Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven

The atmosphere of the concert was as high as the atmosphere of the New York war, and a song made the audience scream under Aisha’s superb interpretation.

“It’s so beautiful, how could there be such a perfect singer as Aisha in the world.” Little Pepper has fallen, and she has become a fan of Aisha.

“I love you—” Benn yelled happily in the crowd, great, this is the music, this is the singer, the best on earth! He didn’t know that his uncle Jason was going crazy. When he returned home, he found that his nephew was missing, but the radio broadcasted a message that the royal family was coming. He hurriedly went to the garage to find the car, but found that the car was missing.

Call Benn, but Benn is in the crowded concert venue, and the sound of the cell phone’s ringing is not noticeable at all. Jason is almost mad, why is Benn so unreliable? ?

Fortunately, Jason installed a tracker on the car, and finally found that the car was outside New York City. Hurry to find it, if the royal family comes to find the wrong place, it will be over.

In the Chitauri space mothership, the attacking flying fish (Avengers alliance2 said this is a spacecraft, here is changed to cosmic creatures, or biological spacecraft) is stepping up preparations. The armor is nailed to the flying fish’s body, and the landing army stands on the armor. The attacking fish is about to set off soon. The purpose of these big fish is to crash into the fortress. The flying fish is a kind of cosmic creature. Flying fish not only has impact power, but also huge amounts of bite force. The small fortress can be knocked down directly, and the big fortress can be eaten a little bit.

“Fast, fast, fast, fast, you moths, the landing is about to begin, and Chitauri who hasn’t missed the battlefield.” The elite captain yelled at everyone: “Get in place now.”

In the corner, there are a few Chitauri equipped with round caps, but compared to the other Chitauri, these few are a bit thinner. They are the Alfheimers who have mixed into the Chitauri army and are preparing to smuggle to the earth. They were originally nine. A fairy planet in the big country, unfortunately, because of the invasion of Thanos, the beautiful planet has become a military factory. Now the royal guards are about to experience the most dangerous key to protecting their princess. Because all the Zetaru soldiers have trackers on their bodies, as long as they leave the war zone, they will definitely be found. At that time, they have to protect the safety of the princess, and no matter what, the princess must be sent to a safe place.

“Princess, let’s go.”

Now they are all disguised as Zita Swiss soldiers, so they can’t see the ugliness, but the princess’s body is even thinner, with huge amounts of weapons wrapped around her arms, it seems that she has another body. The princess nodded. In fact, she was very nervous because she was afraid of Chitauri, but as a princess, she had to stand up. The mother star has nearly no chance to fight back, and she must go to the earth to rebuild her power.

But the princess’s parents did not mean that. They hoped that their daughter would go to the earth to start a new life.

The elves separated, part of them turned on the Flight machine, and part of them climbed up the attacking flying fish. Wearing the mask, Princess Roar sucked and accelerated, and they were about to go to the universe, and then to a new planet, a completely strange place.


The bound mechanical arm slowly loosened, and the flying fish wagged its tail, Roar let out a sigh of relief, and slowly swam towards the universe.

The princess tied to the flying fish armor watched nervously at the changing scenery, leaving the Chitaru mothership, the surrounding area was pitch black, and the nearest light seemed out of reach. And suddenly there was no sound, only Roar, who was as heavy as a bellows, sucked. It’s terrible. At least there are spaceships in the space to advance. I didn’t expect to rush directly into the universe during a battle. It’s too wild.

Except for the link device on the back, there is no reliance on it. The body floats with the swaying body of the flying fish, as if it may drift to the end of the universe at any time. The princess felt that she had never been so small, and she was nothing at all to the universe.

The princess turned her eyes sharply while twisting her neck, and finally saw the phantom in front of her, that was the portal.

“Ready to land!” The elite captain roared on the radio. Chitauri was impatient to release the link and grabbed the armor with his hands. As long as they reached the landing position, they would jump without hesitation.

The princess also learned to grasp the armor, but she couldn’t learn Chitauri’s sturdy momentum. Now she was afraid of her legs trembling, but fortunately she saw her guard, who was next to her, and she just had to jump on the Flight machine later.

After an almost negligible journey through the universe, the flying fish passed through the portal.

The explosion sounded into the princess’s ears instantly, and gravity was restored. The weight of Chitauri’s equipment was suddenly pressed on her body, and the princess almost fell off the flying fish.

This is the earth, high-rise buildings, and roads crisscross, but now there is smoke everywhere. Chitauri’s official attack began.

“Land, all land, hurry up, all Rezeta Swiss soldiers clarify their position, and then attack!” Flying fish will send them to the designated landing place. The job of the landing soldiers is to suppress all resistance forces.

Shuttle among the tall buildings, Chitauri landed and jumped from the flying fish to the wall of the building. Their strong bodies fixed themselves to the wall: “Roar!”

The landing soldiers started the frenzied battle mode. Fighting is their nature, and today they are going to tear the city apart. Look at those with poor firearms who should be soldiers on this planet, and they are also their targets. Kill it.

The police were crushed and completely unable to move, Commander Stone contacted the National Guard, but he was too late. This is a real alien invasion, not a joke. Can the officials show some professionalism in the rescue? No matter what, “All police are dispatched, and New York City must be protected.” At the same time, the Commissioner also called F.B.I to hope that they could send S.W.A.T. Anyway, what is needed now is firepower. After the war, as long as the enemy can be killed, they can do it.

The police took out the shotgun used to deal with the criminals from the trunk of the police car, which was much better than the small pistol at the waist. But still not an opponent. They can only cover the retreat of civilians.

They are still being watched by aliens, but Captain America is one step ahead of the aliens, “We need to organize a defense line.” This World War II veteran knows the importance of the front, even if there is only a low wall, it can become a position. : “Don’t stay on the street, go to the underground parking lot and subway entrance and exit for defense.” The enemy has air power, and staying on the street is almost dead. These police officers really have no common sense.

Fortunately, the police do not know what Captain America is thinking, otherwise they will definitely complain. Not everyone is a veteran. It is not easy to stick to the post at this time. Where do you want to get other things. But the police are also bulls. They usually kill a black suspect, or help kill a suicide young man, or vent bullets at a young man who is playing with a toy gun. So now he also doubts Captain America: “Why do we listen to you? of?”

Captain America did not answer. He raised the shield to block two bullets, then flew a shield to fly an incoming alien, grabbed the spear rifle stabbed by the enemy, and knocked the enemy out with a reversal punch. The shield swept across the alien’s chest and tore the buttons, and finally grabbed the enemy’s arm with one hand. The shield cut off the alien’s hand with a blade, and then slammed the opponent’s head. In the blink of an eye, the four aliens were solved by Captain America. It was not unpleasant. The policeman was stunned, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he immediately ordered his men to go to the place Captain America requested.

A guy with no integrity. ..

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