Chapter 619: Master Goes Out (New Book Seeking Support)

When Liu Adou got the news, Kailan and Benen were about to be sentenced to death.

Obviously the situation is very good, why are they arrested? It can only be said that they still underestimated the cruelty of the Zeta Rising, and did not plan for the worst.

After the success of the plan to adjust the tiger from the mountain, a large number of green elves joined the resistance army, and the twilight campaign was used as a counterattack horn by all the green elves. Success is almost in sight, but at this time the commander of the Zetaris ordered the slaves to be gathered together, threatened by the lives of the slaves, and let Kailan and Benn fall into the trap.

That was the lives of tens of millions of green elves, and Kailan couldn’t just watch them being slaughtered.

Kailan and Benn were arrested in this way. In order to kill the Chitaris, Chitauri had to publicly execute them. Chitauri wanted to tell these naive green elves to accept slavery obediently if they wanted to survive.

It is impossible for Aguru and Shikari to watch the hope of victory slip away from them, but what should they do? “If Moonlight is still there, we will be able to contact the princess and Ben’s master.” Xikali regretted that she shouldn’t let them surrender.

Benn and Kailan surrendered on the Moonlight, and the spacecraft was naturally detained.

“The princess is about to be executed, can’t you say something useful?” Aguru didn’t think the princess’s master alone would be of any help. Besides, it would be useless if he was far away on the earth, he couldn’t make it.” Why don’t you think of a way to robbery.”

“No, you and I both know that it is a trap. If we go there, not only will they not be saved, but they will be wiped out. We can’t take risks.” Xikali said, jailbreaking is the most stupid way. She still wants to contact Princess Master, if there is Quantum Radio.

Wait, she remembered that before the princess left, the royal family used Quantum Radio to communicate with the earth, so they might still be able to use that radio.

Just do it when you think of it. The location of the radio station is near the royal capital, and Xikali knows that it is the location of the royal family’s secret radio station. But that place has become scorched earth, and Xikali wonders if there is still a radio station that can be used.

But you have to try it, so she and Aguru finally found the radio station after all the hardships, but the radio station has no energy. Fortunately, they met the king and queen again, yes, they were Kailan’s parents.

In fact, after sending Kailan away, they have been fighting guerrillas nearby, but the contact was interrupted and they didn’t know where they were, and they didn’t know the situation of the other rebels.

Hearing that their daughter had returned, and that they were about to be executed after being arrested, the two were shocked and even asked why this was the case. Xicari had to explain the situation.

Knowing that the queen had an adventure in an alien and learned a powerful force to come back to save her compatriots, her parents were both proud and worried. Knowing that their daughter was arrested, the parents were anxious, “So you want to contact Kailan’s master on earth?”

“Yes, but Quantum Radio has no energy.”

This is the only way to save her daughter. The queen took a pendant from her neck: “This is the guardian of the Moonlight Goddess, the treasure of the green elves, and it contains energy.”

The guardian of the moonlight girl, but the legendary gem, the queen actually used it as an energy source?

The queen smiled: “Aren’t you going to give up a switch to win? Take it, and save our daughter, the future of the green elves.”

Fortunately, the original Quantum Radio on Earth was not lost. After receiving the signal, Neo immediately contacted Liu Adou.

My two apprentices are also miserable. They have sacrificed their lives for righteousness, and I can’t ignore them anymore, but I don’t have time to rush to their planet.

It was Neo who came up with the idea: “Don’t Green Lantern rely on his ring to open the wormhole? We can try it too.”

Try? Liu Adou smiled bitterly. The green light is the ring built by Asgardian, with complete functions. He hasn’t tried the wormhole crossing yet. Moreover, the green light ring can record coordinates, but Liu Adou’s ring does not have this function.

“Maybe you can find Superman.” Neo said: “Superman can’t. You can also find Thor. Can Bifrost send people to any planet in the galaxy?”

Liu Adou also cares but chaos, yes, he has many friends now, and he is totally able to ask for help. However, Asgard Bifrost’s movement is too loud, so let’s ask Superman to borrow the spaceship first.

The Krypton spacecraft has the ability to jump, plus the coordinates can completely catch up with the day of execution.

Bringing two tickets for his own movie, Kidd set off. In the Lonely Castle in the north, Superman has established a prison for dangerous criminals from Otherworld in the depths of the Lonely Castle.

Superman wants to make sure that they will not go out to threaten the safety of the earth. In the past, there were only compatriots of Krypton. Now there are more and more prisoners.

“Kid, are you looking for something to do with me?” Superman knows that Kidd is doing everything in the Three Treasures.

“It’s something. I want to borrow your spaceship. Something happened to my two apprentices.” Kidd said straightforwardly.

“Yes.” Superman believed that Kidd would not use the spacecraft to do bad things, and readily agreed.

Kidd took out the movie ticket: “This is a thank you gift. You can take Louise to see my movie. I think you will like it.”

Superman can’t laugh or cry, his spacecraft is the highest technology of Krypton, and Kidd’s thank you gift turned out to be only two movie tickets. But Superman wouldn’t mind the non-equivalence.

“You come with me.” Superman wants to teach Kidd how to drive the spacecraft and enter the coordinates so that Kidd can go and come back.

Crystal technology is not a joke. Superman’s spacecraft is small and does not even require an energy tank. It only needs a single crystal to allow the spacecraft to travel across the nebula in the universe.

“Since you are not a Kryptonian, you may be repelled when you accept the crystal fluctuations, but unfortunately there is no manual control on the spacecraft.”

“It’s okay, anyway, it means that when starting and returning home, it will be the same. Normally, there will be no problems with automatic driving.” Kidd felt that this was not a major issue.

Superman also thinks so, “Then I will enter the coordinates now, and when I start, I only need to input the target into the spacecraft through brain waves.”

Opening the launch channel of the Lonely Castle, Kidd sat in the spaceship, looking at the aurora in the sky, and said to my apprentices that you are waiting, and the master will save you.

The white short rocket soared into the sky like a football, at an amazing speed, quickly separated from the solar system, and then began to jump.

It’s too fast. Kidd said that this spacecraft is the fastest spacecraft he’s ever been on. It’s almost too far, and the stars outside have become parallel horizontal lines. No wonder Superman can pick up flowers from various nebulae back and forth within a few minutes. Yi Si. This Krypton spacecraft is indeed high-tech. It is actually Superman’s father’s genius. This spacecraft is also a black technology on Krypton. ..

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