Chen Changsheng blinked his eyes.

"So you have never thought about cooperating with them, let alone sharing the keel with them?"

Emperor Shitian didn't snort when he heard this.

"Don't you see it? Zhu Tiedan of Dragon Guard Villa is also determined to win, so when the dragon bones are found, even if we don't take action, I'm afraid he will."

"In that case, why not strike first?"

When Chen Changsheng heard this, he pretended to be suddenly enlightened and nodded.

"What you said does make sense. These guys must be taught a lesson, otherwise their arrogant looks will not take us seriously at all!"

"It's just a small Dragon Guard Villa? How can it be our enemy? By playing tricks on us, he is completely bringing shame on himself!"

Emperor Shitian smiled proudly.

When Chen Changsheng saw this, he also smiled.

What Di Shitian didn't notice was that there was a hint of cunning in the corner of Chen Changsheng's mouth.

It can be said that the appearance of everyone at Hulong Villa really enabled his plan to be implemented better.

At that time, I’m afraid it’s not certain who will be the final winner! .

Chapter 376: Chen Changsheng’s abnormal behavior, Shenhou used silence to stop it

at the same time.

Another official ship.

The four secret spies are surrounding Tiedan Shenhou.

And they also discussed what just happened.

"Father, are you really planning to cooperate with that guy?"

"As far as I know, Emperor Shaktian was extremely cunning and cunning after he appeared, and he has never been known to keep his promises."

"I'm afraid that when they find the keel, we won't really be able to share it equally."

Zhu Tiedan smiled softly when he heard this.

"Haitang, don't you want to get this dragon bone?"

Shangguan Haitang was slightly startled when he heard this.

Then he lowered his head and said.

"Father, we are following you because we just hope to help you find the dragon bone, but we don't dare to covet it in the slightest."

"No, you are the people I trust most. It is said that this dragon bone can not only enhance people's power, but also have other miraculous effects. If that time comes, what I hope most is that the strength of the four of you can be improved! Because of you These four people are the most loyal to me〃ˇ!”

Zhu Tie said boldly.

When Duan Tianya heard this, his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"But foster father, I always feel that Emperor Shitian and the so-called Chen Changsheng will not cooperate with us so willingly. They will most likely kill us after finding the dragon bone!"

This kind of thing happens all the time in the world. Many people initially call each other brothers and treat each other with sincerity, but whenever they find an important treasure, they will naturally turn against each other and turn into enemies.

This is the case in the world of martial arts.

Fighting between you and me happens frequently.

Zhu Tiedan chuckled upon hearing this.

"It's not what you think, but they will definitely do it!"

"If that's the case, then why did the adoptive father agree to them?"

The four secret agents all had blank looks in their eyes.

Obviously they did not expect that Zhu Tiedan was willing to cooperate with the other party even though he knew there was danger. Wouldn't this put himself in a very dangerous situation?

When would the owner of Hulong Villa make such a wrong decision?

"The reason is very simple. First of all, is the Chen Changsheng we saw today and the information you collected before a bit strange?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Guihai Yida also realized the mystery.

"Indeed, based on the information collected previously, Chen Changsheng is definitely not such a narrow-minded, short-sighted, and extremely greedy person."

"¨. That's right. I'm afraid that what this boy Chen Changsheng did just now was just to put on a show in front of Emperor Shitian."

Tiedan Shenhou said meaningfully.

"Acting? Why is he acting?"

Shangguan Haitang didn't know why.

"This is also one of the strange things about this king. So before we understand what is going on with Emperor Shitian, we can agree to it for the time being. What's more, even if the dragon bones are found by then, they really want to do something to us. We are already prepared to take action (from Nuo Zhao)."

Zhu Tiedan's eyes showed a sharp light.

He was also determined to get the dragon bone after learning that it had special effects.

Because this thing can help him complete his grand ambition of hegemony.

At the same time, it can also help him become a top master in this martial arts world.

I wonder if there is any reason not to look for it?

However, Zhu Tiedan never expected that by such a coincidence, he would be able to meet Emperor Shitian's people on the sea.

Chapter 377: Two tigers fighting, waiting for work

In the cabin.

Chen Changsheng was closing his eyes to rest.

Feng Ling'er sat aside obediently.

Ever since she got on the ship, she had really been listening to Chen Changsheng from beginning to end.

And always follow each other.

Moreover, Feng Ling'er originally thought that this journey might not be as dangerous as imagined.

But it wasn't until the people from Hulong Villa appeared that Feng Ling'er realized that this time things were far from being as simple as imagined.

And it is indeed very dangerous for people like him.

It's just that he doesn't understand.

Chen Changsheng was actually not as obsessed with the dragon bone as he thought.

Why did 973 behave like that on the deck before?

This curiosity kept lingering in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to disturb Chen Changsheng.

"If you want to say something, just say it directly. Why hesitate? Do you and I still need to be so secretive?"

Chen Changsheng slowly opened his eyes.

During this time at sea, he basically did only two things.

Check your surroundings sometimes.

The rest was spent with eyes closed and resting.

One of the reasons is naturally that he hopes to improve himself for some time.

Secondly, I also hope that I can maintain the most awake state at any time (cbfg) and anywhere.

This place is no better than the Central Plains Wulin.

If you encounter danger, prepare for the worst and at least be able to escape.

But on this vast sea, where can we escape?

This was also the reason why Chen Changsheng didn't want Feng Ling'er to board the ship.

After boarding this pirate ship, it is not easy to get off.

It is even more difficult to return to the Central Plains.

But now, the matter has come to this, so Chen Changsheng must make all plans.

To ensure that he and Feng Chingle are safe and sound.

The appearance of the people from Hulong Villa made him feel that the situation had improved.

"You obviously don't care about the keel that much. Why did you have a disagreement with Emperor Shitian and the people at Hulong Villa just now on the deck?"

Feng Ling'er asked in confusion.

This matter was completely different from what he thought.

I have always wanted to know the reason.

"It's not convenient for me to tell you now, but I can assure you that this time we will definitely be able to escape safely."

As soon as this word comes out.

Feng Ling'er's eyes showed surprise.

"Are they the key to our escape?"

"Yes, the appearance of everyone at Hulong Villa just shows that someone can compete with Emperor Shitian this time."

Chen Changsheng was thoughtful.

"Being able to deal with Emperor Shitian can buy us very useful time and opportunities. Three-party checks and balances are always the most effective method."

If not for the appearance of Hulong Villa and others.

I'm afraid he still has to figure out how to capture Emperor Shitian after finding the dragon bone.

After all, this guy also didn't lower his guard against him along the way.

But things are different now.

Hulongshanzhuang and others must be fighting for the dragon bone.

"But why do you think they will argue in the end?"

Feng Ling'er was puzzled.

I even felt that this matter was somewhat unusual.

"The reason is simple. Whether it is Hulong Villa or Emperor Shitian, these people will covet the dragon bones, and it is absolutely impossible for them to give the dragon bones to others."

Chen Changsheng said firmly.

"So after finding the keel, the two sides will definitely fight for it. At that time, it will be our best chance!"

Chapter 378: The mysterious island, is it where the dragon bone is?

Feng Ling'er suddenly realized when she heard this.

"I see. It turns out that Brother Chen, you have already thought of all the countermeasures. Is that why you acted deliberately on the deck?"

"Yes, it seems that you are also very smart. The reason why I did that on the deck was to make both parties take it lightly."

"As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. Now in their eyes, I am not the third tiger, so we have the best chance of winning!"

Chen Changsheng was thoughtful.

He had been thinking about this problem since he came back from the deck.

Judging from the current situation, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of scenarios may occur next.

It is very likely that the people of Emperor Shitian and Hulong Villa will move forward and pretend to be calm on the surface.

But in fact, just like the ocean, the waves are rough and they will constantly test each other.

After actually finding the keel, both parties will reveal their original appearance.

By that time, the war is about to break out and no one can stop it.

"Okay, you should rest first. For us, the most important thing is to conserve your strength! To deal with problems that may arise at any time!"


in the next 10 days.

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