Although I haven't done anything like this for a while, it was still handled perfectly.

This is not the first time, but the origin this time is different from the similar things he has done in the past.

He is no stranger to this kind of thing, and he is naturally very comfortable in operating it.

Now, prepare to finish, and then return to the original future.

The end point is not in this time and space, but in the original future.

At the same time, in the future, the border of the world.

This is not the border of the world in the true sense, but the limit of where the mysterious power can set foot.

As long as you step over this border, all powers that transcend common sense will lose their original mystery. No matter how powerful a person is, he is just an ordinary person when he gets here.

In the DXD world, there is another name here, outside the power of the world, the prison of the exiled!

But this limitation is not a problem for Morgan.

She is not from this world at all, and the power she holds does not belong to this world. The rules of this world cannot restrict her at all.

What's more, the power of [Hell] and [Heaven] has penetrated into this world.

This time she was alone. She didn't ask Lily to come with her. It was just a god, and she alone was enough.

With a thought in his mind, Morgan took a step forward, and a mysterious magic circle instantly appeared under his feet, blooming with brilliant colors.

When she came to this land, she noticed something unusual here.

Barriers, magic circles, and powers that are not of this world.

A power that has the same nature as the Holy Light should essentially be a derivative of the power of light. However, from a perceptual perspective, this power is somewhat strange and has some characteristics similar to power.

According to the information, this god from another world is the so-called Holy Mother God, but why does this power make her feel a little... annoying?

Forget it, let’s capture her first!

Because she had to teach the child Le Fay, she was already late. She was dragging it on. It was her fault to wait for the adults to come back and not finish what should have been done!

The next second, the magic circle under Morgan's feet burst out with dazzling light. Then, the dazzling light formed several magic ribbons, directly crossing the other side of the border and extending deeper. Wherever the magic ribbons passed, they left behind Tiny scratches, invisible barriers and magic circles were revealed at this moment, resisting the continuous attacks of the magic ribbon, but in less than two breaths, the barriers and magic circles were instantly broken, and they were originally covered by the woods and mountains. The front of the decoration instantly reveals its true appearance, a beautiful garden!

And in the center of the garden, among the huge flowers, the naked god like a pure white flower slowly opened his green eyes.

The Holy Mother God from the EXE world!Qi Mu Nei·Qi Pao Fei!

210 Three, Rias’s troubles! Himejima Akeno’s joy!

The future, the demon world.

For many reasons, all the demons outside the current Demon World Bar have been summoned back.

The same goes for Rias, who is currently in the demon world, not just her, but also Akeno Himejima and others who are her dependents.

Except for a few family members who haven't come back due to some things, most of the family members are almost here.

Only the child, the kitten, is not here.

She also returned to the demon world, but he was not with her at the moment.

After all, the kitten belongs to Lady Gurefia. If it hadn't been for an accidental opportunity in the past, Rias realized that her brother was not the strongest in the demon world. There was another one above the four demon kings who could crush the four. The Great Demon King was so powerful that she didn't even know that the legendary existence was actually still alive, instead of disappearing into the history of the demon world with the destruction of the old demon clan.

The silver Queen of Annihilation, the devil in the devil's mouth, the true strongest in the demon world, the existence above the transcendent, the last Lucifer of the old demon clan!Greyfia Lucifergus!

The kitten is gone now. It is said that some adult needs the kitten for something.

She didn't know what it was, and it was hard to ask.

Although she has a good relationship with Kitty, it is an adult's business after all, and she is not qualified to do so, even more so now.

But she guessed it was something about Sister Kitten.

When she returned to the demon world, she saw the other party. Although it was just a face-to-face encounter, the other party did say hello to her, and there was also a little princess from Kyoto with her.

Rias was very worried at this moment, not because of the kitten, but because of her friend.

Her friend actually became the leader of the demon world. The sudden change in status took her a long time to accept this reality after she learned about it.

But this kind of thing is too dreamy, and accepting it doesn't mean that it's all over.

Not to mention that it wasn't just the changes in her friends that made her worried and distressed.

The world outside the world, the real [Heaven] and [Hell], and the real [Omniscient and Almighty Lord]!

The heaven in their world was even part of each other in the past, but now it should be said to be heaven.

Yesterday, Heaven announced this to the world. Heaven was renamed Heaven. Although in the past, the existence of Heaven was called Heaven in the mouths of believers of God, Heaven is Heaven, and Heaven is just a kind of Describe, and now, the heaven in their world has truly become the kingdom of heaven.

Yesterday, she followed Cang Na to see the Kingdom of Heaven. The power possessed by the Kingdom of Heaven made it difficult for her to calm down even now.

All the way to the end, until she left the kingdom of heaven, every angel she saw had the strength of the highest-level demon. Demon king-level existences could be seen everywhere, and even transcenders were not that rare.

However, in heaven, transcendents are also called archangels.

She was no stranger to the power of hell and the methods of cultivation, but it was precisely because of this that the power of heaven surprised her even more.

If it weren't for the [Lord]'s order, then the original demon world would have been wiped out by the heaven at that time. After all, the heaven has such terrifying power!

And the demon world at that time was undoubtedly the one that the heaven wanted to take revenge on the most!

The death of the celestial god was due to the demon world. Although the celestial god has returned, she is still a lovely girl and even has a good relationship with that Lady Gurefia.


Himejima Akeno's voice broke Rias's worried thoughts.

She walked slowly, with a smile on her face. Her plump legs, wrapped in slightly translucent black stockings under her skirt, kept pace with the situation, and the contact between the soles of her shoes and the ground made a crisp and rhythmic sound.

She is in a good mood recently. Cousin Suzaku has recovered a little bit, and her mother has come back from the dead!

Her mother's death was just a lie by her father to protect her mother's safety. In fact, her mother had been watching her in the dark all these years!

And she had always misunderstood her father. Although she still felt a little unhappy, the most important thing to her was that her mother was back.

It's just that Cousin Suzaku is a little emotional. After all, the Himejima family's destruction is real.

But she just doesn't have any good impressions of the Himejima family.

It was the Himejima family who wanted to kill his mother in the first place. Even if his mother's death was just a lie, the Himejima family was the one who attacked his mother in the first place!

Therefore, even if the death of the mother was a lie by the father, the Himejima family's thoughts and actions of wanting to kill the mother are real!

Mother also said that if my father hadn't made a magical artifact for mother in Uncle Azazel, then it would have been impossible for my mother to deceive the Himejima family from their hands. I have lived in the dark until now!

If the Himejima family hadn't been destroyed and ceased to exist, then she, who had regained her true power, would want to go to the Himejima family and let some of the bastards from the Himejima family have a taste of her current strength!

"Akeno, you seem to be in a good mood."

Seeing her friend approaching, Rias immediately put away her worries and showed a faint smile.

But her expression just now had already been noticed by Akeno Himejima. She smiled faintly, then sat down next to Rias, and her plump body wrapped in clothes gently pressed against her best friend's body. Go up.

Feeling Himejima Akeno's somewhat intimate move, Rias blushed slightly, but did not push Himejima Akeno away. Instead, she stretched out a hand and gently touched Himejima Akeno's soft and sensual touch. The whole body is gently nestled in the arms of his best friend.

After all, she and Akeno are good friends. They have done things like bathing together and sleeping together. Just a hug or something is nothing.

Although this is not the first time something like this has happened, it makes people a little shy every time.

But it feels very comfortable to hold Akeno's body~

So soft, it reminds me of the feeling of holding a kitten in my arms sometimes.

"Do you need a little comfort from me?"

Himejima Akeno smiled slightly, raised a hand and gently stroked her friend's hair, feeling the hair sliding across her skin, and her heart was slightly trembling.

Rias is so cute~

Rias is her best friend, and as a good friend, she knows very well about her best friend's thoughts. She may make some mistakes, but she can still be consistent.

The sudden changes in the demon world, as well as the changes in this world, a series of changes came one after another, which were too many to accept, and it was not surprising to even feel worried.

She was the same, and had similar worries to Rias. If she didn't have a mother, then she would probably be worrying about some completely unnecessary things like Rias at the moment.

But Rias is different from her

Rias's mother, Mrs. Venelana, and Rias's brother have been busy with various actions in the demon world recently, and they can't spare any time to care about Rias.

Under Cang Na's command, everyone in the Demon World is very busy now.

Sona is very capable when it comes to summoning people. In this regard, she has no mercy for her sister. Recently, she can always see or hear the complaints of Serafall-sama. , even complaining about his sister.

This was something that was not seen in the past. After all, the Demon King was a well-known super girl control before this.

"never mind."

Rias shook her head slightly, then narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I'm fine, I just need some time. Now just let me lie in your arms for a while, Akeno."

Along with the increasingly lighter murmur, Rias slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep in Himejima Akeno's arms.

Himejima Akeno watched tenderly as her friend found peace in her arms, and her recent smile vaguely revealed a touch of motherhood.

Rias is so cute~

If her sexual orientation is not normal, then she really wants to tell her mother and ask her father to help her propose a kiss to Rias's house or something.

But just think about this kind of thing in your mind, Rias's sexual orientation is also normal.

But I still have things to do next.

Not only is there action in the demon world, there are also actions on the fallen angel side. Although it is much easier than the demon world, as her father's daughter, and her father is a high-ranking official on the fallen angel side, she, as a daughter, also agreed to her father's help in the past. , and it’s hard to refuse.

But now she has to take care of Rias again.

Leaving at this time would make Rias sad.'s better to talk to her father. For her, Rias is more important.

Speaking of which, Kiba hasn't returned from heaven yet, and I don't know if his matter has been resolved.

However, does Michael-sama guarantee that there will be no problem with Kiba's matter.

After all, Lord Seraph is the same powerful being as Lord Grayfia in the history and legend of the demon world. He belongs to the legendary dragon and is equivalent to the great red.

The change of time is really scary. Even though I have calmed down, I still feel unreal every time I think about it.

But what is even more unexpected is classmate Xuan Ye. Who would have known that the master who rules [Heaven] and [Hell] actually went to Kuoh High School as a student and hooked up with two cute girls.

Even right under Miss Jeanne's nose, but not discovered by Miss Jeanne.

According to Miss Joan of Arc, if classmate Xuan Ye hadn't taken the initiative to show up, he would have passed by.

I really want to get to know classmate Xuan Ye...

As if thinking of something, Himejima Akeno's face turned slightly red, and then she quickly lowered her head and looked into her arms.

Rias slept peacefully, nothing strange happened.


However, Himejima Akeno's face became a little rosier, and she bit her lip lightly, revealing her white teeth.

I really like to think wildly.

210 Four, Odin’s decision! Changes in the demon world!

Future time and space, demon world, Demon King's City.

At this moment, the entire demon world is already under the control of Shitso Sona.

Every order she gave spreads through the demon world at a terrifying speed, and the demon world also changes rapidly with every order Shitori Sona gives.

The demon world at this moment is like the legendary Holy Grail, responding to Shitori Sona's "wishes" in an incomprehensible way.

Being able to do this is not only because all the demons in the demon world are convinced of Shitori Sona's powerful strength, but also because before Shitori Sona took control of the demon world, Gurefia had already paved the way for the future controller of the demon world.

But at that time, Gurefia didn't know that the person who would take over the path she had paved would actually be Serafall's sister, Shitori Sona.

But it didn't matter to her who it was, she was just completing the orders given by Xuan Ye, that's all.

Before all this, Sirzechs, one of the demon kings, was aware of Gurefia's actions, but what Gurefia did was far more than he thought, and it was even more shocking. to "fear".

Even the Gremory family behind him was a member of it, and as a member of the family, he didn't even know about it.

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