"I don't think you need to teach me any more lessons. By the way, what does licking a dog mean?"

Sean walked out of the training room and left a sentence:

"You yourself are a model for licking a dog, licking a dog, licking a dog, licking to the end, nothing."


On the playground, Snape moved a chair and sat behind Sean, while Sean looked nervously at the box in front of him.

"Severus, you can't avenge your personal revenge."

Sean swallowed and said.

"You'd better hurry up, or I can't guarantee that my call to God will not fail."

Snape's tone was threatening.

No wonder Snape's face was dark, Sean had been inking here for half an hour, and he didn't dare to open the box.

Fortunately, Sean finally summoned up the courage, flicked his wand, and the box was opened immediately.

The next moment, the Dementor drilled out of it and instantly sucked Sean.

In an instant, Sean only felt that his family, friends, even the system and Laifu were leaving him.

This fantasy is extremely real, and Sean has absolutely no reason to doubt why they would leave him, as if.... this is a matter of course!

Sean, who lost all his friends and family, was left with nothing but decadence and didn't want to fight against the Dementors at all.

"Forget it, I'm such a rotten person..."

A terrifying thought appeared in Sean's mind: it's better to let the dementors kill him.

[Warning, the host is being invaded by Dementors!The defense will be activated after five seconds...]


"Call God Guard!"

Suddenly, a white light flickered, and the Dementor was instantly suppressed into the box.

Snape closed the box, walked over to Sean and looked down at Sean:

"What's the matter? This won't work?"

Sean's body was so cold that he couldn't help trembling. Trembling, he took out a little sweets and stuffed it into 533's mouth, only then did he feel like he had returned to the world.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Sean got up with difficulty and asked with a wry smile.

Snape turned his head, avoiding Sean's eyes:

"That's to make you feel the feeling of being attacked by a Dementor, so that you can cherish the happy memories in your heart more."

Actually Snape wasn't lying about this.

Only when he felt the trough and the cold despair just now, did Sean really feel how happy he was in the past.

"Come again."

Sean took a deep breath, his eyes full of determination.

Instead, Snape's eyes were full of surprise.

He remembered that the first time he was attacked by a dementor, for three days, he would flutter when he saw a dementor.

With an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, Snape nodded:

"I'll save you quickly this time."

Sean nodded, plucked up his courage, and took the initiative to open the box.

The Dementor rushed out again and instantly grabbed Sean.

Sean raised his wand with difficulty and began to force himself to recall the best things, such as family and friends.

"Call.... call the guardian of the gods..."

Sean read out a few words with difficulty.

But the tip of Sean's wand just flickered for a moment, and then it stopped moving.

"Call God Guard!"

Snape instantly suppressed the dementor, and after closing the door of the box, he crouched beside Sean and said:

"That's it for today. You can't be in a hurry about the escort of God, maybe one day you will suddenly!"

Sean got up with both hands and feet:


Snape sighed and stood behind Sean.

Sean opened the box again, and the Dementor rushed out, instantly sucking Sean.

That cold, hopeless feeling spread all over again.

But this time, Sean was not in a hurry, but forced himself to recall some details!

Suddenly, Sean thought of Alice and Raymond, and took them to play in the jungle by himself.

Sean still remembers Alice's smile on the unicorn.

A warm feeling spread in Sean's heart.

"Call God Guard!"

This time, there was no hesitation in Sean's voice!


A faint white light flashed on the tip of Sean's wand.

"It's not clear enough, Sean, remember it again, and make it clearer!"

Sean was now free from the shackles of the dementors, and recalled the details of the day more forcefully in his mind.

When he remembered that Raymond was thrown into the lake by the hurricane, Sean's spirited guard became brighter.

Suddenly, the kiss from Hermione in Hogsmeade appeared in Sean's mind.

That kind of warm feeling made Sean's wand suddenly shine!


An eagle roar resounded through the training room.

As Sean regained his senses, he saw a huge animal that was more than three meters tall, and whether it was an eagle or a falcon, flapped its wings and stood in front of Sean.

The pulse-like white light spread circle by circle, and in an instant, the Dementor was pressed into the box.

After the dementor was resolved, Sean flicked his wand, and the giant eagle slapped its wings and shot straight into the sky.


The eagle glanced down like a king, flew twice in the air, and disappeared into the air.

"Well done, Sean."

Snape put away the box and got up and said:

"This is going to be returned to Professor Dumbledore."

Sean gasped and nodded:

"I'm going to take a shower, see you in the auditorium."

After all, Sean quickly got into the villa.

Meimei took a shower, and Sean's tense nerves relaxed. He exited the training room and came to the auditorium.

The professors were all in the auditorium today, and Sean knew there was something to announce.

After returning to the seat and waiting for a while, Dumbledore tapped the cup:

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, be quiet."

Dumbledore got up and said:

"In view of the recent incidents of wizards being attacked in the castle, I would like to inform you that all students are not allowed to leave the dormitory after six o'clock."

"No other wizards are allowed to walk in the hallway, and the professors will patrol the castle."

"Prefects, please pay attention, please be optimistic about the students of each college, and prevent some disobedient little guys from running out without authorization."

"I believe we will tide over the difficulties together and restore Hogwarts."

"Clap clap clap..."

The crowd immediately applauded, even though the expressions on one (bebg) small face were not very good-looking.

Especially Ron, that guy lost all friends because of the Dementor thing.

Everyone was far away from him now, and hardly anyone spoke to him except Ginny, Harry and Hermione.

After dinner, Sean, as the prefect, drove all the students back to the dormitory, and then turned into Animagus and patrolled the castle.

The moment he turned into Animagus, Sean felt the breath of the Basilisk.

That guy is moving!

Sean immediately ran in the direction it was moving, and at the fastest speed, it didn't take long to surpass the Basilisk.

Walking around the corner, a white-haired girl was walking barefoot in the corridor, talking to herself.

"Hi Sean, they all say you are the patron saint!"

In Sean's surprised eyes, Luna actually called out Sean's name!

Sean changed back to human form and asked:

"what are you doing here?"

"My shoes were stolen by a harasser and I'm looking for them."

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