Chapter 565 Suffering

One stone stirred up a thousand waves!

Miwako Sato searches for a police flower, the goddess that countless male police yearn for. But this goddess-level police officer shot and killed criminals who surrendered in violation of the rules.

This is not a small matter, because it makes people think that the police are abusing their power. The police should protect people’s safety, even if the opponent is a criminal, but since they have given up resistance, the police cannot shoot.

In fact, it is clearly stipulated in the police manual that the police cannot shoot in this situation, absolutely not. Once Sato’s behavior was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar. Criminals can be killed at will. The police still protect their safety in this way. Maybe the next time the police beat him to death, he will be the one who will be killed.

The public opinion almost fell to the ground to criticize Sato, and definitely cannot say that public opinion is wrong, because they have their own position. And they are not Liu Adou, Liu Adou can abandon all the notions of ordinary people and look beyond the appearance to see the essence. Liu Adou has the strength and vision to skip the legal protection of Sato. He knows that Sato has the potential to become a true heroic policeman.

Definitely, the human group is very different. The common people rely on the law to restrict the privileged class, so the law is dependent on the common people and restricts the privileged class.

In fact, the law is stuck in the human world. A group of people are under the law, a group of people are under the law, and most people are parallel to the law.

Some people are clamoring to abolish all laws and morals, and let the genius class use the full potential of mankind to lead the whole mankind forward. They believe that legal morality is the stumbling block that hinders human progress. As long as these are eliminated, human geniuses can develop and study anything without scruples. Those taboos that are prohibited by legal morality can also shine in the hands of geniuses. Let human beings evolve further.

Others say that everyone should be equal before the law and the real rule of law should be realized. Only by refining the law to every aspect, regulating the actions of human beings, and even turning humans into robots, only doing what they should do, then human beings can be prosperous and prosperous for a long time.

Both of these arguments are extreme. Abolition of legal morality can degenerate into a complete Beast as human beings do whatever they want. Human geniuses are in the minority, and there is no legal morality that destroys more than construction. And the second kind completely restricts the personal freedom of human beings. It was originally against the original intent of the law. The purpose of the law is not to abolish and restrict freedom, but to protect and expand freedom.

Only the hero theory has achieved the intermediate value of the two extreme theories. Heroes can surpass the law to guarantee the safety and freedom of human beings, but they must be restrained by lofty morals and recognize their own responsibilities.

Liu Adou is a hero, so in his opinion Sato can also have a chance to become a hero in this world, but Sato still lacks a little guidance.

The search for a section was dignified, and Officer Sato was arrested by them. Soon they will investigate the police officer Sato and brutally inquire about Sato’s confession.

It’s all Takagi, if it weren’t for him, how could Officer Sato overturn the previous statement. Now they looked at Takagi’s eyes full of anger.

But no matter what, the investigation has to continue and the confession will be asked again.

The Meguro Police Department personally came to the interrogation room, along with Shiratori and Takagi.

The atmosphere was heavy. They had questioned many prisoners in this room, but they didn’t expect to ask their colleagues one day. This matter is also painful for these policemen.

Sato is very haggard, but she is finally able to face herself directly, so she doesn’t have to be as frightened as she was a few days ago. She can’t sleep anymore, and her guilty conscience is really bad.

“Detective Sato.” Mugure said smoothly.

“Memo Police Department, I’m no longer a policeman, please don’t call me a police officer again.” Sato said lostly. Although she chose to surrender, she would inevitably feel frustrated when she thinks of future results.

“Hey, you were originally my best subordinate, and you may be the second police officer after Shiratori. Why can’t you figure it out.”

Sato smiled miserably, she didn’t know what was wrong the moment she shot, maybe it was controlled by the impulsive devil.

“Is it because of Matsuda?” Takagi finally couldn’t help speaking. He was really jealous of Matsuda. Sato made such a mistake for a man who had passed away for three years. Takagi was really jealous. Matsuda was in Sato’s heart. So important.

Sato only said sorry, but he didn’t know who said it to.

But Takagi knew that Sato shot Matsuda.

Silent, Matsuda is Mumu’s subordinate, and regrets his death, but he will never be as stupid as Sato: “Sato, no, you have already caught the bomber. There is no need to shoot. The court will sanction him.”

But Sato just smiled, all this happened, saying it was useless. “Sergeant Mumu, you should still ask for a confession, and I might as well blame Kidd the innocence.”

“?” The three of them were taken aback: “Even if the bomber was not killed by Kidd, isn’t the gunshot wound at that time, Sato, caused by Kidd?”

“No.” Until now, Sato has nothing to hide: “It was when Conan was picking up a pistol and he went off. The kid was trying to catch Kidd, but I didn’t expect to go off. A shot was fired. Kidd was charged for me in order to repay me.”

“…” “I didn’t expect Kidd to be so loyal.” Shiratori said, “Then why would Conan lie?”

“Because Conan also wants to protect me.” This confession is completely reasonable, and it also explains the order of the shells in the runner, that is, the bomber was killed first, and then Sato was injured.

No one thought that the facts would be like this, Mumu still wanted to arrest the thief Kidd, but he did not expect that the thief never touched the pistol during the whole process. The reason for resisting the charge is to thank Sato.

Hey, it would be great if they didn’t know all of this. Well now, Sato’s charges are settled, and her will be met with a ruthless trial.

The prosecutor will never let Sato go. The Sato incident has caused a sharp decline in the credibility of the Metropolitan Police Department. The director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has now been asked to step down. It can be seen that the impact is bad, so the sentence on Sato is absolutely severe, not because Sato killed the non-resistance criminals, but because she told the truth.

In Japan, it doesn’t matter that you make mistakes. As long as you can hide it, the people above will not embarrass you, but if your mistakes can’t keep it from spreading to the people above, the end will definitely be tragic.

Sato is going to be unlucky. Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department knows that it is impossible for a case to be escalated to a situation where the leader will step down.

“I’ll find a lawyer for you.” There is only so much that Mugure can do.

“Thank you, Megumi Police Department.” Sato has changed a person, and the sunshine and vitality have disappeared. Now she is just a lifeless criminal. Waiting for her will only be behind bars. By now, Sato has completely resigned and will not do it. Any struggles. ..

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