[They would rather return to the organization and accept its punishment. 】

[I don’t want to endure your torture anymore. 】

[You said that as long as the four of you live together. 】

[The days ahead will definitely be better. 】

[The second woman rejected you very clearly. 】

【at this time. 】

[A cold light flashes outside the window. 】

[Suddenly, a column of blood spurted out from your neck. 】

[You were shot and killed. 】

[The simulation is over! 】

"Another sniper?"

It seems.

This is because the authority of the organization is once again challenged.

In anime.

The boss of the black organization loves Belmod very much.

Now the simulated personality directly abducted Belmode.

It will definitely cause the organization BOSS to strangle madly.

The killer sent out must be the top killer in the industry.

The simulated persona is still a human being.

Fighting cold weapons with flesh and blood.

It will definitely not work.


Hoshinogi raised his hand and touched his neck.

A wave of memories immediately flooded into his mind.

The simulated personality ended up being shot in the neck and died.

The feeling of being shot was immediately brought to reality.

in simulation.

The moment the simulated personality is hit by a bullet.

The wound just felt like it was hit by something.

There is no feeling of pain.

When he realized he had been shot.

What I felt was shock and fear.

Then I felt a strong burning sensation.

Then he fell directly into a coma.

Although I don't feel any special pain now.

But because I just accepted the memory.

I always feel a little cold on my neck.

It's so refreshing.

[Settlement of rewards for this simulation]


【Firearms proficiency】

[Motorcycle Driving Skills (Advanced)]

[Piling experience (intermediate)]

Hoshinogi shook his head slightly.

Let yourself become more awake.

He looked at several rewards on the panel.

Easy surgery!

Finally learned some useful skills.

This skill is simply not very cool in the world of Conan.

Belmod uses the art of disguise to travel across the entire anime.

Let her become a mysterious and charming presence in this anime.

Even Gin is very afraid of her.

Kaitou Kidd also uses superb disguise skills.

People who often cheat are all around.

Neither Conan nor the police can catch him.

He often uses his superb disguise skills to blend in with the crowd.

Use this to steal some super valuable treasures.

With the art of disguise.

It is equivalent to having a super bug in anime.

Although it cannot be said to be invincible.

But that is also a very awesome existence.

Firearms proficiency.

Hoshinoki is just an ordinary peripheral member of the organization.

Normally you can't touch firearms at all.

Normally, only the top leaders of the organization are eligible to learn firearms skills.


While facing a firearms pursuit within the organization.

He was not completely sure that he could escape unscathed.

Just like the scenario in the simulation.

A simulated personality is not an impenetrable body.

in each simulation.

The only thing that can hurt the simulated personality is cold weapons.

If the simulated personality doesn't come up with some decent skills to resist.

It's never possible to beat the simulation.

in the real world.

There is no chance to do it again.

Therefore, firearms skills are very necessary for him.

That's a necessary counter-attack skill.

Motorcycle Tips.

Motorcycles are more flexible than cars.

In anime.

Hattori Heiji's motorcycle skills are amazing.

His special motorcycle leaping skills are known as Hattori Heiji's most handsome moment.

You can find a way out even when you are at the end of your rope.

Hoshinoki is the organizer.

There are many dangerous tasks.

When leaving the organization later.

If you encounter organizational personnel chasing and intercepting you.

He can use his motorcycle skills to escape.

One more motorcycle skill can save your life at critical moments.

As for the last one.

Pile driving experience.


it works!

Everyone understands!

[Comprehensive score of this simulation: F]

[Comment: You are optimistic and cheerful, and you are also very helpful. You actively ask seniors from all walks of life to learn relevant skills, and you are always proactive and brave to face difficulties. You have entered the police station and the organization, and no one can beat you. This is You deserve the grade you deserve.But you were too confident, forgetting the truth that there are people outside the world, and you kidnapped important figures in the organization, and were eventually assassinated. 】

Sure enough.

There is really nothing wrong with a positive personality.

But it's too much and not enough.

The simulated personality is too confident.

Narcissism from the start.

Think all three girls like him.

Later, I gained confidence.

So confident that I forget how much I weigh.

Go directly to the organization to fight internally.

And he also kidnapped important figures from other organizations.

Even if the organization BOSS doesn't take action.

Then there's Gin chasing after him.

The simulated personality should have wiped out the entire organization before going home.

Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots.

The spring breeze is blowing again.

So sloppy!

The end of self-confidence is arrogance.

I forgot that I am not an iron-clad body.

If you can obtain Man of Steel related skills in the simulation in the future.

Then consider breaking into the organization.

It's not impossible.

[Points reward for settling this simulation: 60 points]

[Statistics: Today’s points balance: 420 points]

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