"Otherwise, if something goes wrong, no one will be responsible."

As Sean spoke, the hurricane flew in a circle in the air to save face.

Everyone looked up at the hurricane, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and guaranteed that they would never come into contact with the magical creatures here.

Leaving the training room, Sean enjoyed the last peaceful moment of the year at Hogwarts.

Perhaps at Hogwarts, only the last week or two is truly peaceful, without any evil serpentines trying to get in the way.

Nor are some grotesque and magical creatures trying to petrify others.

Early the next morning, Dumbledore announced that all the petrified students had been successfully treated.

When I heard that Justin woke up, he immediately shouted, "Sean is a murderer."

In the end, it was Dumbledore who told him that he was dreaming, and that Filch was so sad because of Mrs. Rollis' death that he resigned and left, and the matter was over.

It's just that Justin's eyes when looking at Sean are still full of panic and alertness.

With exam week approaching, almost all students are sharpening their guns.

There are even people who are constantly worshipping Merlin's portrait, praying for a good grade.

There are also some students who are selling a series of cheating equipment such as cheating brushes.

Of course, professors will naturally take precautions against these things, these children are just doing nothing.

Sean was eating when Fred came over with a stack of documents:

"Sean, I've done it, take a look."

With that said, he handed the document to Sean.

Sean took a look and found that all aspects are not bad. It is a good idea to rent an owl, but the problem is that it will increase the cost.

And if you want to rent owls without raising the price, you can only sacrifice your own interests.

Anyway, after a single delivery, Fred could only earn three copper nut.

Fortunately, this is a small profit but quick turnover project. As long as there are enough express orders, Fred can still make money.

As for others, such as after-sales in express delivery, etc., these have been done very well.

Anyway, the Owl Post Office is definitely not comparable to Fred.

Owl Post Office has high postage costs and no after sales.

What?Lost your package?Then you are unlucky, by the way, my owl is gone, you have to pay for my owl.

This is how the Owl Post Office handles it.

As for the venue, Fred racked his brains and got a free venue.

Screaming Shack.

"It's a great place to work if you just fix it up! Why are we wasting unnecessary costs on this?"

Fred said righteously.

Sean shrugged:

"That's up to you. You can start discussing with the students. When you're ready, give a name again, and I'll run a wave of advertisements for you. It's part of my investment."

"Also, this is XNUMX gold Galleons, you can use it first, it's not enough."

Sean said, took out XNUMX gold Galleons, and signed his name on the contract drawn up by Fred.

Freddy probably had a bag with a traceless stretch spell attached, and when he saw the vast amount of Jin Galleon inside, his eyes almost straightened!

It was the first time he saw so much money!They even had the idea of ​​running away with money.

But fortunately, Fred still persuaded himself, took the money and started negotiating with the surrounding students.

"No nickname! Come here, there's good news! Do you want your owls to make money for you? Now's your chance!"

Fred stood on his chair, raising his arms and shouting.

Students are naturally interested in things that can make money, and their pocket money is almost pitiful.

Moreover, a large number of students at Hogwarts are half-blood wizards. The gold Galleons that can be obtained every year is a fixed number, and it is not enough to increase it by a single point.

So they heard that there was an opportunity to earn extra gold Galleons, of course they didn't want to miss it.

Looking at the thousands of students surrounding him, Fred said happily:

"Everyone, if your owls stay in the owl shack, they will stay there. Why don't you rent them out to me."

"During this period, it will not affect your own use of the owl, but when the owl is free, it will help me deliver some packages."

"Every six months, I can give you 10 gold Galleons! A year is 20, and you don't have to do anything during this period!"

"Okay! I rent it!"

"I've rented it too, can you give me Jin Galleon first?"

"Can you have more? My Locke is my best friend."

Looking at the chaotic students, some people want to raise the price, some people are still watching, Sean sighed and shook his head.

Still a kid after all, Fred still has a lot to learn.

There are so many ways not to use, but one of the most unreliable and time-consuming methods is used.

I saw Sean took out a stack of paper, took out his magic wand and tapped lightly, and a large number of flyers were ready in an instant.

The flyer has a delivery owl in the background and reads:

"Do you want to make money lying down? Do you want to get company dividends by doing nothing? Then act now!"

"Find Fred Weasley, sign a rental owl contract, and get 20 Galleons a year!"

"From now on, you will be a shareholder of the company!"

After that, Sean added some details, and then tapped his wand and sent the flyer into Fred's hands with a levitating spell.

Fred, who was busy and devastated, gave Sean a grateful look, and immediately started distributing flyers.

With the flyers, it seems that everything is official.

Many students signed contracts with Fred. In just one morning, Fred got more than a thousand owls.

The other little wizards either didn't see it or were still watching.

For these people, Fred was personally dispatched to persuade them.

Within two days of 550, Fred found Sean excitedly, saying that there were already XNUMX owls!

"Then you name it, the company must have a strong name."

Fred pondered for a long time, suddenly raised his head and said:

"Just call it... Turtle Express!"

"What a fucking name."

Sean complained, but according to Fred's character, this name is indeed his style.

"Okay, you can prepare to take the order. You download a department store, register it, arrange the price to be put on the shelves, and I will advertise it for you here."

Said, Sean began to edit the community dynamics.

Seriously, Sean hasn't posted any updates this year, the only one is a community norm, and he never posted it again.

The main reason is that Sean thinks it is too troublesome to match pictures, and the camera is still almost researched, and it is expected to be released next year.

So Sean didn't post any updates. This is the second article this year.

Sean Sebastian: "Good news, as we've received a lot of advice from wizards, we've found that the postage costs are a little bit higher than we expected when buying items on our phone."

"It's almost like a wizard delivering to your door in person, so, we decided to change the status quo!"

"In order for wizards to be able to buy things in the department store, they can buy things happily and with confidence, we have joined hands with Mr. Fred Weasley to open a new mailing company!"

"Our price is as low as 9 copper nuts. As long as it is within the scope of the Eagle Nation, we only need 9 copper nuts!"

"You don't have to bear the exorbitant price of the Owl Post Office anymore, you only need 9 copper nut, and you can get Owl home delivery service!"

"When purchasing items in the future, you can communicate with merchants and send packages through "Turtle Express". The price is low and the express delivery is guaranteed!"

"For the rest of the details, please pay attention to the official account of "Turtle Express"."

As soon as Sean's news was sent out, Fred's cell phone kept ringing. .

Chapter 211 The Mess of Hogwarts at the Flea Market

Sean looked at the happy Fred, and said lightly:

"You'd better recruit your employees, and now focus on learning, and your own strength is the most important."

"Otherwise, even if you make money, you won't be able to keep it."

"Control the general direction, and let the people under you do the rest."

Hearing Sean's words, Fred nodded.

He has found out that he still has a lot to learn.

And Sean is a good example of learning. His assets are as high as tens of millions, but people can come to classes.

In Fred's eyes, Sean is a role model.

Of course, this is all Fred's yy, and Sean actually doesn't want to go to class.

If it weren't for the rewards and treasure chests in the system, Sean would go home directly, how good it would be to improve his strength in the training room!

It's just that Sean may not have realized how many bonds he has established in this magical castle.

The two hadn't talked for long when Fred's first order came.

The order is from Lihen Bookstore, and some books need to be delivered to customers' homes by owls.

Fred bid farewell to Sean and ran to the owl shack to arrange for the owl to pick up and deliver the goods.

Sean looked at the students around him, slammed his mouth, and suddenly wanted to drink milk tea.

After thinking about it, Sean sent Alice a text message and asked her to send some ingredients with an owl.

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