Chapter 351 Pandora’s Jewel

On Paradise Island, Liu Adou is explaining the small universe to the elite female warriors. Once back in New York, Liu Adou was blocked by Diana and Aisha. Diana came to see her future apprentice, and Aisha came to blame Liu Adou for being irresponsible.

After Liu Adou was gone, Aisha had been thinking that Liu Adou was always busy with his own affairs and had forgotten what Zeus had said. In fact, Aisha was worried that she would become herself in the future. Seeing Liu Adou came back and immediately blocked the door, she knew it. The problem with the Saint Seiya was just an excuse.

It’s an old problem again. Liu Adouxin said that it is obviously inappropriate to find suitable candidates one by one. It just so happens that Diana is also there, so it’s better to go to Paradise Island and train a group of Saint Seiyas. As for Harry Osborn’s question, it has to be postponed again.

It is a match made in heaven for an Amazonian female warrior to be equipped with a small universe. Liu Adou has only explained it for seven days. Some warriors have already realized the small universe. Although it is still weak, its speed is simply terrifying. Because the Amazon female warriors have been undergoing harsh training and are physically strong, as long as they are able to understand the small universe, it is still very simple, but there is no holy clothing for them.

However, as time went by, Liu Adou also discovered that after the Amazonian female warriors comprehended the small universe, it was somewhat difficult to cultivate the seventh sense. It seemed that they had difficulty understanding the mysterious feeling of the seventh sense. But with a large base, there will always be people who feel the seventh sense.

Diana loves Nono as much as Ada, and she can’t put it down. She also vowed to give everything she learned to Nono. It seems that as the youngest female warrior on the island, Diana was suppressed. She has always been educated, and now it is finally her turn to educate others.

“Nono, I must educate you to be the strongest Amazon female warrior.” Diana held Nono high and made Nono laugh like a silver bell.

Ada has no objection. She doesn’t want her daughter to be bullied. A strong woman like Diana will definitely educate her daughter. Only Liu Adou trembled, fearing that his daughter would be trained to be a female man, but Ada agreed, and he had nothing to say.

While Diana was teasing Nono, suddenly a shadow quickly snatched Nono from Diana’s hands.

Everyone is not in a hurry, because that person is Kayla, Superman’s cousin. In the end, she finally came here to practice and mingle with the Amazon female warrior.

“Hey, don’t fall my apprentice.” Diana shouted: “I have a lot to teach her.”

“I can teach her a lot, too.” Kayla rubbed Nono’s fat baby cheek and said, “Is it right, Nono.”

Liu Adou looked at this paradise island, which is full of girls. It was very stressful. He was married and he couldn’t help but feel good about it. Although he couldn’t make fun of it openly, it was okay to take a peek. In fact, it is not a peek. It was very exposed, and his arms and legs were all in front of Liu Adou.

“Kayla, you quickly send my daughter down.” Liu Adou was afraid that the little girl would throw her daughter down.

“Ha ha ha ha, let me take Nono to fly for a while.”

“Still so crazy.” This Kayla didn’t learn Superman to be a little steadfast, she was a crazy girl, still a crazy girl with super Ability.

Flying around on the paradise island with the baby, “Nono likes this, haha.” Kayla smiled happily when she saw that in her arms.

“A Dou, come here, I have something to say.” It’s been some time since I returned to Earth. Ada wants to go back to work, but she can’t take her daughter to work.

The couple strolled on the beach, and Ada said, “I think I can go back to work. My subordinates contacted me before. On the surface, SHIELD has disintegrated, and Chief Nick is also living in seclusion, but there are still many people who want to. Rebuilding SHIELD. Now the president of Osborn Enterprise, Norman, is trying his best to make this happen, and they want me to go.”

“Norman Osborn? Would he be so kind to help? I don’t believe it.”

“But this is the truth, I want to go back and continue to lead S.H.I.E.L.D.” Ada said.

“Sister Ada, I definitely support you, don’t worry, I will take care of Nono.” Liu Adou promised, patted his chest.

But Ada obviously still didn’t believe in the Ability of her husband’s childcare, so she explained a lot of things, and Liu Adou’s head exploded when she heard it. He said in his heart that as long as he is not hungry and not sick, there is no need to prepare so many things, right?

But Liu Adou didn’t dare to slack off, so he kept nodding his head and wrote down all these requirements, what milk powder to eat, what clothes to wear, what time to feed, what time to sleep, and to play, almost all day long. Liu Adou was sweating again and again, and for the first time he wondered if he could really bring a good child.

I can do it, Liu Adou cheered himself up, he can steal everything, can’t he still get his daughter? It will work.

After the explanation, Ada returned to the group of women and looked at Kayla with Nono with Diana.

Hippolyte didn’t know when he also came over and stood beside Liu Adou: “We haven’t had a baby in Paradise Island for a long time.”

“Can’t Goddess Hera give life to the dolls you pinched?” Liu Adou said, “Actually, I am also very surprised. Diana is the last child on your Paradise Island. It has been many years, right?”

“Accurately speaking, it is more than a hundred years. Diana has half the blood of gods, so she grows very slowly.”

“Yes, then why haven’t you continued to make children in a hundred years?” Liu Adou asked.

Hippolyte suddenly showed a melancholy expression and sighed: “Do you think the god of Olympus would be so selfless?”

“Hera is much more kind than Zeus, right.” Liu Adou has never seen Hera, but seeing the way Zeus and Athena are calculating, you know that God is not selfless.

“The Goddess Hera is a gift for us to stay on the Paradise Island, and it did give me Diana. But we did not fulfill the instructions of the Goddess Hera, so after the birth of Diana, the Goddess Hera no longer grants new life. NS.”

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world.

“What does Goddess Hera ask you to do?”

“Protect the Pandora gem.”

In Pandora’s Greek mythology, the first human being made of sand, a woman, and the gods gave her beauty, figure, temperament, etc., but she didn’t give her wisdom and let Pandora do things without going through the brain. Zeus gave her a box and told her not to open it, but under the trend of strong curiosity, Pandora opened the box and released the plague of disasters. When closing the box, he shut down hope.

In this universe, Athena finally withdrew her hope and mixed Pandora’s tears to create the perfect Pandora gem for Hera. Hera loves this perfect gem very much, because the light of moonlight refracted by the gem can bring infinite benefits to God. Hera entrusted the gems to the Amazon warrior, but now the gems are missing, and no one knows where the gems are now.

Liu Adou was stunned. After marrying Ada, he had given up Pandora’s gems, but he didn’t expect its clues to be by his side. ..

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