Although he thought so in his heart, Sean did not say it, but followed Helena:

"Go ahead."

Helena said coldly:

"The password is: Salazar will never find the true secrets of Hogwarts, said Godric Glan Findor."

Sean rolled his eyes, the Big Four seemed to have some minor contradictions, and he looked stingy.

"Okay, it's up to you - keep your promise."

"Keep your promise? You threaten me and want me to keep my promise?"

Sean sneered:

"I can tell you that your mother's treasure is with me, and the key appears to be Ravenclaw's crown, in the passage behind the Ravenclaw sculpture."

"You don't have to worry, I have already taken the things, and I will give them to you when you are satisfied with your attitude."

"Make up your mind, Helena, get out now."

Helena glared at Sean, her eyes full of anger and irritability.

"Do you want me to say it again?"

Sean frowned, Helena's eyes flashed with fear, she snorted coldly, and disappeared into the principal's office.

"It's rude, but well done! Sean!"

Headmaster Black laughed heartily.

Through their explanations, Sean understood that every principal had discovered the folding fan stone door.

But no one could get in, and after investigation, they all found Helena's head.

As a result, every principal has been closed by Helena.

Needless to say, the headmaster of Hogwarts has a high gold content. He is a character loved by all people. As a result, he was closed to a ghost, and naturally his attitude towards Helena was not good.

And what Helena did is well known.

A three- or four-year-old princess who is still in the rebellious period of her youth.

Sean pouted, walked to the door of the room, pressed his wand against Shimen, and said softly:

"Salazar will never find the true secret of Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor said."


With a crisp sound, a lot of dust fell, and the stone door slowly retreated, revealing a right-angled corner.

"Xian, do you want to take us to see it?"

Principal Black in the back looked fascinated, after all, this was a place they had never entered in their entire lives.

Sean nodded, picked up a picture frame and said:

"Then you come here."

As soon as Sean's voice fell, the four principals immediately got into the picture frame in Sean's hands.

Sean held the picture frame in one hand and the magic wand using the fluorescent spell in the other, and walked forward slowly.

But how strange it is to see such a scene, it seems that Sean is in a funeral!

Walking around the corner, Sean found that there was a long dark descending staircase ahead.

How long is this staircase?

Anyway, Xi En felt that it was longer than walking from the fifth floor to the first floor!

At this moment, Sean can clearly feel that he should be underground at Hogwarts!

Just as Sean was thinking about it, the downward stairs finally turned into a forward corridor.

Sean discovered that these wizards always liked to hide in dark cabins that were deep and dark.

Not long after walking, Sean found that a stone door appeared in front of him again.

There are three house badges on the stone gate, namely Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

It can be seen how unpopular Salazar is. They built a secret room here and didn't even tell him!


With a flash of inspiration, Sean said in a low voice:

"You said, could it be that the three academies in Gryffindor built the secret room first, and then Salazar found it."

"As a Slytherin, paranoia is a fairly common problem, so Salazar suspected that the three of them had some ulterior motive."

"That's why he followed the construction of a secret room that the other three couldn't find?"

The four principals in the frame were silent for a while, then nodded and said:

"Xian, there is really such a possibility!"

"It can be seen from the password that Salazar has obviously discovered the secret room in the principal's office, but he does not know the password."

"So he does one too and then leaves Hogwarts because of the exclusion, which is quite possible."

Sean chuckled and pushed the stone door lightly!

There is no magic in this stone door, so when Sean stepped back gently, the stone door opened automatically, revealing the dilapidated secret room inside.

This secret room is octagonal, and there are a lot of magic balls around, but most of these magic balls are broken.

Only two are still glowing.

Sean looked at it, and there were two rather small magic balls in a corner!

From time to time there are runes flashing inside!

Sean stepped forward, looked carefully for a long time, and found that this was a magic spell that gave life to the dead!

No one could describe such a spell long ago.

Sean thought about it for a while and found that this is the curse of the guard stone statues in Hogwarts Castle!

"If this represents those stone statues, then these..."

Sean looked at the dozens of shattered magic balls next to him, and felt regretful in his heart!

If Sean guessed correctly, these are probably all the defensive spells of Hogwarts, but now, they have all been destroyed!

"My Merlin! So the legend is true!"

Principal Armando looked at the secret room in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

Headmaster Black nodded:

"In legend, Hogwarts Castle is alive, it will choose its own successor, and its defense is the first-class existence in the entire magical world."

"After all, it represents the synthesis of the three supreme powers of the magic world. Before this, I always thought that this was a legend."

Ms. Dewant said:

"This place is now like this, I am afraid it is Salazar's masterpiece."

Sean was also full of regret, put the portrait aside, picked up another magic ball that was still glowing, and found that it was controlling the castle stairs.

And Sean could see that there were repair marks on the magic ball, which should have been repaired later.

As for the rest...

Sean picked up a fairly complete magic ball, carefully sensed it, and found that it was a space-blocking spell.

"This is a space blockade. It's broken. What's going on with the space blockade in the castle now?"

Sean turned to look at the principals suspiciously.

Headmaster Black said proudly:

"Of course it was my masterpiece. I carved the spell behind the portrait on the top floor of the castle."

Ms. Dewant sneered:

"That's why Dumbledore's phoenix can Apparate freely in the castle. Seriously, you should improve your spell level."

Seeing that the principals were arguing again, Sean pouted and continued to observe the magic ball in front of him.

Sean knows every word in this magic ball, but when put together, it will produce such a magical effect!

It can completely block the space. If this thing can be repaired, let alone Hart, even if Fox comes, he will not be able to Apparate in the castle.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Unfortunately, Sean put down the crystal ball and sighed:

"It can't be repaired. These fragments can hardly be put together again. They are all broken into powder, and some of the runes inside have disappeared."

"But this spell is very powerful, at least... maybe three... four, five, six times stronger than Principal Black's spell?"

Headmaster Black looked embarrassed, while the other three headmasters laughed.

After laughing, the principals became serious:

"Sean, you and I both know that now the situation is critical, Albus can only deal with Grindelwald, and Voldemort can only give it to you."

"So if possible, I hope you can restore these spells and keep our students safe enough."

Sean pouted:

"Hogwarts is all mine soon, and of course I want to fix it."

Saying that, Sean picked up a few more and looked at them. The runes in them were known individually, but together they were foggy.

Sean looked at it for a while, and found that the only thing he could understand temporarily was the magic ball that the space was blocked.

Suddenly, a platform in the middle of the room caught Sean's attention.


Sean stepped forward and took a look. It was a complicated array with a lot of nicks extending into the grooves in the middle.

And the groove is empty.

Sean touched it, took out his wand, and gently input magic power.

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