Chapter 184 The Second Half of the Year

Liu Adou did a scene with the simulation robot in front of Tony last night, and today the agent sent by S.H.I.E.L.D is here.

Max, male, 27 years old, from Texas, United States, unmarried and single. He received the director’s personal order to supervise Liu Adou not doing anything out of line. Before setting off, he learned about Liu Adou’s intelligence and found that he was extraordinary, and he was a legend at his young age.

When he was in Gotham City, he was an excellent journalist. Later, he contacted the two systems of Shenshi to obtain a magical weapon and had a strong combat power. At the same time, he became a full-time journalist as a filmmaker, and his first movie was a big hit worldwide. The box office exceeded two billion US dollars. For this kind of strongman, Max didn’t dare to despise, and at the same time he wondered what Liu Adou was going to do. Analyzing Liu Adou’s ultimate goal was also one of his tasks.

But Max originally thought Liu Adou was a low-key person, and he didn’t expect a Lamborghini to be parked outside the house. Max definitely wasn’t surprised, because Liu Adou’s worth was there.


Liu Adou just finished breakfast, “Who are you looking for?” The handsome tea-haired guy outside the door is not a neighbor.

“S.H.I.E.L.D sent me to assist you.” Marcos said.

Liu Adou nodded: “Come in.”

Starting today, Liu Adou will be busy. Maybe he can’t be free before the summer. He really needs a helper.

So there was an interview in the living room: “Name, age.”

“Marcos, twenty-seven.”

“What kind of work did you do before?” Liu Adou asked.

|”Joined the army, served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and later joined S.H.I.E.L.D.” Marcos did not hide it, but when he saw Liu Adou shaking his head, he wondered what was wrong?

But I heard Liu Adou say: “If you have been fighting all day long, you should get acquainted with the life of modern people while you are young. Well, you will be my assistant from today. I ask you to do whatever you want, except SHIELD. In addition to his salary, I will give you a salary of fifty dollars an hour. If you do it well, you can increase it.” Then he threw a car key on the coffee table: “The sports car outside, you drive in the future, you go first today. Register a company for me and I will write you a check.”

“…” I am here to supervise you, not to work for you. However, Liu Adou had almost pushed him out of the door without a word, and he had a bunch of keys and a check in his hand.

Call the director immediately, what is this, but it’s not bad to have another fifty dollars an hour. Max reported all the situation to the director. The director only said one sentence: “Listen to Liu Adou.” Max can only apply for the company, but he doesn’t know what to apply for. Liu Adou didn’t even tell him the name of the company. . Turn back and ring the doorbell again.

Liu Adou smiled: “I know you need to report, and you have to come back when you’re done.” Liu Adou put a folder in front of Max: “This is the content of my registered company. After you are optimistic, you can go to the commercial department to register. I have to go to the Stark Building to find someone.”

The two moved separately, which was much more efficient. Little Pepper is very polite. Her new CEO, regardless of age or seniority, cannot convince the public. She complained when Tony asked her to be in charge of the concert. She was already very busy. Tony didn’t help, even if she did nothing to trouble herself. However, after learning that it was the heroine of Frozen who was holding the concert, she changed her mind and took advantage of this opportunity to make a beautiful publicity.

Little Chili is eager to prove his Ability, otherwise even if he is appointed by Tony, he will inevitably be tripped. So might as well use the opportunity of this concert to promote Stark Enterprise. Although Stark is already well-known, advertising has to be done frequently to maintain exposure. Stark is now in the process of transforming to single out some subsidiaries for the transition from military to civilian use. Publicity is even more important.

After Stark was kidnapped, he once announced the cessation of military production. If it hadn’t been for the company’s veteran to wake up Tony, perhaps the Stark company would have been disbanded. But Tony still made the decision to transform, first branching out some unimportant branches to try to transfer military to civilians.

If you can ensure that the military-to-civilian company can also have high profits, then it will not only prove Tony’s correctness, but also prove Xiaojiao’s ability, and it will also allow Stark Industries to expand the market and achieve three goals with one stone. Therefore, the concert must not only be held. It is also necessary to achieve the level of Stark industry.

So Little Pepper formed a concert project team and gathered the elites of Stark’s propaganda department.

When Liu Adou saw this posture, he couldn’t get it right away with the plans painted by the teachers and students of Xavier’s School. Seeing the elite white-collar workers singing in the meeting room, I came on stage, and there were endless witty ideas. , Liu Adou white hair sweat came out. Do you hold concerts or sell your company’s civilian products?

However, it is always good for Xiaojiao to attach importance to it, because the funds are absolutely sufficient. The meeting was held for a long time in the next few days, sometimes Liu Adou attended, and sometimes he also asked Max to attend.

With the cooperation of the invited stage effects experts, the final stage was still based on the theme of Frozen, because the film has already become famous, and Aisha’s current nickname is the Snow Queen, which also fits the theme.

On the other side, Liu Adou’s toy company “Toy Home” was formally established and began to launch the Frozen series of toys. In fact, a toy company came to him when the movie was hot, and Liu Adouxin said that the toy company is good. When he was in the detective world, Qingzi’s dream was to start a toy company, and he was also very interested, so he wondered why not start his own toy company. In the future, all my own movies will be produced by myself.

Let the headhunting company go to dig people, Liu Adou gave a high salary and really hired a lot of excellent toy designers. Sure enough, the money came too quickly, and the money went out quickly, because I didn’t feel distressed.

Now that the company’s shelf has been set up and the general manager has invited it, let’s work overtime to design the series of toys for Frozen. I have to rush to publicize it before the concert and then sell it at the concert.

The name ‘Toy Home’ is very earthy, but Liu Adou doesn’t care as long as the toys are good. The general manager of the company is a bald man who is more than half a year old, with two thick waists, Liu Adou, and his name is Mike. He has 30 years of experience in the toy industry and is known as the toy expert Mike. Liu Adou signed him with an annual salary of 4 million yuan, not counting 5% of the company’s shares.

In addition to the toys of Frozen, Liu Adou asked Mike to set up a secret team to carefully design the new toys. And this toy is the “Shapeshifting King Kong” that will make countless American children crazy. Liu Adou has recently decided that his plan in the second half of the year is to shoot a movie about Shapeshifting King Kong.

After seeing the setting of the shapeshifting King Kong toy, Mike saw from the eyes of a toy expert that it was going to be hot. The shapeshifting robot is more imaginative than the Iron Man toys on the market, and the toy background set by the boss is even more astounding, from the robot’s home star “Sybert” to the shapeshifting King Kong “Bopai” The distinction from the “Decepticons” and the twists and turns of the story are simply too good to be added. Mike is sure that this is not just a toy, it will be a new toy era.

And Max, the Aegis agent who pays attention to everything, is less and less aware of what Liu Adou is going to do. He has been engaged in the entertainment industry for tasks like Liu Adou, and now he is still running a toy company. It makes no sense at all. He didn’t know that as a traverser, he had nothing to worry about in this world, and he could act voluntarily. Anyway, Liu Adou is not against mankind and does not destroy the earth. He just wants to make this world more cordial. ..

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