Chapter 164: Mortal Wisdom

The pharaoh’s reason for slaughtering tens of thousands of people was so magnificent that Liu Adou was totally disgusting, so he couldn’t help but taunting two words: “Adrian, right?”

The Pharaoh was not as ‘enthusiastic’ towards Rorschach to Ah Dou: “I hope you can call me Pharaoh, Roar.”

“Okay, Adrian, no problem, Adrian.” Liu Adou frowned Pharaoh. He had been observing Liu Adou just now and found that no matter how he attacked Rorschach, the young man in white clothes, he did not The meaning of the shot, obviously he and Rorschach couldn’t be accomplices, so the Pharaoh was very curious about Kidd’s identity.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Kaito Kidd, you can call Roar and I Kaito, you can also call Roar and I Kidd, and you can even call Roar and Kai to Kaito Kid, Adrian.”

The pharaoh wanted to beat Kidd, because Kidd didn’t listen to people at all. Kidd was standing there, already retracting both hands into his trouser pockets, and his calm appearance seemed to have not figured out the situation.

“Kidd, the thief?” Never heard of it before, and the Pharaoh looked at Kidd contemptuously: “You seem to have different opinions on my plan.”

“It’s not a different opinion, it’s totally disagree.” Kidd also learned how the Pharaoh walked back and forth, learning ten levels and ten, just to piss off the Pharaoh: “I think you are very wrong.”

“Oh?” The Pharaoh said strangely: “The laughter once said that the destructive nature of mankind will eventually destroy it. But I saved the entire mankind with tens of millions of lives. What’s wrong? I call Roar this ” The greatest prank in the history of mankind’.” Fang Lao Wang was full of complacency.

Rorschach has been stunned by King Fara’s ‘the greatest prank in the world’. This is not the greatest, but the worst. Killing so many people turned out to be just a joke. Rorschach wanted to kill Pharaoh for a moment: “Kill thousands of people.”

“In order to save more people, this is a necessary crime.” The Pharaoh took everything as reason definitely.

Rorschach no longer knew how to communicate with the Pharaoh, because the Pharaoh’s thoughts had been completely distorted. Sacrificing a few to save the majority is not like this, but he is not good at words and does not know how to use words to refute the pharaoh.

But Liu Adou chuckled softly: “The wisdom of mortals!”

? ? Pharaoh’s eyes widened and he shot out anger. My Superman’s wisdom was actually belittled by this person as “mortal wisdom”, how can I not be angry?

But Liu Adou did not fight alone. At the moment Colonel Chu Xuan possessed his body: “Adrian, so is your IQ balance. Your so-called salvation is only imposed on the world by yourself, and your so-called sacrifice is also yours. It was imposed on others by yourself. Don’t make the murder so high-sounding. It’s disgusting that there is only the’wisdom of mortals,’ but you want to look lonely and arrogant to all mankind.”

“The world will thank me, at least I have done what I can, and won peace for most of the people who survived.” Pharaoh said: “You can’t influence my plan, everything has already started.” Pharaoh Wang Ju condescendingly looked at Kidd: “No matter what you say, everything is doomed, and you can’t change anything.” You didn’t mean that I was just’mortal wisdom’, so what can you guys do? ? The pharaoh despised Kidd.

The ink marks on Rorschach’s mask have changed drastically. It’s too late. Is it true that millions of people will die? ?

Images of six major cities appeared on the TV wall, and there was a concentrated and expanded energy light spot in the city center. The pharaoh only saw here, turned and smiled: “The new order will be built on the ruins.” Seeing his expression, he almost said that he was a people’s hero.

Kidd and Rorschach were also watching the explosion, but the explosion after the light never happened. Liu Adou smiled. It seems that everything is under control. Although I don’t know how Sister Ada did it, the explosion did not happen.

“…” Rorschach’s mask changed, and then he said: “Pharaoh, it seems that your technique has regressed.”

The Pharaoh turned around quickly, and the explosion should have started. Why? ? He looked at the screen, but there was no movement: “Impossible. My plan is perfect. Dr. Manhattan will become the public enemy of mankind. The United States and the Soviet Union will emerge from the Cold War. I will become the rescue of the world from nuclear war. Hero.”

“It’s ridiculous.” Kidd stepped up the steps: “To say that you are the wisdom of a mortal is really an insult to a mortal. You are nothing but a beast with a vicious heart. , A beast that kills lives. From the very beginning, I have all guessed your so-called “prank”, and I have made preparations. Adrian, accept the facts, in terms of wisdom, you can’t beat me.”

“Impossible, my plan is perfect.” The Pharaoh took a step back in despair. He looked at Kaito Kidd, not believing that such a perfect plan would be known in advance. The insiders are dead, and even the Dr. Manhattan who predicted the future has left the earth. No one can predict his plan: “Fake, it must be fake, the six major cities must have nuclear explosions!! ”

Although Rorschach didn’t know what happened, he knew it was a moment of reversal, so he heard Kidd say: “Do you think you’re good? Just think about it as a practical bad guy. I just investigated your company a little bit. Some of the projects found that there was a post-disaster reconstruction project, and it was huge, including six cities. When I saw this, I already knew what you were thinking about.” Where does Liu Adou have seen the reconstruction project after the disaster? Table, he is just guessing. Because Liu Adou knew that since the Pharaoh wanted to be a great man in the new world, he must be prepared, especially after the nuclear explosion, disaster relief is the top priority. As long as the disaster relief is excellent, the Pharaoh will definitely be remembered by the people. So this lie is also a guess with a certain basis.

Pharaoh’s face was pale, because Liu Adou had guessed that Pharaoh did have a reconstruction plan, and even specially prepared a large amount of funds. But he is confident that no one can guess his own series of actions based on this reconstruction plan disguised as a’new urban renewal plan’, even several target cities abroad.

Seeing that Lao Wang’s sallow skin turned pale, Liu Adou knew that he had guessed it correctly: “I said, you are far inferior to me in terms of IQ. I only need a little clue to see you clearly. Yours Ambition, your humbleness, your weakness, and your extremely dirty internal organs.”

“Impossible.” The Pharaoh still couldn’t accept the failure, no, no, there is still a chance, he rushed to the console, wanting to restart the explosive.

Liu Adou shot, rippled into the magic card gun, and then quickly shot Pharaoh’s thigh, causing him to fall to the ground and face brakes.

Rorschach stepped forward and picked up the Pharaoh: “It’s too ugly, it’s too ugly not to admit failure.”

“No, I will not lose, I am the pioneer of the new world.”

“Obviously, the New World does not need a conspirator like you.” Rorschach punched the Pharaoh in the face, relieved. Then left the unconscious Pharaoh aside: “Thank you for everything, the thief Kidd.”..

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