"Okay, I guessed it right!"

"I guessed it right too."

Some were happy and some were sad. The child who guessed wrong lowered his head in frustration.

But how could the kind-hearted sister Xiaogong let them return empty-handed?

She still gave a candy to each of the children who guessed wrong.

This way, everyone is happy.

Of course, the happiest person is definitely Xiao Gong.

Lin Jinnian also had one, but it was the smallest. It was probably Xiaogong's punishment for cheating on him.

After handing out the candies, Xiao Gong took the empty candy box and sat on the small bench.

She held her head and quietly watched the children playing.

Such time is peaceful and beautiful in her eyes.


When Lin Jinnian was about to leave, Ryunosuke Naganohara asked Xiaomiya to come out to see him off.

"Boy Lin, come and play more often."

"Okay! Old man! Remember to drink more tea!"

Naganohara Ryunosuke smiled and turned back to the house to make tea.

On the way, Xiao Gong said a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, the children insisted on dragging you to play games together. Didn't they cause you any trouble?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm very happy playing games with them. They are all very cute children."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Xiao Gong patted his chest and continued.

"Then you should come and play often in the future. They all like you."

"Will do."

The two walked side by side for a while. Fortunately, Xiao Gong was there, so the conversation kept going and they never felt awkward or bored.

When he reached the end of the alley, Lin Jinnian spoke.

"Okay, let's send it here."

"Well, please be safe on the road!"

Xiao Gong walked back and turned around to wave to him...

Chapter 10 Meeting Kujo Sora

After watching Xiao Gong go back, Lin Jinnian walked alone on the street.

Inazuma Castle seemed very quiet at night, with only a few scattered shops lit up.

The calm and peaceful environment allowed his thoughts to unfold.

Today he met Xiao Gong, and he felt that she was indeed a lively and cheerful girl.

She is easy to get along with, no wonder so many people like her.

As for Inazuma... In addition to Yonomiya, he also wanted to get to know the eldest lady of the Kamisato family - Kamisato Ayaka.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't want to drag the two of them in to start a harem.

I just want to get to know each other simply and be friends or something.

Perhaps when he first traveled to Daozhu, he did have this idea, hugging her from left to right, and sticking to his wife everywhere.

After all, who doesn’t like the perfect girlfriend Yonomiya and the eldest lady Ayaka?

But unfortunately, he has experienced the wear and tear of time and the ruthlessness of time.

Countless old friends have died around him over the past thousands of years, and he has lost his original state of mind in many things.

But think about it, in fact, there has always been such a problem.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Xiaogong or Ayaka.

They are just mortals, and their life is just a blink of a hundred years in his eyes.

It may take less than a hundred years, but imagine that 50 years later, they have grown old, but I still look like this, and then I watch them die by the bedside, and then I watch myself and their children die...

Can I bear it at that time?

And I have no way to extend their lifespan, so this broken system is useless.

Investing too much emotion only adds to the sadness

Now Lin Jinnian just wants to get to know them, chat and laugh together, and be friends.

If they leave one day in the future, I won't be too sad.

Therefore, he had no such thoughts about them.

At least not now.

A gust of cold wind blew by, interrupting his thoughts.

By the way, where will he sleep tonight?

Lin Jinnian doesn't have the mora to stay in the hotel.

Just when he was worried about this, three people walked in neat steps directly opposite him.

The two people walking behind were wearing leather armor, holding spears, and had swastikas printed on their chests.

Looks like a shogunate sergeant.

The person at the head was a woman with purple hair and golden eyes, wearing a red Tengu mask on her head.

The black and white clothes and the deserted face convey a sense of majesty.

A short hair highlights his heroic temperament.

Several people seemed to be on patrol. When they saw Lin Jinnian standing alone on the street, they came over to ask.

The stern woman spoke.

"Who are you? Why are you wandering the streets so late at night?"

It seems that he is being targeted.

Lin Jinnian replied calmly.

"I'm just a warrior. I just happened to come out of a friend's house."

Kujo Sanluo looked directly into Lin Jinnian's eyes and remained silent for a moment.

"You are special. I don't remember seeing you before."

"I just came to Inazuma Castle today."

"Really? Then please show your pass. I need to check it."

With that said, she extended her hand to Lin Jinnian.

This time Lin Jinnian was silent.

He didn't have any documents, and it was impossible to take her to find the Son of God now.

All in all, we're in trouble.

Seeing this scene, Kujo Sora's eyes became sharp.

"What? Is there any difficulty? Or..."

Forget it, just run.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Jinnian disappeared from the spot before she could take action.


The two shogunate soldiers behind quickly got into position and prepared to face the enemy.

But all he saw was Lin Jinnian's fleeing figure in the sky.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Seeing this, Jiu Jiao Suluo rose into the air and chased after him.

The pair of wings behind her are no decoration, and the bloodline of the Tengu clan is no joke.

In the sky, nine silkworms waved their wings and followed Lin Jinnian.

She couldn't help but be shocked by his speed, and her expression was a little solemn.

It was already very difficult for me not to lose track of him, and it was a bit out of reach to catch up with him.

"You don't have the Eye of God but you can... No, he doesn't emit elemental power at all."

Who is he? How could such a person come to Inazuma?

But Kujo Sora did not give up and still pursued him.

Lin Jinnian also noticed a little crow chasing behind him.

Why are you still catching up?

So he increased his speed a little and disappeared in an instant.

After seeing the target speeding away, Kujo Sora, knowing that he could not catch up with him, gave up and returned to Inazuma Castle.

She ordered to her two men.

"Put him on the wanted list."


After the soldiers left, Kujo Sura looked at the direction Lin Jinnian left and clenched his fists unwillingly.

He may be harmful to Inazuma City and even to the general, so he must be arrested immediately!




On the other side, Lin Jinnian, who had nowhere to go, had to return to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

It was getting very late at this time, and only one room in Narukami Taisha Shrine was still lit.

Lin Jinnian knocked on the door and pushed it open. He saw Yae Kamiko lying on the bed with his legs crossed and reading a light novel.

She looked sleepy and yawned several times in a row.

But he was still holding on, unwilling to fall asleep.

Seeing Lin Jinnian back, her sleepiness disappeared again and she put the light novel aside.

A pair of pink fox ears twitched.

"Oh, I'm finally willing to come back."

"Is there somewhere else I can go?"

"That's true, so where are you going to sleep tonight? There...isn't a second bed in Narukami Taisha~"

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