreds of millions. Time of year. And this egg didn’t have so much time, because Liu Adou needed it to be a naval gun.

The people around are weird, Ikura Shinji finds that he is actually respected. But he couldn’t remember what happened: “Miss Misato, did I do something wrong?”

“No, you performed well.” Misato didn’t know how to mention the dual personality: “Shinji-san, you have not had a very special experience, that is, sometimes you forget what you did?”

Ikura Shinji thought for a moment: “It seems that I had.” The burn has been cured, but he still doesn’t understand why everyone looks at him like this.

Because they respect the strong, Ikura Shinji’s other personality is so powerful that they are still fresh in their memory. Such talents are worthy of respect.

“Does it seem?” It’s no longer closed, first go to take him to see a psychiatrist.

This is a bald middle-aged doctor, Ikoji Shinji is very surprised that this is the psychology department, why should he see a psychologist? But after a chat between you and me, Shinji Ikura did not solve the doubt, but the psychologist said to Misato solemnly: “Yes, this boy has a dual personality.”

… Apparently this doctor is talking nonsense, because the so-called other personality is actually Liu Adou controlling Ikoji Shinji. But this doctor is just a quack.

But Misato believed, and Xin said that she should tell Shinji Ikura, how could she tell him that there is actually another person in his body, a character that is even stronger than him. It’s really hard to speak up, this matter should be told by the commander, the father.

Sensitive Shinji Ikura noticed the strangeness, surrounded him with questions, lying on the tatami, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, the boy couldn’t sleep.

“Young boy, boy.” Between dreams and dreams, Ikura Shinji stood up, and he saw the familiar uncle selling discs.

“…” Ikura Shinji wiped his eyes. “Why are you here?”

“Juvenile, I have never left, I have always been in your heart.” “Didn’t I say that every boy has an uncle selling discs in his heart.”


“If you have any troubles, just tell me.” Liu Adou said.

So Shinji told him about his visit to the psychologist, saying that he didn’t know what happened.

Liu Adou pretended to sigh, and said, “Boy, it seems I should tell you the truth.”

Ikura Shinji looked at Liu Adou and waited to continue.

Liu Adou said, “Actually, you were unconscious in the previous battle, so I was the one who finished the battle.”

“How is it possible?” Ikura Shinji didn’t believe it.

“Juvenile, stop struggling. Actually, I am the other you, your heart. When you escape, I will come out to help you solve your problems. I am your other fantasy personality, which exists only for you. Uncle selling discs in my heart. So only you can see me, no one else will see me.”

“How is it possible? Is he insane?” Ikura Shinji panicked: “Miss Misato, Miss Misato.” He needs a witness to help him prove that the other party is not his own hallucination personality, but a real person. But he also didn’t want to think about how a real person would suddenly appear in his room, still silent. ..

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