Chapter 585 The Birth of Ultron

Sent to the wrong place? The envelope is still closed with sealing wax, and the seal is an ancient Roman number.

? Liu Adou couldn’t think of anyone who would send a letter to him. Don’t people who know him have a phone? Very few people still write letters these days.

“Who would it be?” The letter unfolded, and Liu Adou felt very familiar, because this was his own word.

A letter from the future, and the person who wrote the letter is Liu Adou himself. The content of the letter is only a short sentence: stay on Earth One.

Is something going to happen? So the future self will not let yourself run away? But since the future self carefully left a signal, Liu Adou is not going anywhere, just see what happens.

“Master, what do you believe?” Harry asked curiously.

“I don’t know, but it seems something is going to happen.” Liu Adou put the letter down: “Neo, is your alert system still available?”

“Definitely.” Neoxin said that his invention finally came in handy.

Director Ada is back. Although the acting Director of Captain America has performed well during his period, he is too honest and has offended many politicians. Captain America always takes the lead, so S.H.I.E.L.D has solved many crises but progressed slowly in the copywriting work, and Ada had to deal with a large number of accumulated documents.

Sure enough, is it cruel work after vacation? Ada cheered up and began to work hard to get back to work.

It seems that when he left, the Avengers were not idle, and they hit several HYDRA bases. The struggle between Captain America and HYDRA is really endless. At present, HYDRA is still continuing to develop in the dark, but as long as it is discovered, Captain America will never let it go.

Loki’s scepter? Ada remembered that he used this scepter to destroy the Zeta Rising teleportation array, but the scepter flew too far, and was not recovered later. Unexpectedly, it was picked up by HYDRA. Captain America retrieved the scepter when the HYDRA organization was annihilated in a small country in Northern Europe. There are also many Zeta Rising technologies.

It seems that the villain is not to be left behind, actively learning advanced technology and advancing with the times.

Now that the scepter is there, it is in Stark’s hands, and Captain America has the time to agree to Stark’s research. Ada thought they were incompatible.

Iron Man Stark was terrified. He seemed to think that he was controlled by the steel clothes he made. He couldn’t do without the steel suit, it was like taking drugs. When it was night, Tony Stark would dream of the steel suit moving by itself, and even watch Tony himself in turn.

He and the steel suit seemed to have swapped bodies, so Tony always wanted to get rid of the steel suit. As a genius, Tony didn’t want to encounter things he couldn’t solve, or things he had to rely on external objects to solve.

But in the face of terror attacks and alien invasions, Stark knew he couldn’t give up studying steel clothes, better, faster and stronger. The researched steel suit kills.

So Tony thought of a way, why not solve all the incidents at once, if he had a duplication, he would be liberated from the steel clothes.

Tony had nothing to do, because no matter how smart he was, he was only a human scientist, but Loki’s scepter gave Tony a chance to have an extremely bold idea.

A program that can think. Yes, Loki’s scepter has designed a program that can think. It is not a computer program, but it is almost the same. It should be said that it is a super program that is countless orders of magnitude more advanced than the current computer programs. One can learn Will think about programs that will evolve.

The perfect stand-in, Tony thought if he could give this program the mission of protecting the earth. Ultron, the self-defense system that Tony has been studying, an existence that can completely restore his mechanical army, and an autonomous artificial intelligence that is completely different from J.A.R.V.I.S.

Tony found Banner and convinced Banner. Dr. Banner agrees with Tony’s sense of crisis. Although it feels a bit unnatural to engage in artificial intelligence with Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D behind his back, he didn’t realize that artificial intelligence would cause serious problems. Banner only thought it would be a more versatile J.A.R.V.I.S.

Before the Pandora’s Box was opened, no one knew that it was full of misfortune.

Two cutting-edge scientists, together with Tony’s funding equipment, based on the scepter program, and the two rewritten, revised and supplemented the program, and then uploaded it.

In fact, no one knows, not even Tony himself, he is not afraid of steel clothes, but in fact, he is afraid of being too weak in his heart. Because he is weak, he can only rely on his steel clothes. The extreme challenges made him constantly upgrade, but the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, even Tony is a little weak, so that Scarlet Witch’s illusion took advantage of the illusion. At the end of the day, the Avengers fell.

In fact, Tony Stark was so disturbed that he regarded his biggest reliance on steel clothes as an enemy. This anxiety made him more eager to prevent misfortune and protect those around him. So after seeing the program in the scepter, he almost immediately thought of making Ultron, because he saw a powerful force.

With Ultron, his mechanical army is completely resurrected, he will have a constantly army, and he doesn’t even need to make a move.

Strictly speaking, J.A.R.V.I.S is not really artificial intelligence. He just has a huge database of comparisons. He doesn’t learn to digest, just collects mechanically and finds the best answer.

But Ultron is different. He only needs a little inspiration to burst out incredible power.

However, the process of researching artificial intelligence is not so smooth. Couples have had children for several years and have not been pregnant, not to mention that Tony and Banner are both men.

However, they will not give up. Success is built on failure. If the whole program is integrated into a self-growth intelligence, it cannot be done in one hand.

But Tony and Banner’s research direction is not wrong, it just needs a little time to constantly improve.

The work of integrating is left to J.A.R.V.I.S. Tony and Banner are going to attend the Avengers party today. During the banquet, they have to play the game of lifting the hammer, which is to see who can lift Thor’s hammer.

Thor originally came to reclaim the scepter, but he is nostalgic for the wine and girlfriend of the earth, so he plans to rest for two days before leaving.

Even Captain America can only move the hammer twice, but Thor has changed color. In fact, I should let Black Widow try, she can definitely lift the hammer, because she will not do anything from her own point of view, and consider the overall situation every time.

Everyone was very happy and very happy, and it was in Tony’s laboratory on the roof of the Avengers building.

A low voice broke the silence: “Who am I? Where is this?”

Successful, J.A.R.V.I.S took the initiative to call Roar: “Hello, you are Ultron, the guardian of the earth built by Mr. Stark.”..

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