"Serve! Slytherin is still the first to get the Quaffle, pass to the batter, wait, what is Gryffindor doing?"

Following Lee Jordan's voice, everyone looked at Gryffindor.

At this time, everyone in Gryffindor gathered in their own positions, waiting for Slytherin to attack.

"I understand!" Lee Jordan suddenly roared:

"Gryffindor is very clear that Slytherin is technically crushing them, and if they play hard one-on-one, there is no hope of winning."

"So they choose the defensive camp, no matter how strong Slytherin is, they will always hit the door!"

"They're waiting for a Slytherin miss!"

Everyone in Slytherin looked at each other and saw what Gryffindor was thinking.

Marcus immediately ordered:

"Attack, pay attention to cooperation!"

With that said, Marcus sprinted towards the opposing camp with the Quaffle in his arms.

Others scattered, looking for opportunities from no angle.

At this time, Wood found an opportunity and slammed into Marcus with his body, trying to steal!

Marcus found the opportunity and threw the Quaffle down below!

The moment the player got the Quaffle, he rushed straight towards the opponent's goalkeeper.

"Slytherin is attacking! You can see, it's about to hit the goal! Wait a minute! It's still passing the ball!"

"The Gryffindor players can't tell who is going to hit the door, and the Quaffle is being passed around quickly by several people."

"Now it's Slytherin's new player this year who has the ball and he wants to hit the goal! It's so obvious!!"

"It was stolen!!"

Lee Jordan couldn't help shouting in celebration!

Marcus watched the opponent rush to his goalkeeper with the Quaffle, and turned to look at the new player:

"What are you doing? What about tactics? Why don't you pass the ball!?"

The player blamed himself:

"Sorry captain, I thought I could open the door."

Marcus sighed. At this time, he couldn't stop it when he went back. He could only step forward and say:

"Don't play individual heroism, here, we are a team!"

"Follow the orders or get out of here!"

"1.6 Ding Ding Ding!!"

"Gryffindor is the first to get 15 points!!"


In the stands, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff vigorously waved their flags.

Next, Gryffindor seemed to have discovered the scoring code, and kept attacking the two newcomers of Slytherin.

As long as the ball is in their hands, Gryffindor will inevitably direct two or three people to intercept them.

In a panic, Gryffindor can easily steal successfully.

Marcus gritted his teeth:

"Don't give them two, the four of us will fight by ourselves!"

In the stands, Sean frowned as he watched, these two newcomers were really too much.

The key is that even if the dishes are gone, I still want to show off!

No, Slytherin lost thirty points while talking and laughing!

If Sean were Marcus, he would also give up these two teammates.

"Marcus, do I have to do it?"

Malfoy asked anxiously.

Marcus was still very courageous. He looked at the scoreboard and shook his head:

"Ravenclaw won by 175 points in the morning, we have to score four goals and finish with 60 points or Ravenclaw will win."

"You wait, hold Potter!"

Having said that, Marcus took the four team members, changed tactics, and quickly started defense. .

Chapter 180 Hatching Bauer

It is difficult for the four to attack, but they have some advantages in defense.After all, when they play against the pros in the practice room, they're always on the defensive.

Therefore, four people can also handle the Gryffindor team with ease.

Not long after, Marcus got the Quaffle.

The next moment, the four of them looked at each other and rushed towards the Gryffindor team's goal at the same time.

"Gryffindor is returning, but Slytherin's pass is so fast and steady! The last time I saw this passing technique was in the Quidditch Cup!"

This time, Lee Jordan had to admire Slytherin's technology and explained passionately.

"Marcus got the Quaffle, is he going to hit the door?"

"No! He passed the ball, and the Slytherins didn't know when they got behind the Gryffindor line!"

"Hit! Score! Slytherin gets fifteen!"

Led by Marcus, Slytherin scored one after the other.

The score was quickly equalized, or even surpassed.

By the time the last goal was scored, Slytherin had scored 60 points and Gryffindor had 75!

"Malfoy, look at you!"

Marcus was sweating all over.

Malfoy nodded, looked at Harry next to him and said:

"Careful, Scarhead, I'm about to start!"

Harry dodged the Bludgers' attack, and before he had time to speak, Wood behind him shouted:

"Come on Harry!"

Harry turned his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw the Bludger that just flew past, turned around and flew towards Wood!

Harry wanted to help, but it was too late!

"Watch out Wood!"

Wood turned his head and found that the Bludger was rushing towards him at a strange speed, and the ears of everyone who pierced the air 14 pierced hurt.


Suddenly, a green figure suddenly appeared, hitting the flying ghost flying ball with a stick, turning his head and saying:

"Be careful, Wood."

When Wood saw that it was Marcus, his eyes were full of surprise. After a while, he twisted:

"That...thanks mate."

Marcus didn't speak, but looked at the Bludger:

"That ball isn't quite right, be careful!"

At this moment, Harry and Malfoy saw the Snitch at the same time, and the two reacted at the same time, whistling towards the Snitch.

Marcus and Wood looked at each other and started chasing again.

Marcus is now very clear that he must defend himself desperately, as long as Malfoy catches the Golden Snitch, he will win!

But four people face the aggression of six people, it is impossible to guard against it.

Often Marcus's side has just defended, and the opponent will continue to play other teammates with the advantage of numbers, and then score.

At this time, Malfoy and Harry had already got into the ravine below the arena and connected to the audience.

The complex terrain inside made Malfoy a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Harry, who was naturally quick to react, was flying like clouds and water, and quickly extended his hand towards the Golden Snitch.

Malfoy frowned:

"No, you can't play with him in this place anymore."

Saying that, Malfoy flew down sharply.

At this time, Harry was shaking hands trying to catch the Snitch.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Harry's eyes, he saw Malfoy rushing towards him from below. If he hit, Harry would definitely hit the bar in front of him at this speed!

Harry struggled for a second, then gritted his teeth, gave up the Snitch, and flew upwards.

The two flew out of the gully at the same time, followed by the Golden Snitch and flew into the audience stand.

The two of you chased after me, flying at high speed in the stands.

Suddenly, the Bludger roared again and hit Harry hard.

Malfoy escaped this disaster because he was behind Harry.

Harry was directly knocked out, fell hard on the Quidditch pitch, and was quickly carried down by the medical staff.

Eventually, Malfoy caught the Snitch with a nice flick of his tail.

"Malfoy caught the Snitch, Slytherin scored 150 points! With a total score of 210 points, Slytherin won!!"

Lee Jordan shouted loudly.

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