Give the cold machine a warm soul!

As a alien life created by Xuan Ye, Baiyin's existence did not follow the path of Cybertron's Transformers under Xuan Ye's deliberate control.

Although it is a ready-made and quite perfect path.

But Xuan Ye is not the original god, nor is he the ultimate origin of the Transformers, the god who has entered the powerful universe.

He needs to forge his own path rather than learn and imitate.

That will only cause you some unnecessary trouble in the future.

Therefore, Xuan Ye chose a new path.

This path was destined not to be perfect at the beginning, so Xuan Ye gave the first inorganic life he created using the source of fire great strength and corresponding flaws.

Evolution and modification are advantages and disadvantages.

The existence of the former and the latter is mutual, and this is the case with Black Iron. It cannot directly enhance its strength through the departure of the fire source like Cybertron's Transformers. Fighting and killing are his only ways, and they are limited by Due to the raw material factor, even if it has been transformed from the Black Iron Project to the Byakugan, it is still different from a normal young Transformer born from the Cybertron training chamber!

Don't look at the Transformers in the movie being hurt by human weapons. It's just a kind of crude artistic processing.

Young Transformers can be harmed by human weapons, but the powerful bodies of adult Transformers are simply not something that can be destroyed by human civilization that has not yet left its own planet and set foot in the universe!

Unless humans use large-yield nuclear bombs to accurately bombard the Transformers, then it is possible to completely damage the Transformers' bodies!

Black Iron cannot do this, which is its shortcoming, but it can devour it through fighting and killing, thereby promoting the life energy in the body to evolve itself, allowing its body materials to sublimate, and constantly moving towards Transformers existence develops.

Like the change from black iron to silver.

Silver at this moment is the best proof.

But Silver's end point is not to become a Transformer, but to transcend!

Therefore, Xuan Ye, who had high hopes for Silver, after it evolved from black iron to the current Silver, extracted the original power of meaning from the source of fire, let it merge with the current Silver, and let it proceed from the inside out again. The evolution of , and gave it the concepts of manufacturing and assimilation!

At this moment, Baiyin is doing something like this. It will welcome its first compatriot, the second member of its alien race!

Distortion, transformation, the mechanical life's body is undergoing some kind of genetic distortion, its body is changing at a high speed, becoming more and more familiar, that touch of black has covered its body, and silver threads are flowing from its chest. They pop up everywhere, blending and interlacing with the deep black to outline a strange pattern, or logo.

Gears, long swords, and Rubik's Cubes, three almost unrelated entities formed an incomparable symbol on the chest of one of the Five Evils.

It's like the Autobot and Decepticon symbols, but with completely different meanings.

The colorless eyes lit up again, and the scarlet eyes were like the original black iron, exuding a terrifying light!

At this point, Baiyin welcomed his first compatriot and the first member of the future legion!

And everything that happened here was in Xuan Ye's eyes. He walked in the void and walked through the entire EXE world in a few steps.

With the power of divine consciousness, everything in the EXE world is seen by him.

The sacred tree belonging to the elves that had been cut down by Regalzeva was located in Qi Mu Nei. She knelt down on one knee, spread out her dreamy elf wings, and continued to exude her own power, trying to repair the damage caused by thunder. Garzeva cut off the lifeless sacred trees to awaken the souls of the elves who had died at the hands of mechanical life.

There was also Regalzeva, whose limbs were burned off by the true red, leaving only a head and half of his body.

Gudazi had used them as weapons to smash the heads of several Melvazoyas of Rahu Qiyao.

Even Azazel pulled his good friend Odin to take down the mechanical lives of several Five Evils and Four Generals.

Rias and others were also there. Although they did not have the strength to face those powerful enemies alone, with the cooperation of their dependents, they destroyed a large number of robots.

This is just a trial, especially for these young Rias and others.

Therefore, Xuan Ye did not expect Rias and others to perform from the beginning.

However, some people will also try to break through their own limits, such as Vali and Cao Cao.

But what made Xuan Ye smile was the first Bai Yin of its kind.

Everything was planned from the beginning. Although he already knew all this, Xuan Ye still felt sincerely happy when he actually saw it.

Because he only had the power of the fire source and no supporting cultivation warehouse, he had been troubled by this for a long time.

Well now, the birth of the second Black Iron further confirmed that the path he thought of was not wrong.

In this way, another plan can be put on the agenda.

Although it is just a division of names, it is also a very important matter for him.

There is no doubt that the silver at this moment is the original prototype for the black iron that will later evolve to the same level, and is different from the black iron and silver that will be later manufactured and assimilated.

The only one who can use level as a name is the current Silver, and all future alien life forms will continue to have their original names.

And the second person at this moment is like this, one of the original five evils, Guvaldora!

Xuan Ye stopped slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a smile.

Okay, the destination has been reached, now it’s time to get down to business.

Seraselbeth, one of the three mechanical evil gods, is the younger sister of both Regalzeva and Melvazoa.

He expected to get the answer he wanted from the other party.

Coincidentally, Leshan Trust is also here, so-called killing two birds with one stone.

So, let me listen to your answer, Sierra Serbeth, what is your answer?

220 Six, Sera Serbeth’s surrender!

"My lord, that's all I know."

The beautiful mechanical life is bent over, and its feminine body exudes its own unique charm as a mechanical life.

Even if the races are different, there are many things in common due to the almost instinctive desire for beauty, which exists across races.

And that's what happened to him in front of him.

Although she is a mechanical life form, it is not difficult to see a lot of beauty that only women possess from her body.

But compared to the so-called charm, Xuan Ye was more surprised by her attitude.

The weak succumbs to the strong. This is not instinct, but a rule.

And this rule itself is not correct, especially when it comes to the human group.

Because the human group is a precisely meshed gear, a system of mutual achievement.

At this point, it is not unique to human groups. The lifestyles of many life groups follow this logic.

The same is true for the mechanical life groups in the EXE world.

This is not a problem that can be solved by self-sublimation and becoming a so-called god.

And in this case, betrayal takes on some special meaning.

This is what she looks like now.

Regalzeva, and Melvazoya's sister, Seraselbeth, chose to obey within two breaths of seeing him.

For the mechanical life in this world, this is undoubtedly a betrayal. Following the laws of the mechanical life, betrayers will be punished by dismantling their bodies.

While retaining consciousness, each part of the mechanical life's body is disassembled, and in the process, instruments are used to amplify the thinking and senses of the mechanical life, forming emotions that tire the organic life.

When all the bodies are dismantled and only the thinking module is left, this part of the existence will be placed in the system center of the EXE world as a computing resource that can be used at will.

At that time, the mechanical life will also lose its self-awareness and become a prop that can be used at will.

It may not sound like much, but that's because those who are not mechanical beings cannot understand the fear of this punishment for mechanical beings.

This is like a person being executed by Ling Chi, and he will never die in the process of punishment. During this process, the person's spirit will remain in an absolutely awake state, and the senses of consciousness will be amplified dozens of times!

Faced with such a punishment, an ordinary person would only survive a quarter of the process before fainting or dying directly. However, if the body's senses are amplified dozens of times and the person remains awake, it may be possible to kill someone with just one knife. A complete mental breakdown.

But you cannot completely collapse, and you will completely feel the process of pain being born, spreading and even continuing.

That's probably what happened. Just thinking about it makes people feel cold and shiver.

In the face of the laws enacted on mechanical life, even the three brothers and sisters, who are the apex of mechanical life, cannot avoid it.

Because this is a program that is the core of these mechanical lives.

At this moment, what Seraselbeth did undoubtedly violated the laws of mechanical life. If Xuan Ye hadn't suppressed the legal procedures engraved in her core, then at this moment Seraselbeth would have begun to dismantle herself. .

It is precisely because as a mechanical life, although it has its own thinking, it is an alternative topic.

It is precisely because of this that the laws of mechanical life are like rules that restrict the behavior of mechanical life.

That's why Xuan Ye was surprised by the behavior of Serasel Bess in front of him.

But it is not incomprehensible.

Among the three evil mechanical gods in the EXE world, Seraselbeth, the younger sister, has a different way of thinking from her two brothers.

Although there is no difference in essence, many worlds have been destroyed in the hands of Seraselbeth, and she has also taken the initiative to conquer and destroy many worlds.

In terms of exploring and destroying other worlds, there is no difference between Seraselbeth, her sister, and her two brothers.

It's just that compared to the somewhat "stupid" brothers Regalzeva and Melvazoya, Seraselbeth's way of thinking is more flexible.

But it's still a bit surprising to offer one's loyalty as soon as they meet.

But Xuan Ye didn't care very much.

He is not worried about Seraselbeth's possible betrayal in the future, as evidenced by Gurvadora, one of the Five Evils who has been transformed into a mutant life form.

"Very well, your answer satisfies me."

Xuan Ye smiled slightly, and Seraselbeth in front of him lowered his head again.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir!"

Can't compete at all!

The first time she saw the other person, her system almost overloaded!

Any calculation is useless, and the huge and incomprehensible message is simply not something her system can bear.

In just one moment, she almost collapsed!

Obviously, the other party is simply not something she and her two brothers can compete with!

Before seeing each other, she had already noticed that her two brothers had been defeated.

Through the contact between brother and sister, she knew very well that her two brothers had been ravaged until only one head was left, but they were not dead yet.

Although the body has been damaged to the point of being unusable, the core modules still exist.

Those people didn't seem to have any intention of killing them completely, but many of the guys from Jidu Qihai and Luohu Qiyao died, as well as her family members.

But this is not a big deal, it is just a dependent. As long as there are enough materials and time, a dependent of that level can be re-created at any time, but there is a difference in strength.

But as long as we can obtain the power of the master in front of us, Huo Yu, then dependents of that level can be continuously produced as works on the assembly line!

Feeling the flames beating on her core module, the trace of fire source power, Seraselbeth has seen a new world that she has never seen before!

As long as she can completely absorb and control this power, she will completely surpass her two brothers and step into a new world!

And she only needs to give her absolute loyalty and belief!

This is nothing to her!

She and her brother have been constantly searching for new planets and executing orders of destruction in the past, in order to find a new path!

She and her brother have reached the top of their current path. No matter how they upgrade their bodies, their strength cannot change, so they have been exploring other planets and actual existences in order to find the possibility of extending the path.

Now, she found it!

As long as she can succeed, then she can move forward instead of being stuck at this end!

Seraselbeth thought she understood what she had to pay for, but in fact she had no idea at all.

But that's not important, everything is in Xuan Ye's plan.

Even if Seraselbeth's surrender was not part of the original plan, it was not an important matter in itself.

No matter whether he surrenders or not, he can't change Xuan Ye's original plan for the ending of these three mechanical evil gods in the EXE world!

Seraselbeth's surrender is just a big step closer to the ending.

Xuan Ye would not waste these three mechanical evil gods who actually had mid-Qingxu combat effectiveness!

But what happened next had nothing to do with her, Kurogane would take care of everything.

As for the trace of fire source power, it is another experiment.

The outcome is not important, what is important is the existence of the process.

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