Chapter 548 Bombing School

To the brave police, your courage is admirable. I will leave a reminder for you in the last three seconds to make a choice.

Again, this time the bomb is in the elevator shaft of the Tokyo Tower, and it is more dangerous than the previous bombs. Those with mercury balance devices, which means that even a slight vibration may cause the bomb to explode.

“Is there only one?”

“Still searching, do not rule out the possibility of more explosives.” So one, two, there are more than three explosives in the elevator shaft alone.

If all these explosives explode, Tokyo Tower will have to be destroyed.

“Monitoring Police Department, evacuate the surrounding people. We can’t be 100% sure that these explosives can be dismantled.” The bomb disposal team is not optimistic.

“I see, you guys be careful.” Mumu said, “Immediately evacuate all people around to make sure that no one is injured.”

The police surrounded the Tokyo Tower, preventing anyone from approaching. This situation naturally attracted many reporters to report on the spot.

Sato looked at the Tokyo Tower without a word for a long time, and she remembered her first love that had died. It was because of this criminal that Matsuda was blown to pieces and left dead.

That gentle man, his first love, died in the hands of the bomber, Sato squeezed his cell phone tightly, and his anger rose in his heart.

For three years, I thought I had forgotten it, but when the case happened, Sato couldn’t bear it.

“According to the police, at least three high-tech bombs were found inside the Tokyo Tower, which is very dangerous. Now the bomb disposal unit is conducting bomb disposal operations. Whether they can successfully defend the Tokyo Tower, let us wait and see.”

I’m extremely nervous. It doesn’t matter if the Tokyo Tower explodes, because there is no one inside. What is always needed is where the other bombs are. If it explodes in a densely populated place, the police will be to blame.

But the police do not need to worry, because Conan is here. Conan would never let the bomber succeed. He came under the Tokyo Tower and found Officer Takagi.

There are many bombs, and they are huge amounts of C4. In addition to the timer, the stimulating device has a mercury balance tube, which cannot be moved, and can only be dismantled on the spot.

The bad bomb disposal conditions in the elevator shaft made this bomb disposal full of danger.

It would be great if I could see explosives with my own eyes. I had studied the stitching of various explosives in Hawaii, Conan thought, but now it is obviously unrealistic for him to go in. Except for the bomb disposal squad, even the police who searched the first department could not approach it.

“Officer Takagi, what about the last three-second prompt?” Conan said?

“I don’t know.” Where did Takagi know what the bomb disposal unit thought about.

How can we help them, Conan thought quickly. By the way, if you stop the bomb at the last second, you can get two seconds of information, maybe you can infer the location of other bombs.

But Conan knew that he had to use his identity as Maori to get them to agree to his method, so he said to Takagi: “Officer Takagi, Uncle Maori…” He whispered the method in Takagi’s ear.

“It turned out to be Mr. Mori’s method. If he came forward, it would be okay.” His blind trust in Kogoro Mori made Takagi unconditionally believe Conan’s words: “I will contact the bomb disposal unit now.”

At Didan High School, the students were grimly dealing with the exam. Liu Adou looked out the window and listened to the sirens ringing loudly in the street, knowing that the bomber was probably still challenging the police. Can it be done? The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has been unable to find clues for such a bad criminal.

“Student Liu Adou, you are taking the exam now, can you concentrate more.” The teacher couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Oh, I’m done.” Liu Adou stood up and handed the test paper to the teacher: “I will hand in the paper ahead of time.”

He said that he ran out of the classroom, he was going to the roof to see the current situation. The teacher looked at Liu Adou’s test paper in amazement and scanned it roughly, but found no mistakes. The transfer student’s grades were too good, so he turned in early? He didn’t know that Liu Adou was throwing up on this set of test papers, and all the answers were memorized, and there was no error at all.

There seemed to be some strange things in the school. When Liu Adou looked down on the rooftop, he found that there were two more oil drums in the playground and the corner of the cafeteria.

I felt curious and found that it was full of explosives. Such a quantity could completely blow up Didan High School. Okay, my childhood wish is finally coming true, how do you sing that nursery rhyme, ‘the sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile to me, the little bird said: early, early, why do you carry the explosive bag on your back? I went to bomb the school, the teacher didn’t know, I ran as soon as I pulled the string. With a bang, the school exploded. ’

So bombing the school is simply the ultimate dream of all students, and now someone has helped realize it.

Liu Adou looked for it initially. There were more than a dozen timed battles in the school. Did the bomber put so many explosives in Didan High School when he saw his school uniform on TV? It seems that he really hates himself.

Coming and not going to be indecent, and even caught his attention, then Liu Adou would not be able to let go of the bomber who didn’t know the heights of the sky.

In counterattack, Liu Adou just looked around and saw a strange person not far away with a telescope watching here, and there was a mobile TV beside him watching the live news of Tokyo Tower.

The bomber was really a criminal looking for death, and he wanted to witness his last crime with his own eyes. On the best viewing platform, in the best auditorium overlooking Didan High School, watch Didan High School being bombed into the sky.

Then it’s no wonder Liu Adou can easily find him, it’s so obvious. Liu Adou didn’t want to complain anymore, and by looking at the proud expression of the bomber, he knew that he thought he had won.

The bomber thinks he is a genius, and only he can think of this kind of genius crime that drives the police into desperation. From today, Tokyo will be shrouded in grief, and the police will lose their ability to protect citizens.

The situation at Tokyo Tower is still not optimistic, there are still a few minutes. Either die or become a coward. In fact, the bomber even hopes that the police will dismantle the bombs so that he can promote that the police do not care about the safety of other citizens and only cherish their own lives. The police are just selfish cowards and he can expose the truth to the media. Parents who have lost their children will become an absolute force against the police.

If the bomber’s plan goes well, thousands of high school students die in a high school, thousands of families will welcome the tragedy, and the credibility of the police will be hit. The result is hard to imagine.

Time is getting closer, explosion or calm? The host of the live broadcast is very nervous, and the information is constantly being reported by the host. ..

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