Chapter 426: Interstellar School

The holy city was completely destroyed by the battle of the abyss. This city supported by commercial taxes suddenly had no means of living. The citizens had no place to live and no place to do business. Fortunately, the granary is still there, so you don’t need to go hungry as long as you stay on the ground.

At this time, a man named Isli stood up, and he cooperated with the church to lead the residents to rebuild the holy city, and the Great Swords also contributed their efforts to get to know each other while working together. Before leaving, definitely Liu Adou took care of the earth station to assist in the reconstruction of the holy city.

The current earth resident material cannot help the reconstruction of the Holy City, but it is still possible to check the health of the residents of the Holy City and prevent the plague. It is important to know that refugees live in a concentrated manner, and it is difficult to meet sanitary conditions, and they are prone to plague and various diseases. The Earth Adventures team has more medical knowledge than the church, which can be of great help.

As for the organization’s plan to drive West Abyss to the Earth Station, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to succeed. Because the Devourer of the Abyss had no experience at the beginning, and only relied on the flesh of the abyss to pursue the abyss. As time goes by, the Devourer of the Abyss will become stronger and stronger, but this time is very long, and it may take several years. It’s too early for the West Abyss to be chased by the Devourer of the Abyss.

Most of the inhabitants of the holy city are divided into right and wrong. The long-term peace and prosperity of the holy city have created the high quality of the people of the holy city. It only took a short time for them to reject the big sword to accept it. They had never seen a big sword before. So I thought that the big swords were like servants, like demons, but after getting along with them, they found that their cold appearance actually has the same emotions, sorrows, sorrows and joys as ordinary girls, and they are also women.

The medical squad sent by the earth is composed of military doctors from each squad. It includes members from many countries, including black, white and yellow. There are no blacks in this world, so when blacks appeared, the locals looked curiously for a while.

There is definitely a seven-person team responsible for protecting the medical team, and Haozi and Liu Qi, a pair of good friends, got together again.

“Look at that Japanese, it’s too trivial.” Haozi and Liu Qi have no prejudice against the rare Japanese in this expedition, but they don’t have any trust in acting together. Thinking that Fukushima had leaked such a big thing at the beginning, these Japanese soldiers even said that they got off work on time. They were also soldiers, and Hiroko looked down on such people who escaped difficulties.

“Then you didn’t complain about that Japanese woman before?” This time Japan sent two people, one man and one woman to join the mixed nationality formation.

“You don’t understand this. The Japanese woman’s temper hasn’t said, and if you can’t beat it, you can’t curse.” Haozi said, she must slobber.

“Pervert, stay away from me, I don’t know you!” Liu Qi took a few steps away from Haozi: “Look at the surroundings, here is far away from the station, maybe there are demons, we can’t be eaten by them as cakes. ”

Haozi didn’t take it seriously: “False and serious, obviously you also peeped at the female players. Besides, if the big sword is there, the demon will be discovered when it comes close. You don’t know. You don’t know, a few Italians in the mixed team next door People have always wanted to go to town to vent their physical needs. By the way, where did you say Kidd has been recently? Will you also go to soak girls?”

“Where did I know.” Liu Qi rolled his eyes, and Kidd was not familiar with him.

Suddenly there was a riot in front of them. Haozi and Liu Qi looked at each other and immediately moved forward with the handle of the gun in their hands.

But it was a group of local people who came to the military doctor around a bunch of mothers and children: “Save my child.”

In addition to the child’s relatives, there were two clergymen who accompanied him. These people were priests who believed in twin girls and doctors on the mainland. They sent the child to the military doctor because they didn’t care about the child’s illness.

Haozi heaved a sigh of relief, it’s fine if something happened, he just stood on the side and watched.

The military doctors did not dare to delay and checked immediately, and soon came to a preliminary conclusion: “It seems to be tetanus. Take it into the tent. Others are waiting outside.”

Haozi quickly blocked the worried locals and said, “Everyone, I know everyone is worried, but now please stay here and wait and don’t hinder the doctor’s treatment.”

The residents are more cooperative, because the military doctors have saved many people.

With the deepening of exchanges, the relationship between local humans, earth humans, and Great Sword is unprecedentedly harmonious here in the holy city. Although the reconstruction work has been very slow, at least their work of rebuilding the market is still very smooth.

As long as the commercial road is reopened, the holy city will soon be restored to its prosperity and even rise to the next level. Because Isli’s talent is not built, his execution and leadership ability in the reconstruction work simply surpassed the leader. The bald head teacher originally is also very enlightened. He cares about the holy city originally and the people of the holy city. Isli is obviously better than him, and the teacher does not insist that he must be in power.

Isli and Nakey walked very close, a big brother and a little brother, both eager to be cared about, so the two were very close. There are a lot of girls in Creya, and there is no man to intervene at all. Dajian sisters love each other and enjoy each other, peace and happiness.

And over time, the Wormhole Defense Bureau also began to recruit members. As it is the first time in human history to explore and stay out of the universe for a long time, the United Nations has decided to establish a new recruitment and training organization to train outstanding talents with comprehensive Ability in order to understand more and more cosmic things.

Just like the academy, various countries set up branches for training, and finally sent to the Defense Bureau to serve. This is a brand new and secret academy that specializes in teaching knowledge about things in the universe. It is called the Star School, Starschool, code-named S school, or SS for short.

Confidential documents were issued, the school was opened, elites were transferred from the Eistan Star and Wormhole Patrol, and even Dr. An Rong was called back to serve as the school’s instructor.

For a time, all countries began to mobilize personnel on Einstein to prepare for the next training. Whoever has more elite personnel will get more benefits in the work of the Defense Bureau.

Therefore, many countries unexpectedly selected college students as the backbone of the training. In fact, this is the tacit understanding of all countries. If there are more military personnel, other countries will inevitably seize the handle.

College students are good, they have knowledge and culture, as long as they are well trained, they can become military personnel, and they can accept new things quickly. Is the most suitable candidate, so countries began to select candidates.

In this environment, Kidd got a call from the general and told him to pick a few people up. The general believed Kidd’s vision. In this way, Kidd also participated in the inter-generational interstellar school admissions event and encountered many interesting things. ..

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