Wu Liang was angry and smashed the big rock with his fist.

Card wipe!

A large crater was made on the surface of the huge stone, and at the same time, a neat crack spread out, dividing it into two.

"Please use less strength and don't tear this place apart!"

Chen Mengyao said nervously.

"In this safe zone, these garbage people are spreading rumors on the Internet, all kinds of conspiracy theories, all kinds of paranoia, and all kinds of lies."

"Do you think there is still a need to save?!"

Wu Liang said angrily.

"Good products have the effect of good products, and garbage also has the value of garbage!"

"The reason why these people are trash, Tang Jianguo cannot shirk his responsibility. It can be said that he killed himself!"

“It’s already the end of the world, why are we still engaging in liberal democracy?!”

"Has freedom and democracy ever existed in this world? Politicians compete for power and rely on lies to guide people's choices. These people think they have elected the officials they want."

"Actually, they were just led into a rhythm and deceived!"

"What is needed in the end of the world is not these hypocritical things. Campaigning is useless at all. Fist is the truth."

"Starting from tomorrow, the employee code of Chen's Heavy Industry will be the law of the safety zone. My words, Chen Mengyao, will be the dogma that everyone must follow!"

Chen Mengyao said, slowly standing up, exuding a fierce domineering aura.

"It's up to you, I might leave this place tomorrow!"

"I will take good care of Chen Jiayao, don't worry!"

Wu Liang hugged Chen Jiayao's slim waist and assured Chen Mengyao.

"I can see that she likes you very much. You two are a good match and you will definitely be happy!"

"I feel relieved to have such a strong person by your side!"

"Even if I die in the future, I can still explain to my parents when I see them!"

Chen Mengyao walked to Chen Jiayao, and the two sisters hugged each other.

"Bah, bah, don't say such unlucky words! Brother Wu Liang and I are still waiting to see you reshape human civilization!"

"When the time comes, our family will live together and never be separated, okay?!"

Chen Jiayao said coquettishly.

"Well, if one day comes, we will never be separated!"

Chen Mengyao patted her sister's back gently and said softly.


After bidding farewell to Chen Mengyao and returning to the black van, Chen Jiayao was still a little emotional.

Wu Liang couldn't help but be a little more curious about what would happen tomorrow.

"Master, Mr. Jiang led the troops and Professor Liao's medical team to evacuate! Now the safe zone is in complete chaos, and all the survivors outside have poured in."

"The quarantine area has also been lifted, and tens of thousands of people are partying in the streets."

"Obviously the safety zone is in danger right now, but I don't know what they are celebrating. Are they celebrating that they are about to die?!"

Zhuang Aoxue played the video on her phone.

A group of people danced wildly, with crazy smiles on their faces. Some people held up portraits of Tang Xiaolong and slogans such as "Abolition of power, equality for all" and other slogans he advocated.

Another swipe of the finger revealed a video of people forcing the command post to be imprisoned.

I don’t know who revealed that Wu Liang took away 90% of the food and left only 10% for the military and the safety zone.

A group of people broke into the command center and surrounded the armored vehicle where Jiang Tu was located to demand an explanation.

It is said that Jiang Tu and Wu Liang colluded to embezzle collective assets and infringe on the interests of all people in the safe zone.

Some even threw stones at the armored vehicles.

Chapter 132

That is to say, Jiang Tu still maintains the bottom line as a soldier and will not shoot at the people.

Otherwise, these thugs would have been crushed to pieces by well-trained troops.

"Brother Jiang has also left, which means he is extremely disappointed with this place. Let's go back and sort it out, and prepare to leave tomorrow!"

Wu Liang said.

"Listen to the master!"

Zhuang Aoxue and Chen Jiayao said in unison.

The two girls were startled for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled.

On the way to my residence, every shop on the roadside had their doors closed.

Many passers-by who were leisurely strolling on the street or enjoying the shade under the shade of trees have all disappeared.

It was as if all the residents of the safe zone had disappeared within a few hours.

Only the vague figures by the windows of the houses along the road proved that they did not disappear, but hid back at home.

Originally, only a small group of people were complaining on the Internet. In fact, most people are very satisfied with their current life.

But these people did not choose to stand up and support Tang Jianguo and Jiang Tu.

Because as soon as they post something like this, they will be chased and criticized by a group of people below.

He is said to be a navy soldier, a lackey of the safe zone, and does not know how to reflect and hinders the development of the safe zone.

Over time, fewer and fewer people support safe zones online, and the opposition becomes louder and louder, which ultimately leads to this situation.

To put it bluntly, the current chaotic situation in the safe zone is due on the one hand to the opponents and on the other hand to the silence and inaction of most other people.

The car continued to drive and suddenly saw a group of young people surrounding a new energy vehicle.

It was the one Wu Lianggang saw when he entered the safe zone.

At that time, car owners were still very proud of connecting a power strip from the car to charge other people's mobile phones and making money through charging.

Now I don’t know why, but the two sides actually clashed.

"Why don't you charge us? We'll give you material coupons!"

"Hurry up, my phone's battery is running red. If I don't charge it, it will shut down."

A group of people surrounded the driver and shouted loudly.

"I won't accept material coupons, haven't you heard? Wu Liang took away 90% of the food in the granary, and the remaining 10% is in the hands of the military."

"But a group of fools threw stones at the armored vehicles. Now the military has withdrawn, and the 10% of the food is gone!"

"Tang Jianguo, who originally issued the material coupons, is also dead. Who knows whether this thing will still be usable tomorrow? It might just be a piece of waste paper!"

"You can recharge it if you want, just give me food in exchange, otherwise I will never let you recharge it!"

the driver yelled.

"I'm going to meet my online girlfriend soon. How can I contact her if you don't charge me? Are you forcing us?"

"Wherever we get the food, we go to the supply point to exchange it for material coupons, and this is the initial price. You have to take it whether you want it or not!"

"If he doesn't accept it, we'll smash his car!"

"Yes, let him exploit us. He is also a powerful person. He destroys equality for everyone!"

A group of people swarmed up and punched and kicked the driver.

In the panic, someone else got into the cab and stepped on the accelerator.

The car sped out immediately, knocking down two people. However, the car was going too fast, lost control when turning, and crashed straight into a shop.

The group of people who originally beat up the driver shouted again and rushed towards the car stuck in the shop...

Without the military to maintain order, the safety zone was in chaos.

Coupled with Tang Xiaolong's concept that everyone is equal, many people have misunderstood this word.

It has become that as long as others have a better life than themselves, it is inequality.

The car continued to drive and soon returned to the gate of the community where it was located.

This community is a luxury community. When the military arranged it for itself, it also arranged for many rich people and scientists to live here.

Likewise, this place is now the target of mob attacks.

Hundreds of people gathered around the entrance of the community, confronting the community security guards across the large iron gate.

"Are all these guys crazy? Instead of thinking about how to kill zombies, become stronger, and obtain more supplies, they are here thinking about how to deal with other survivors every day?!"

Zhuang Aoxue shook her head helplessly.

"No wonder my sister said she wanted to build human civilization, not a safe zone. These people are really terrible."

"If you want to establish civilization, you must completely change your thinking!"

At this moment, Chen Jiayao seemed to understand a little bit what her sister Chen Mengyao was going to do.

"I don't have the ability to change other people's minds, but I just know that if they get in my way, they will die!"

Wu Liang got out of the car with a gloomy face.

Tang Jianguo's death, Jiang Tu's departure, and the chaos along the way made him upset.

I am so angry that I have nowhere to vent my anger.

"Look, he is Wu Liang! He is the one who stole 90% of the food that should belong to us!"

"In exchange for the food, can you eat so much by yourself?!"

"This guy is obviously doing harm to others without benefiting himself!"

"Let's all come together and force him to take out the food!"

A group of people immediately rushed towards Wu Liang.

"court death!"

Wu Liang said coldly.

At the same time, a bitter killing intent burst out of his body instantly, as if the surrounding temperature had dropped to freezing point.

Everyone was instantly enveloped in the chill, and the actions above immediately forced them to calm down.

Because they felt something different from Wu Liang's eyes.

The security guard behind the door was only angry and nervous.

Wu Liang's eyes were like a ferocious beast staring at its prey, full of suffocating oppression.

It seemed that if he took even half a step forward, he would be killed by Wu Liang immediately!

"There are so many of us, what are we afraid of? Is it possible that he can kill us all?!"

"And if there is no food, we will starve to death. We must let him eat the food and spit it out for everyone!"

shouted a man in glasses.


Everyone hesitated for a moment and rushed forward again.


Wu Liang randomly punched the man with glasses in the face.

Visibly to the naked eye, his head began to shatter, his facial features were deformed, and his eyeballs almost burst out. His face was blurred and he flew out, rolling on the ground seven or eight times before he stopped.


Wu Liang kicked a strong man next to him again.

The latter was kicked so hard that his back arched so high that he flew into the air more than two meters high. Blood gushed out from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

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