Chapter 309

Their work is not over yet.

Bai Chen found Erica and others at the stronghold set up here by the bronze black cross.

Assisting the evacuation of the people, contacting the local magic society, and the end of the battle, the girls have been busy.

"Who... who is going to be next to you? You, this woman, was the first person I knew the king.

Through the witch's spell, Erica, who was able to watch the battlefield, puffed her cheeks, obviously expressing her dissatisfaction with the two-vs-one.

From the very beginning, the Fantasy Great Sword had dual attributes.

She knew the difference in strength between mortals and gods. Even if they were all deployed, it would be difficult for them to join on the edge of the battlefield, let alone help Bai Chen.

Liliana couldn't help saying.

The girls watched the youth disappear, but the emotion in their eyes not only did not subside, but also grew stronger.

The moment Bai Chen appeared in the living room, Liliana noticed the figure of the young man, trotted up, clenched her hands into fists on her chest, and her pale blue eyes were full of joy.

Afterwards, all kinds of banging sounds from afar were immersed in confusion and panic.

0.....・・ Flowers・ …

The Spirit of Time: "Although the process has many twists and turns, the result is still as expected.

Ten minutes ago, the town was quite noisy, and now only the sound of raindrops can be heard.

Then, with the respect and fear in the eyes of a local magician, Bai Chen was taken to the bedroom to rest.

"One point to be made clear. 35

At this moment, Bai Chen squatted on the spot.

Although it was the first actual combat, the result was ok.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "However, Bai Chen still seems to have reservations, and he has never used the rewards he drew before. 99


After all, the next thing is the most troublesome.

"King, you are back.

The twilight glow from the cracked hole in the sky illuminated a corner of the ground, while the storm remained the same elsewhere.

Without being nostalgic in the muddy ruins, Bai Chen's body gushed out with white-gold brilliance, and then flew towards the distant town.

When I saw them, the girls were soaked all over, and their originally fluttering blonde and black hair were wet and stuck to their bodies.

"Hina, what do you think?"

"If you can't have more than one enemy, then what kind of godslayer is that?

Fortunately, Erica and the others quickly contacted the local magic association, and then issued a notice of "extremely bad weather" to the local residents through the government.

Looks like more work is needed.


He single-handedly defeated two gods of disobedience in a row. Even if the "Usurprise Ring" was controlled by Pandora, it would be difficult to pick out other faults.

Two new forces poured into his body, strengthening his soul and body.

"Well, although Huina doesn't understand many things, the king is indeed the strongest godslayer, but even if not, Huina is willing to follow him forever."

"Just go to rest first, and leave the rest to us to handle."

Little Spider: "Wow! Wonderful! You can always trust the boss."

But this time, she will never back down.

For example, Luo Hao has a power that can make the world full of plants.

However, Bai Chen also knew that neither the power nor the power of the God Extinguishing Tool had reached its peak.

If you go rashly, it will become a burden.

However, the girls' quarrel is quickly overwhelmed by Deanna.

Since they are all women serving Bai Chen, is there any difference between the first and the second?

"Those who follow the king, you all have to rank after me.

The initiator, Bai Chen, was not very happy, but nodded with satisfaction.

It is quite convenient to switch back and forth between the magical attribute and the holy attribute according to the freedom of the holder.

Erica spoke with a cheerful tone.

Not to mention the explosion of combat power in the later stage of the novel of the God Slayer, just some auxiliary powers are enough to affect the entire earth.


The fusion of the God Extinguishing Tool and the power is not bad~.

"The last trip to the island country, the master killed two gods who did not obey, this time on the trip to Sardinia, with one enemy and two, the master is enough to be called the strongest godslayer in the world today. Come on.

the other side.

"Wang, are you alright? The god of war and the king of gods actually joined hands to besiege you. Even a god would be too ignorant of martial arts."

Although it was wet, it still felt good in the hand.

"End of work.

Bai Chen reached out and touched her little head.

Whether those magicians who were watching the battlefield believed it or not, the undefeated army god Veleslana and the Phoenician god-king Mekarto were all destroyed in this blow.

After witnessing this scene of changing the world and making the world collapse, the live broadcast room seemed to be as lively as a new year.

Shaye Gongxin's eyes are full of longing and deep admiration.

As for the aftermath of Bai Chen's battle with the gods, he would routinely cover it up with an underground natural gas pipeline leak or an underground oilfield explosion.

Bai Chen opened his mouth with a smile.

"Yes, King. 35

She didn't understand at all, and didn't want to.

Qingqiuyuan Ena, who was standing beside her, also nodded.

In fact, it's not just her, except Lucrezia, all the other girls have the idea of ​​assisting Bai Chen in the middle of the stage.

in the chat group.

Erica bowed respectfully.

Ending this question, Bai Chen looked up at the world in front of him.

Residents and tourists hurried back to their homes and hotels shortly after the extreme weather.

She stared at Erica with embarrassment, and every time she was given the lead by this woman.

Moreover, the power of fusion power has the potential to continue to rise, not to mention destroying a city, even a small country can be easily wiped out in a short period of time.

Railgun: "I have a showdown, and I won't pretend, Bai Chen is the one who tricked us into the lottery." Da.

"But fortunately you defeated them, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to help you with my sword.

Of course, in the end, Deanna was more composed.

Therefore, the limitation of power is definitely not the only one.

Welleslana's sword of wisdom did seal his power, but it failed to seal it completely.

Bai Chen put away the holy sword.

With such a chaotic scenery, it is difficult to say whether it is beautiful or not.

Wanli Gu Yuri sighed lightly and did not participate in these battles.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved, I will leave the follow-up to you, I will go to the room to rest for a while, and then come out for dinner at night. 99

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