Chapter 377 Employment

In front of Liu Adou were two disabled girls, one with his right arm and the other with his left arm. Even if I broke my hand, seeing their blonde and silver eyes, I knew they were great swords.

And one of the girls’ ears are like elves pointed. Although there are many pointed ears in the big sword girl, there is only one high-speed sword that is so quiet and beautiful, as elegant and refined as an elves.

Another girl with short hair, but a dull expression and an honest look, is probably Creya. The surrounding environment is beautiful, surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by grass and wildflowers, and surrounded by deer and rabbits. It is simply a holiday resort.

Enellie’s vision to find such a retreat is simply unique.

Kleia’s broken arm should have been cut off by the current NO.4 Ophelia, so the plot progressed to the point where Kleya and Nakey were separated. When taking the Awakening to fly to the organization before, Kidd scanned the mainland with the small universe open, only then found them, and when he came back, he took a detour to see them.

“Hello, in Lower Kidd.”

Creya’s eyes were so unabashedly surprised, because how could such a man in white clothes appear in the wilderness? There are churches that are not in the holy city, and even the bishop of the church is not as clean as Kidd.

It was the first time Enelli met someone who dared to strike up a conversation. Most people would take a detour when they saw the big sword. Combined with Kidd’s dress and sudden appearance, she had to re-examine Kidd.

But I heard Kidd say: “Actually, I just came back from the organization and saw Lemoto. That little old man was really shameless. He obviously surrounded our resident with demons and even said without shame that he would send a big sword to protect us. Isn’t this just a bit of a sheep’s mouth?”


What’s the matter with this man, why is he incoherent as soon as he meets, and he still speaks bad things about the organization in front of him. What does this mean?

“Two beautiful ladies, I am willing to hire you to be our bodyguards at double the price of the organization. Are you willing to do so?”

“As you can see, we are also great swords.” Enilly was confused, but she didn’t know that Kidd was a traverser and knew a lot of information.

“But you are not ordinary swords. You must be the swords abandoned by the organization, or you have left the organization to hide. Right?”

“…” Both of them became vigilant, and Liu Adou obviously felt a force in the surrounding air locked himself in.

“Don’t be nervous, we have nothing to do with any forces in the mainland. We are independent. I went to organize and asked them not to disturb us. But we really need a professional who understands demons to be our guide, and I will pay. of.”

“How do you know that we are not the great sword of the organization?” Creya has not yet left the organization. Although it has become the thorn of the organization, it has not been separated.

“It’s very simple. I haven’t seen a large sword that the organization will keep. Generally speaking, you have been sent to the battlefield to be cleared.”

“You newcomer doesn’t seem to know the mainland very much.” Enili has the intention of attacking with a sword in one hand, Kidd is too suspicious.

“Is this.” Kidd actually didn’t want to know so much, but who made him an otaku before, watched countless animations, and his memory is still very good, and his mouth is exposed: “In fact, you can make friends first. After you understand, you will know that I can actually do magic.” As Kidd stretched out his hand, there was a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

What kind of magic is magic, it’s okay to deceive Crea, but it’s a long way to deceive Enili.

Enilly showed a mocking expression: “Are you magic?”

“Uh!” It seems that even if the level of technology is poor, it doesn’t mean that Dajian is stupid. Obviously Yinili is very shrewd, otherwise it would not be possible to live until now.

To be real, Kidd said: “I was just joking.” As he said, he put a bouquet of flowers into Crea’s hand, “there is real magic below, please keep your eyes open.”

Kidd held out his palm, his five fingers trembling slightly. He was about to use a magic skill he rarely used. This magic does not need to prepare a lot of things like divination magic. Definitely is not very useful. It is the thunder of the palm: “Hey!”

The faint blue lightning was pulled up from the palm of the hand, like a seedling diverging and growing, and it didn’t stop until it was more than one meter high.

Click! Lightning is accompanied by thunder, and because of the close distance, the sound is like a roar of a lion and a roar of a tympanic drum.

The two great swords have seen lightning, but for the first time they saw the lightning in the palm of their hands.

Liu Adou was proud of his heart, and this trick looked good, but in fact it was not very lethal. If he wanted to use lightning, he would rather use force lightning. The Force Lightning is an authentic killing move.

“Thank you, thank you!” As if performing a magic trick, I got used to it.

“Are you a magician?” Enilly couldn’t see through Kidd this time.

“Actually, I am a magician, but I can also do two magics. Just laughed, I don’t know much.” Appropriately showing honesty can increase favorability. He is really honest this time, because he really knows two magics, divination and palm thunder.

Creya always had a surprised look, but she still didn’t understand what Kidd did.

“Do you really need a guide?” Enilly asked.

“Definitely needed.” Kidd’s reply was affirmative: “You need an experienced, veteran, and powerful guide like you.”

Enili nodded to express that she understood, but suddenly she danced her arms, and the big sword in her hand was more like Chang’e flying to the moon to take Kleiya’s severed arm.

Creya didn’t feel any pain, and saw that his half-broken arm was completely broken. Before she had time to question Enilly, she saw that the other party was holding the big sword under her arm, and she broke her intact right arm.

Kidd sucked in pain, but looked at Enilly and said without changing her face, “This is a parting gift.”

Crea understands that Enly is creating new wounds for herself so that her arm can be connected to her body: “But…”

“Don’t talk nonsense, don’t you want to avenge Dinis? Remember that you are the only proof of her existence, Creya don’t hesitation.”

Kleiya gritted his teeth, picked up his arm and pressed it on the wound, and finally said, “I will pay you back.”

To release the evil spirit and accelerate wound healing, a ‘surgery’ of a broken arm transplant was carried out in an unbelievable way in front of Liu Adou. He opened his mouth slightly, unable to hide his surprise. The tragedy of the big sword is vividly manifested from the transfer of this arm, which is not only an arm but also destiny.

It’s been a long time since Enili had seen a big sword with a strong will like Creya, so she chose to give it as a gift. At the same time, she also saw the figure of former comrades-in-arms in Creya, inheriting the great sword of Dinis’ flesh and blood, and survive.

The demon energy released more than 30%, and breaking the arm is not a trifling matter, and Creya is not a defensive sword. This work is even harder.

But Creya won’t have a problem, but Enilly let the wound flow like blood, Kidd can’t stand it anymore: “Let me treat you.”

Speaking of Kidd’s ripples had been input into Enilly’s wound, because she was afraid that the flesh in her body would react to the ripples, so Kidd carefully controlled the ripples on the wound and restored the wound.

“Now that I don’t have arms, do you still need me to be a guide?” Enly knows that Creya has her own mission, but she doesn’t care. A new force that can organize gesticulations may be helpful to self-preservation.

“Definitely need, your broken arm is not a big problem.” As long as you have money, you can install a powerful mechanical arm. For example, Winter Soldier’s arm is good. Kidd felt that it is not a problem to have no left and right hands in this universe.

Seeing her wound healed quickly, Enili was more surprised than seeing the lightning: “Now I believe you are a magician.”

“Thank you for your trust.” Kidd smiled. ..

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