"Are you all right!"

A gentle female voice suddenly sounded, giving people a warm feeling just like the sudden appearance of the flag.

Joan of Arc appeared in front of the two of them, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the two of them were still alive.

Fortunately she caught up!


Jeanne opened her eyes slightly, just like Shitori Sona and Shinra Tsubaki who saw Jeanne clearly at this moment.

Two words came out of Shitori Sona and Jeanne's mouth at the same time.

"Devil!" "Angel!"

At this moment, Shinra Chunji had no ability to speak at all, she just stared blankly at Jeanne.


150 Two, the inheritance of the name of Joan of Arc! Weak devil!

"Which saint of the French war do you think you are! Which Joan of Arc in history!?"

As a demon, Shitori Sona has seen a lot of things. Because of the long lifespan of demons, history that is somewhat out of reach for humans is not a distant past for her as a demon.


This was the first time she had seen such a thing, and Joan of Arc and so on... it was really beyond other people's imagination!

However, she does know about the inheritance of the name of [Joan of Arc], which is a way of inheriting the name of a saint. The person who gets the name of [Joan of Arc] is the Joan of Arc of this generation. In this world, such people still There is another name, that is, descendants of heroes.

But in history, Joan of Arc did not leave any heirs, and everything about her was annihilated in that unclean fire.

Therefore, the inheritance of the name [Joan of Arc] is full of mystery. She does not know how the name of [Joan of Arc] is passed down, but she understands that in every era, there are people who have inherited the name of [Joan of Arc]. The existence of name!

This era should be no exception.

And before she left the demon world and came to Kuoh Town, she had heard some things about Joan of Arc in this era.

But now that the [Jane of Arc] of this era has appeared, what about the Joan of Arc who saved her and Chun Ji in front of her?

She has no doubt about the identity of the other party as Jeanne d'Arc. Although it is just a feeling, holding the iris flower flag that no later generations of [Jeanne d'Arc] have in the legend and the red lotus sword at the waist, the person in front of her thinks everything. Joan of Arc!

In this world, there are also rumors about the existence of Joan of Arc, but the most legendary one is the Holy Sword that has never killed anyone, also known as the Red Lotus Holy Sword.

The latter is a common saying among the general public, while the former is the title given to the sword by the church after it rehabilitated Joan of Arc.

Moreover, the sword was recovered by the church and is still in the church.

Rumor has it that there was a generation of [Joan of Arc] who wanted to obtain the legendary sword from the church on the grounds that she had inherited the name of [Joan of Arc], but was rejected and even had a conflict with the church. No one knows what the final outcome was, but the [Joan of Arc] of that era later fell into silence. It was not until the emergence of the next generation of [Joan of Arc] that people realized that she was still alive, but in a precarious state.

And with the birth of the next generation [Jane of Arc], she, as the previous generation [Jane of Arc], has also reached the end of her life.

Faced with doubts and questions, Jeanne's attitude was just to blink her eyes.

Because she couldn't understand what the other person said at all.

But not all, she still understood some things.

There are existences in this world that are similar to her as Joan of Arc, and the Joan of Arc at this time ended up in that fire just like her.

But Joan of Arc in this world has become a symbol, and it is continuously passed down in the name of [Joan of Arc].

This is different from her. After death, she became a heroic spirit, and now the [Holy Spirit], an angel who wields a sword for the [Lord]!

But now she is not qualified enough to be called an angel. Although she is practicing hard, after being transformed by the power of the [Holy Spirit], her rank is only that of an upper-level angel.

It is not powerful among all the [Holy Spirits].

But it seems to be enough in this world.

Which two demons...well...the two demons in front of me at this time called the superior Lost Demon. In her opinion, she was completely unworthy of the rank of superior. And according to the two demons in front of her, she was the superior. One of the demons is an intermediate demon. In her opinion, the strength of the two is not worthy of such a level. The so-called upper-level demons are not as good as the intermediate demons in [Hell]. This is even more true for the intermediate demons. Ordinary lower-level demons are better than her. Be strong!

Although she mostly lived in [Heaven Realm], [Moon World] and [Heaven Realm], and rarely set foot in [Hell], she couldn't bear the other one and didn't choose [Heaven Realm], let alone become an [Angel], but chose [Hell], in the form of [Holy Spirit], becomes the power to gain [Devil].

That is her freedom, and the freedom of every [Holy Spirit], not to mention whether they are [Angels] or [Demons], as [Holy Spirits] they are still warriors under the [Lord].

What the [Holy Spirit] serves is never [Heaven] and [Hell], but the [Lord] who built it all!

It was also because of her other self that she was no stranger to some things in [Hell], not to mention that the other party often promoted the power of [Devil] in front of her just to make her angry.

Obviously the power of [Devil] and [Angel] comes from the power of the [Lord]...

The night becomes more and more intense as time goes by, and it brings not only the tranquility of the night, but also hunger for Jeanne.

Even as a [Holy Spirit], she still feels hungry.

This is her choice, because she wants to become an [angel] while being more inclined to humans.

So, as the somewhat shameful voice sounded, she blushed, lowered her head slightly, and whispered, "Can you prepare some food for me? Consider it a thank you gift for helping you?"

As soon as she finished saying this, Jeanne couldn't help but feel her cheeks burning hot.


Looking at Jeanne d'Arc in front of him, the strangeness in Chitori Cang's heart became more and more intense.

Is this really Joan of Arc?

Such doubts did not make her suspicious, but made her even more convinced that the person in front of her was really the Saint Joan of Arc!

The reason, the reason, she can't say it now. All the conjectures at the moment originate from her feeling.

A saying that can be called a panacea, the so-called sixth sense of women.

More importantly, as Joan of Arc, she didn't do anything to them as demons!

She is fully capable of killing her, Chun Ji, and everyone else she felt as easily as she killed the two lost demons.

They almost died from the lost demons. They were no match for each other, but the other side didn't do this at all. Even after realizing that they were demons, they didn't say anything.


The light emanating from this Saint Joan of Arc is so warm. She is obviously an [angel], but the light she emits actually makes her, as a devil, feel a warmth she has never experienced before...

"I know, Miss Joan of Arc, I will prepare it for you as soon as possible."

A smile appeared on Shitori Sona's face, it was so impeccable.

"Then...I'm sorry to trouble you."

Jeanne nodded her head vigorously, the blush on her cheeks still not dissipating.

In Shitori Sona's eyes, she was actually a little cute like this, not so out of reach.

But isn’t that what it is now?

She was so close, even now, she could still feel the warmth radiating from the other person's body.

He's obviously an angel...


Suddenly realizing something, Shitori Sona suddenly opened her eyes.

"Angel?!" "Huh?"

Joan of Arc didn't know why. If she remembered correctly, shouldn't the other party know?

However, she nodded her head subconsciously, and then slightly raised her towering chest, and her beautiful face with a bit of blush showed a bit of pride. "Yes, I am an [angel] under [the Lord]!"

150 Three, secrets revealed! Invasion without instructions!

"Miss Jeanne doesn't exist in this world?!"

Shitori Sona's eyes widened, and her raised hand couldn't help but tremble.

Is there really another world?

The existence outside the world, or the universe.

The latter is a [new world] they have never set foot in!

Because neither demons nor fallen angels, nor the angels from the heaven closest to the universe, have ever set foot in the existence of the universe.

Because at the border of the sky is the territory of the person recognized as the strongest in the world!

In the area known as the dimensional gap, there is a terrifying existence named the True Red Dragon God Emperor!

It is the last line of defense between the sky and the universe, and it is also the land that no one can touch!

Because of its existence, no one crosses the sky and goes to the so-called [universe]!

Human observation of the starry sky is nothing but a false existence. Of course, it may be real!

Because until now, no one knows whether the concept of the universe is the opposite of the dimensional gap where the true Red Dragon God Emperor lives!

Although no one has set foot on the existence of the universe, discussions and conjectures about the [new world] that may exist in the universe have been around since very early times, but now, few people are delusional about the so-called universe.

There are still too many secrets in the world that accommodates them that have not yet been revealed. How can we dream about a universe that is still unknown?

What's more, no one can cross the last obstacle in the sky and defeat the true Red Dragon God Emperor who lives in the gap between dimensions!

But now, she really heard the existence of another world, from the mouth of a hero who had disappeared long ago!

"Miss Shitori Sona, are you curious?"

Jeanne blinked, put down the food in her hands, and smiled slightly.

"If Miss Shitori Sona is interested, I can talk to you."

"is it okay!"

Shitori Sona couldn't help but stand up, her eyes wide open full of surprise and astonishment.

Can you really tell her something that sounds so unusual?

At this moment, other people present also had similar emotions to Shitori Sona.

In another world, no matter how you think about it, there are secrets that cannot be disclosed at will, but this Miss Joan of Arc can actually say such words in such a relaxed tone? !

The people present were all members of Shitori Sona, all girls.

Even the injured Shinra Tsubaki is here, the only one who belongs to Rias.

For some reasons, Shitori Sona did not reveal Jeanne's existence to Rias's family members who came with her family members. She chose to conceal it. Under some excuses, Rias's family members who had logged in had already returned.

Therefore, the people here are all her dependents, and they are trustworthy people.

The barrier unfolded in an instant, completely sealing off the surrounding area. Anyone approaching would trigger an alarm in the barrier, unless the person coming was much stronger than Shitori Sona!

"Don't be so surprised, right?"

Joan of Arc also felt the existence of the barrier, and couldn't help but wonder about the power system of this world.

People in this world are too rough in their use of energy, right?

The existence of this enchantment is like the masterpiece of a beginner to her, and it is even said that most beginners can cast a more perfect enchantment than this enchantment.


Looking at the curious eyes of such a person, Joan of Arc did not dwell on this issue for too long.

"I do not exist in this world, but a person from another world, so as Jeanne d'Arc, I am not the Jeanne d'Arc of your world."

Although I have never read a book, I don’t know a few Chinese characters.

But that was her as a heroic spirit, and she is no longer what she used to be!

Although they still haven’t read a book, as the [Holy Spirit] under the Lord, God-given knowledge is one of their talents!

Relying on this ability, they can obtain all kinds of information from the world at will!

Although it is limited to the world under the [Lord] universe, in the original universe, she relied on this talent to learn a lot of things.

Although there is still a lot of knowledge that she cannot understand, explaining the glory of the supreme [Lord] is something that she can naturally do as a believer!

In Joan of Arc's words, the existence of another world gradually unfolded in their hearts.

[Lord], [Heaven], [Hell], [Satan]....

A comfortable, familiar existence, a strange and scary existence.

As Jeanne's words ended, everyone's faces turned pale and they were silent for a long time.

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