"I don't know what he wants to do, just don't cause trouble for me."

Sean sighed, his impulse changed the plot too much.

If Grindelwald is in the hands of Sean, then the plot will have some small changes because of Sean's appearance, but it will not be the same as it is now.

Now Sean is worried about whether that guy Voldemort can be resurrected.

It would be embarrassing if one accidentally killed Grindelwald.


Seeing that he saw Sean's worries, Laifu rubbed his head against Sean.

Sean touched Laifu's head, only to touch blood on his hand.

"Laifu, I'll take you to take a bath later."

While speaking, Sean had come to the door of the principal's office.

Without even having to speak to Sean, the portrait next to the principal's office took the initiative to say the password.

"It's very sensible now."

Sean raised his eyebrows and looked at the portrait of the middle-aged knight next to him.

The portrait glanced at Sean and snorted coldly:

"Headmaster Dumbledore said "four and nine zeros", there is no need to have the general knowledge of an unqualified person like you."

Sean shrugged and walked into the principal's office with Laifu.

Also in the office was Snape.

Dumbledore raised his head and saw Sean coming, with a strange expression on his face:

"Look who's here, Muggle Terminator, Mr. Sebastian!"

"Conservatively, you have killed more than XNUMX Muggles, and some of the corpses are incomplete, and it is impossible to identify whose flesh is on them."

Sean didn't talk too much, took out a capsule and put it on Dumbledore's table:

"Those people aren't Muggles, they eat this and they become monsters, and magic doesn't work on them, neither does the Unforgivable Curse."

Dumbledore stared closely at Sean, and after realizing that he was not joking, he cautiously picked up the capsule and poured it on the table.

"Hmm! An ominous aura."

Dumbledore smelled it, then picked up the capsule, and like Sean, noticed the pattern of the Ouroboros.

"It turned out to be them..."

Dumbledore looked up at Sean:

"So Sean, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Hearing Dumbledore calling him Sean, Sean's heart was put back into his stomach, and he said lightly:


Dumbledore raised his eyebrows:

"This afternoon, the officials of the three countries in the Golden Triangle were bombed by an intercontinental missile in the Middle East, causing countless casualties. You said it has nothing to do with you?"

"The Muggle world is going to war again because of this, you said it has nothing to do with you?"

"It directly caused the loss of more than XNUMX billion British dollars in Muggle coins. You said it has nothing to do with you?"

Sean pouted:

"I'm an arms dealer, Headmaster Dumbledore, and when they fight, I make more money than anyone else."

"And when they deny entry to my people, they should be prepared for my retaliation."

Dumbledore was silent for a while, then sighed:

"I'm sorry about your godfather, Sean."

"This matter has something to do with the Ouroboros. If you have anything, you can ask me for help."

"But on the Muggle side...you should know it's not their fault, and if you keep going, you're going to be in trouble because the wizarding people start a war."

"Wizards and the Muggle world have an agreement that the wizarding world can't cause a stir in the Muggle world, so... stop."

Sean nodded:

"As long as they are willing to bow their heads, I will stop. If they refuse to bow their heads, they will build an official government and blow up one."

Dumbledore didn't persuade any more, nodded and said:

"By the way, Severus seems to have something to do with you, and also, can you make your cat nibble spit out my phoenix?"

Dumbledore and Sean looked at each other, both of them tacitly, neither of them said the fact that it was a cat leopard.

In fact, if it is admitted that this is a cat leopard, then Sean will be in too much trouble, and I am afraid that people will visit every day.

Sean turned his head and saw that Laifu had grabbed Phoenix Fox's head and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Laifu! Spit it out!"

Sean said with tears in his eyes.

Laifu reluctantly spat out Fox's head.

Fox took off in a hurry, feathers falling everywhere for a while.

Standing on a high place, Fox provokes Laifu with a dissatisfied face.

"Quack! Quack~"


Laifu raised his head, his bright yellow eyes fixed on Fox, and he made a threatening voice.

"Sean, my phone, actually, I can't log into my account."


Hearing Snape's words, Sean's jaw almost dropped.

Sean had been frightened for half a month before, but it wasn't Snape who made that comment?

"You, I will not pursue the matter of posting my photos on your mobile phone, but you must find out who logs in to my account."

There was a chill in Snape's tone.

Sean had a cold fight.He took out his phone and said, "I'll check it out for you."

"Can you check it on your phone?"

Snape looked a little weird.

God is pitiful, Snape has been waiting for more than a week. Every day he watched other professors immersed in their mobile phones and couldn't extricate themselves, and his heart was itching.

And he didn't understand the topics discussed by other people at all.

Snape was the man who knew the most about the importance of cell phones.

"Only my phone can check, because my phone is connected to the background."

Saying that, Sean turned on his phone and went into the background to search for Snape's account.

Take a closer look, the source of the signal is actually at Hogwarts!

Snape also saw this scene and said with a gloomy expression:

"Take me to find him."

"By the way, Sean, you were punished for cleaning the bathroom for a month because you attacked your first-year classmates for no reason. Are you okay?"

Just as Sean and Snape walked out of the principal's office door and the door was about to close, Dumbledore suddenly said with a wicked smile.

Sean's face froze, and he immediately wanted the door that the card master was about to close, but it was too late.

"Jumping candy!"

Sean said the secret order, but the door didn't move!

"Principal! Open the door! He is insulting his classmates, you can't treat me like this!"

Sean kept knocking on the door of the principal's office, but there was no response inside.


The few portraits next to him couldn't help but laugh.

God is pitiful, how many times have they been threatened by Sean!

Seeing Sean slumped, he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, before the portrait could finish laughing, he saw Sean's cold eyes, turned his head instantly and started to play dead.

Sean looked at the principal's office viciously and whispered:

"Laifu, next time you see Fox's stupid bird, eat it! You're welcome!"

After all, he followed Snape with the traces of magic.

After a long walk, Sean and Snape came to the door of the Gryffindor common room...

"Gryffindor, I should have guessed it was them."

Snape's face was terrifyingly black.

Sean suddenly remembered something that happened when the phone was first released.

Under a post at that time, only George replied, and Fred was not seen.

Sean wondered why George and Fred had separated.

When he reached the door of Gryffindor, Sean understood.

For a time, Sean held back his laughter until his face flushed.

He could have imagined that Fred must have wanted to do something bad and then secretly logged out of the account.

As a result, after registering, I found that I couldn't log out at all, and then it was like this.

When the portrait at the door of Gryffindor saw the professor coming, naturally he didn't dare to stop it and opened the door on his own initiative.

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