Chapter 370 Gunfire against demons

Kidd is very leisurely, looking around day and night, looking forward to the arrival of the great sword.

There are no cars here, no horses in Dajian, and the speed of a car on two legs. However, this continent is not small, spanning temperate and frigid zones. It is still a world of ice and snow in the northernmost part of the continent, but it is hot in summer in the south.

Fortunately, in this world forty-eight hours a day, Dajian doesn’t need to eat much, it can travel a lot day and night, but Dajian has not yet reached this remote village.

However, the members of the food convoy and the soldiers have become familiar with each other, and they are curious about the good things of the people on earth.

Moore is the youngest member of the team, and the most admired is their leader, who has served as a guard in the holy city. But after seeing the earth soldiers, he discovered that there are people in this world who are more miraculous than the leader. In the originally dark room, a small sun-like thing was installed to make the room as bright as the outside.

And the clothes worn by the Earth soldiers are also very strange. Moore particularly likes their boots, they look strong, and he walked ‘dong dong dong’. He had never seen such shoes before.

The clothes and weapons of the explorers are all the responsibility of China, except that the soldiers’ nationalities are attached to their arms to distinguish them. But this time the clothing is not soil, because it is uniform black, even the body armor is also black.

Moore is now captured by all kinds of new things on earth, and he has infinite reveries about the origins of the people on earth.

Torah is not as curious as Mulla. The death of his brother and sister-in-law gave him a big blow. He seemed to want to kill the monsters that Kidd had captured alive. I didn’t do it. He didn’t understand why he wanted to let the frenzied monster alive.

Today Torah wandered back again, with an axe pinned to his waist.

“What are you doing, Tora.” The team leader saw Tora pulled back. “What do you want to do?”

“I want revenge!” Torah said.

“Are you crazy, didn’t you see that they don’t want the monster to die now?” The leader is still knowledgeable, knowing that the people on earth are now studying the monster, and killing the monster will anger them.

“They are looking for death. If they don’t kill the demons, the demons will eat them sooner or later,” Torah said stubbornly.

“Fuzzy, it’s their own business that they were eaten, at least not when the white kid was there. Did you surrender the monster without seeing him?” The leader said: “And look at their strange weapons It’s said that they have scared away demons. They are not ordinary people. Torah should stop thinking about revenge. If you live well, your brother and sister-in-law will also be happy.”

Torah’s tears flowed again.

At the moment Zhang Dong suddenly blew the assembly whistle: “Assemble.” The camera previously set up captured another monster approaching: “Prepare to fight.”

Zhang Dong also took a special look at Kidd. Kidd understood that Zhang Dong was telling him not to make a move. Okay, don’t make a move. Kidd won’t make a move unless he is killed.

“Check the weapon, go!”

The camera saw the demon’s movements clearly, and as it approached, it rushed into Zhang Dong’s encirclement.

“You can’t let it go this time. Don’t care about the ammunition. Landing Ship No. 2 will come down soon and there will be supplies. Do you know?”


Zhang Dong licked his lips, demon, let us see if you can survive the bullet.

This monster has no wings, and its strong limbs allow it to move quickly on the ground. It smelled the human breath, “Roar!”


Without hesitation, Zhang Dong pulled the trigger abruptly, and the bullet vented out.

The six rifles were all bursts, with three bullets, and three shots unnecessarily hitting the demon’s body, biting many holes in its body, and the purple blood remained again. This demon was originally injured, and not all the bullets were dug out. Now it is wounded and wounded, only to rescue his companion.

Demons can eat people, but they also have wisdom. Although most demons are alone, they sometimes cooperate. Moreover, demons often have perverted hobbies, such as abducting and selling little girls, and abusing ‘food’.

As soon as Oss saw that the bullet could not kill the monster, he took out the grenade and threw it at the monster: “Be careful of the grenade.”

Everyone immediately made tactical moves to hide, Boom!

Although the demon had been bombed by a grenade once, he had never seen the grenade before, so he didn’t know how he was injured, but just ran away.

It was this again, the demon was wounded again. But it’s not dead yet.

Zhang Dong raised his head: “Come again!”

The leader and Torah were shocked. Fortunately, they hadn’t argued with them before. They didn’t expect the black weapons to be so powerful. That kind of fire-breathing stick is simply a magic weapon to deal with demons.

Boom, boom, boom!

After three explosions in a row, the demon was finally exhausted, covered in purple blood, and broke a leg.

Zhang Dong motioned everyone to approach slowly, and when they surrounded it, it was just a corpse.


“Dead?” Tora looked at the tattered corpse of the demon blankly, still feeling incredible.

The leader was also the first time he saw a monster that was not beheaded by a big sword. If the Holy City Guard had such a weapon, wouldn’t it be invincible?

The six-wheeled off-road vehicle drove over and stopped beside Tora and the leader. There is also a car that does not require a horse, which also makes the leader feel very curious.

“How did you destroy the body like this?” Sony complained: “How can we study it.”

“Then just dissect it directly.” Zhang Dong didn’t have any comments. This battle could be regarded as restoring the soldiers’ confidence.

This demon’s corpse is the best medal for warriors. Let them know that bullets and grenade can kill the demon on this planet. There is nothing to worry about.

Seeing them so energetic, Kidd was embarrassed to say that there are Awakening people on the planet, there are abysses, and abyss devourers. Those are estimated to be able to be dealt with only by tanks and planes, and there are a lot of them, definitely not a few soldiers can deal with.

“Take the corpse back.” Sony directed the move, not caring about getting the car dirty.

“Okay, let’s go back too.” The leader took Tora away. Tora hasn’t seen the addiction yet. He wants to see the death face of the monster who killed his brother and sister-in-law. Although he doesn’t know if the monster is a murderer, the monsters are all the same and they deserve to die. Torah was happy to see the corpse of the demon, he almost joined Zhang Dong’s team.

The leader sighed when he saw Tora’s eyes. He understood Tora, because he had seen too many people whose relatives were eaten by demons. They are either afraid to escape or give up on themselves, and more often find a big sword to kill demons. They were all poor people, and Torah was the lucky one among the poor people. At least he was alive and saw the body of the demon, chatting to masturbate. ..

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